What do I have to consider when changing jobs?

What do I have to consider when changing jobs?

By Published On: 5. December 2023


So, are you thinking about changing jobs? It can be an exciting time, but also one that requires a lot of thought to make sure everything goes smoothly. Changing jobs isn't just jumping in at the deep end - there's a lot to think about before you take the plunge. From the right timing and reasons for the change to the financial implications and the legal framework - you don't want to put your foot in your mouth, do you? And once you've landed the new job, it's important to make a great impression and rock the first few days. But don't panic! We'll chat here about all the important points you should keep in mind before you take the next professional step. Relax, here you get the all-round carefree package for your job change. Let's go!

Correctly evaluate reasons for a job change

Changing jobs can affect your life in many ways - both positively and negatively. It is therefore extremely important that you are clear about your motives. Ask yourself: Am I ready for something new, or do I just want to get away from my current job? Change is all well and good, but only if it really helps you move forward. Let's take a look at how you can get the reasons for a job change right.

Analyze dissatisfaction in your current job

So, honestly, if you're frustrated and get up on the wrong side of the bed every day because you're in the mood for something new, maybe it's time for a change. But before you turn your boss down, take the time to find out what's really pissing you off. Is it your job itself, the team, or is it the day-to-day tasks that bore you?

It is not uncommon for dissatisfaction to be caused by misunderstandings or even very simple things that can be resolved with a clear conversation - chek how to promote self-efficacy to get the best out of your current situation. However, if your job misery lies deeper, such as a lack of appreciation or too little money for your efforts, then a job change could actually be the right solution.

Define personal and professional goals

You should be clear about your goals so that you don't end up in the next trap when you change jobs. What do you expect from your new job? What steps do you want to take next in your career? Make a list of what you want to achieve - specifically: a better position, a higher salary or more flexi-time for your private life?

Here it is also smart to look at the Arguments to look atthat others have already successfully put forward in order to check what matters to you and how you could convey this in your introductory whisper. And remember: set realistic goals that suit you and your current life situation. Only if you really know what you want and why can you find a good match for yourself and not end up in the same situation as before, just with a different letterhead.

So, now that you've tackled your dissatisfaction and clearly defined your goals, you're all set for your job change. But keep your hooves firmly in the sand; there's a lot more to consider before you take the career leap. Let's see what awaits you next.

Remember: check every step carefully, don't rush and always keep a cool head. That way, you'll be well prepared to set off for new shores, where the wind at work is fresher and the grass is perhaps a little greener.

Choosing the right time to change jobs

Timing plays a key role when thinking about a job change. Because even if you're ready for change on the inside, the timing on the outside can determine whether your move is a complete success or a disaster. It's not just about when you feel ready - market conditions, industry trends and personal issues all play an important role.

Considering the market situation and industry trends

To find the perfect moment to change jobs, you should keep an eye on the economic situation. How is your industry doing? Is it growing or are jobs scarce? Are certain skills in high demand right now? If you want to be ahead of the game, check out the Trend Report Job Change Trends 2023 to see which skills are hot right now and where the job market is heading. But be careful, dude! Make sure you don't just chase trends, but also choose something that suits you in the long term.

It's also smart to keep an eye on the general economic and job situation. While companies are scrambling for talent in boom times, things can look bleak in times of crisis. If there's a wave of redundancies or a downturn in the economy, the risk of a job change could be higher. You'll want to double check that you've got a good chance before you embark on the adventure.

Include private circumstances

But let's be honest, the best market analysis won't do you any good if things are going haywire at home. Changing jobs means stress, no question. Have you just bought a house, got a mini-me or are you about to make another big change? Then think about whether now is the right time for more turbulence. Of course, sometimes you can't plan it, but if you have the option, try to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Once your private affairs are sorted, you can start your new job more calmly and confidently. It also helps to talk about topics such as "What is Work Life Balance?" and make your ideas clear in your new job. A smart move, because balance is the be-all and end-all for long-term satisfaction, min Jung!

So, tighten your belt and think about the big picture when planning your job change. The world turns fast, and the job market with it. Stay alert and find out how to make your leap at a good time. After all, it's not just about getting any new job, but one that really takes you forward and where you can say: This is the right place for me!

And don't forget to listen to your inner voice. Because if it says: "Now it's time!", then that could be exactly the sign you need to take the plunge. Take courage - sometimes the best moves are the ones we make from our gut.

If you keep all this in mind, nothing will stand in the way of your job change. Go for it when the time is right - and then things can only go uphill!

Financial aspects of a job change

Changing jobs can be quite expensive, digga. That's why it's so important to keep an eye on the money before you take the next step. Sure, a change of job can mean that you'll soon have more money in your pocket, but until then, it could be a slow time. So, let's get on with it and see what needs to be done so that you're sitting on roses financially when the time comes.

Planning financial reserves and transition period

You don't want to be left out in the cold if there's a gap between your old job and your new one. It's clever here to put a little something on the high edge. What exactly? Well, a buffer for at least three months would be nice, so that you don't have to sit in the kitchen if the search for a new gig takes longer than expected.

And then there's the matter of the transition period itself. Because let's be honest: do you really want to hop from job to job from one day to the next without a break? It's possible that a short break, a kind of sabbatical, will do you good and recharge your batteries. You just need to check whether your finances are up to taking this break.

A tip from me: grab a pocket calculator and make a Detailed financial planning before you give notice. Also consider possible unplanned expenses - it's better to be careful than to end up in a debt hole later on.

Contract terms and salary negotiations

And now for the big elephant in the room: the ashes! Wa, how much money you'll make for your next job is a really important question. It's not just the job itself that matters, but also the money that ends up in your account at the end of the month. And here, min Jung, sensitivity is required in salary negotiations.

Don't stumble blindly into a discussion about money. First find out what is usual for your profession and your experience. Then gather arguments as to why you're worth the pennies you're asking for. Think about what you can do in your new job - that should back up your demands. Here are a few Tight tips for negotiating salary like a Harvard pro.

Now, that leaves the employment contract. Read every snippet carefully before you sign it. Take a look at what it says about working hours, overtime regulations, bonus payments and so on. And don't forget: What about further training or special benefits? All of this can also play a role in the end.

Take care of the stuff early on so that you don't stumble as soon as the change is due. Take a look at how others Salary poker mastered Maybe you'll find some clues that will help you get the most out of it. A contract is a contract, and you have to be on your toes!

Finally, the tiresome subject of taxes - make sure you know how your change will affect you from a tax perspective. Check whether there are any changes to your tax rate or what new deductions you might have to make.

So, what have we learned, right? Careful financial planning is the be-all and end-all for a successful job change. That way, you'll be prepared for all eventualities and can fully enjoy your new job without having to worry about your wallet. True to the motto: "Preparation is half the battle!"

So whatever financial steps you are planning, keep your eyes and ears open and do your homework. Then the job change won't be a nail-biter, but an opportunity to get more out of your life and career. Get going, remember your toads and then off you go - on to new adventures!

Attention, people! We're now coming to a tricky point: the legal framework for changing jobs is a real minefield that you don't want to just stumble around in blindly. It's about more than just starting your new job - it's about how to get out of your old job cleanly. And believe me, this needs to be checked so that you don't end up with one foot in jail and the other in trouble. So, let's take a look at all the bureaucratic fuss so that you don't end up in a mess.

Check notice periods and employment contract

Let's start with the obvious: Before you leave, you must first give proper notice. And that means knowing exactly which notice periods apply. There are a lot of differences, depending on what's in your contract or what the law says. Off to the lawyers - read what the Labor law on notice periods so that you know what kind of ground you're standing on.

If you're toying with the idea of changing your employer on the spur of the moment, you might be in trouble! Notice periods are there to be respected, and it's not just a polite gesture. Squeeze your buttocks together and check your employment contract - sometimes the deadlines are longer than what the law says.

And don't forget one thing: Even if you're already scratching your hooves and want to gallop off, you'd better put on your legal belt first. An employment contract is like a covenant for life - well, almost. You can iron out a lot of trouble if you work everything out according to plan.

One more thing: a termination without notice is not exactly the fine English way and is only legal in certain cases. Therefore - keep your eyes open when concluding an employment contract! And if you're not sure, ask an expert. That's better!

Understanding labor law consequences

So, first the good news: you won't normally be put in jail if you make a mistake when changing jobs. But (yes, there's always a but) you certainly don't want your old employer to resent you or worse - sue you because you made a mistake. That's why it's really important to check the employment law situation before you take your hat off and say "Bye, Chantal!".

For example, there are things like the non-disclosure agreement. Sure, in an ideal world, you'd never, ever leak company secrets - but sometimes you just blab without realizing it. So, keep your mouth shut and keep your secrets in the safe, even after you've shot your old job to the moon.

Then there's something nice like the non-compete clause. This means you may not be allowed to do similar jobs for a while or start working for the competition. Stupid, yup, but that can be the reality. Don't tinker with your career ladder and ignore the small print, because otherwise the next rung could go down and not up.

And finally - stay clean! Employers talk to each other, believe me. An unpleasant separation can linger longer than an old garlic flag. Leave your job with style and dignity, even if your insides are tingling and you want to pop a bottle of bubbly.

In this sense: make it a habit to think first, then jump. Don't take it too hard, but take it seriously. That way, you'll march to your new dream job without any legal red eyes - and you can show them what a rake you are!

To summarize: Notice periods must be observed and the devil is in the detail - so close your eyes and fight through the small print. Always keep in mind that your job change is more than just a simple change of office chair. It's a move into a new phase of your life that you want to start on safe legal ground. And it's not about "It'll all go wrong!", it's about "It's all safe!".

With all the roaring applause for your bold move, I'd like to give you a little tip: The legal framework is not rocket science, it's really just a checklist for your leap into the cool waters of a new job. So hop to it, check your stuff and with a little care and skill, you'll be in the fast lane just as quickly as you imagined!

Use a professional network to change jobs

Listen, buddy, when it comes to changing jobs, networking isn't old hat, it's a real ace up your sleeve. Sure, your skills have to be right, but without the right contacts, you could see your next dream job go down the drain. The days when you could only score points with a good application are over - today, "who knows who" is often just as important as "what can I do". So, buckle up, I'll show you how to use your network properly to get a head start on the job market.

Contacts with industry insiders and former colleagues

Do you remember the guy from the last specialist conference or your old colleague from the controlling department? People like that could be worth their weight in gold right now. Former colleagues and industry insiders often have insider information about vacancies before they are even advertised. This isn't about vitamin B in the sleazy way - no sir! It's about cultivating genuine relationships based on trust and mutual respect.

Start with the people you already know. How about an informal coffee to discuss the current job market? Or get involved in professional discussions on LinkedIn to emphasize your expert status. And remember, it's a two-way street - offer to help if someone in your network needs support. That's how smart networking really works. Check out what the pros have to say on the subject and get Tips for effective networking.

Relevance of recommendations and references

A personal recommendation can open more doors than the best CV. When a respected industry colleague or former executive speaks well of you, it's like a golden ticket. Companies rely on referrals because they minimize risk - someone who is already recommended by a trusted person brings a kind of seal of quality.

Let your network know you're looking and ask directly if they know anyone who knows anyone - you know the old song. And don't forget: When you ask someone for a reference, be specific. Which of your skills do they want to highlight? In what light do you want to appear? Clarity is the key here.

Before we move on to the next big step, let me give you a quick tip: Networking never stops, my friend! Even if you've changed jobs, stay in touch and continue to cultivate your relationships. Networks are alive, and who knows, you might soon be able to do someone else a favor with your contacts. So, put aside your shyness, get in touch with your old companions and expand your professional network - it will pay off!

Now you know how to get your network in shape for the job change. And always remember, there is strength in tranquillity. A slowly and carefully built network based on real connections is an invaluable tool in your career.

Well, you're already in the best possible position for your job search. But don't rush it - networking properly takes time and doesn't work overnight. But now, enough of this babbling, get to work and show your old and new colleagues what you're made of!

Next, we turn to another crucial topic - strategic preparation. Because without the right tools, you're like a knight without a sword in the battle for the castle of the job market! But more on this in the next section...

Strategic preparation for the job change

Sure, dude, spontaneous actions have their appeal, but when it comes to changing jobs, brains are required. As with any good campaign, you need a strategy to optimize your chances on the job market. And that's exactly what we're going to talk about now: How do you prepare yourself so that you stand out from the crowd of applicants like a shining one-man fire show? Let's get to it!

Update your CV and application documents

Your CV is like your business card, buddy. It shows what you've got and that you'd be a great asset to any employer. But when was the last time you updated it? If you're like most people, probably ages ago. So, get to work: every position, every training course, every project needs to be brought up to date. And please: Make it appealing! Nobody likes a CV that looks like a shopping list.

The same applies to your application documents - including a letter of motivation. Show who you are and why you are the right violin in the orchestra. Keep it crisp, leave out empty phrases and get straight to the point. Who likes reading novels when a cool flyer will do? Check out the Application documents refresh tipsto give your stuff the finishing touch.

Practicing interview techniques and self-presentation

So now you have an application sentence that shines more than a bacon rind - very cool! But what happens when you're invited for an interview? Will you stand there like an ox in front of a mountain or will you handle it with confidence? Practice how you present yourself in the interview. Your body language, your pace of speech, your look - everything counts, trust me. Don't be stiff as a board, but don't be too casual either - find the middle ground. And don't give any commands to yourself, just stay human.

Practice makes perfect, so practise in front of the mirror or with a friend how you would answer typical interview questions. Also take a look at guides on how to get your points across clearly - for example "How to be convincing in a job interview" (but without the question marks, right?).

Remember one thing: authenticity wins. A memorized script sounds as sexy as an early evening series from the nineties. Tell your story like it's the most exciting thing you've ever told. Make people want more - show that you're up for the job and have a lot of energy. You're a rocket, ready to take off. But do yourself a favor and inform yourself about self-confidencethat makes a good first impression.

Well, you're well on your way to being one step ahead when it comes to changing jobs. Stay on the ball, keep your application smart and learn a few interview tricks. The plan is in place - now just execute it. Let's get on with it!

Are you ready for the next step? Great! With the right preparation, you can start the "new job" mission in a tactically clever way. And remember, Rome wasn't built in a day either. Give yourself time to tweak and screw, then you'll be fine. Tchakka, you can do it!

Okay, my dears, it's time to lie in wait and scour the job market. But hold your horses: You're not just stalking any job - no, you're looking for the jackpot, the perfect job that makes you clap your hands and say, "Bingo! This is my hunting ground!" Let's go hunting, but with style and a solid plan so you don't just come home with small fish. So, open your eyes and off you go into the jungle of job opportunities!

Using job portals and job advertisements effectively

In the digital age, your first port of call is probably the internet. Scouring through pages and pages of job advertisements can get you the odd gray area, but sometimes that's how you find the real gems. Grab your head and become a Sherlock on the web. Sites like Indeed, Monster or StepStone can help you a lot - if you know how to use them properly. Use filters such as job category or region to narrow down your search and make sure you set up search agents to send suitable jobs straight to your inbox. Take a look at the Comparative study of various job portals can also help you decide which are the best platforms for your industry.

And don't make the mistake of relying on just one site - cross-check your luck! Combining different job boards increases your chances of finding the right one. Also remember that not all jobs can be found online. Some companies only post their hottest vacancies on their own website, so treat yourself to a tour of the careers pages of your chosen company.

Unsolicited applications and headhunters

If you don't want to squeeze yourself into a can like sardines and drown in the sea of applicants, then turn the tables. How about an unsolicited application? Just be cheeky and send over a CV on the off chance - perhaps at the exact moment when the boss thinks: "Damn, I need a new superhero in the team!" And when you come around the corner with your skills - BAM! Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and land a direct hit.

Of course, you can also bite the bullet and grab a headhunter. These guys and gals are like truffle pigs, sniffing out the jewels of the job landscape for you. They usually have good contacts and know where to look - but be warned, some of them can be quite persistent. Nevertheless, check out how Headhunter for your career can be useful. Just for example, no!

Watch out and stand still! You now have a treasure map for your job search: Browse through internet portals, use unsolicited applications as a secret weapon and maybe throw a headhunter into the ring. With this three-course menu, you have the best cards for the main prize - the job that not only feeds you, but also makes you full and satisfied. So, go for it and conquer the job market with flying colors!

Okay, toots, that's it for today on the job front. Always remember, the best fisherman is the one who lands the biggest fish - so don't be shy, break out of your comfort zone and fish for the job that really suits you. Then you'll not only have made a big haul, you'll also have had a lot of fun. See you next time, job hunters!

Dealing with the current employer

Well, here we are, in the middle of a job change adventure! But take a step back before you start your new job - because your current employer is still there. You should deal with them smartly so that you say goodbye cleanly and with respect. So, how do you say "Tschau Kakao" without burning bridges? Let's take a look!

Communicate your termination professionally and diplomatically

It's not just a job change, it's also a breakup - and breakups are rarely easy, friend. Communicating your resignation is the moment when you need real tact. No ghosting, no "it's not you, it's me" - you want to come across as a professional. So how do you go about it?

First: prepare your termination interview. Don't rush into it and don't just drop the bombshell. Take your time to formulate your reasons clearly and objectively without getting emotional. Even if you're really looking forward to your new job, you should first think about why you're leaving. Good preparation makes the interview easier - take a look at a few damn good tips for the termination interview to.

Be honest, but tactful. A termination interview is not the time for mean-spirited settlements or passionate monologues. Be direct but friendly; don't criticize the company or your boss. And don't steal paperclips as revenge - be better than that, okay?

Also make sure you seek the conversation at the right time. Not when your boss is under a lot of stress or has an important deadline coming up. Choose a quiet moment and ask for a one-on-one conversation so that you are not interrupted and both of you can take your time. Don't forget: After the interview, don't just go over to Gertrud and tell the whole company about your departure. This remains between you and the employer until it is officially communicated. Data protection and all that!

And here comes the big BUT: even if you want to leave, try to maintain a positive relationship. In other words, show that you are prepared to hand over your tasks properly and guarantee your successor a good introduction. Think about sites like "What do you write to say goodbye when you change jobs?" to make the perfect last impression.

Handover of tasks and documentation

Now it's time: Do it like a pro and take care of a smooth handover. Structured documentation of your tasks is extremely important to ensure that no one has a crisis after you. Start making a list of your day-to-day responsibilities and mark where things are burning. Don't hand over a flaming pile to someone and then leave - that's not the smart thing to do.

Prepare everything for your successor, from files to password safes. Have an induction in mind too, if time permits. And even if you've already got one foot out - don't drag your employer through the mud. It's not the time for mud-slinging or "I-told-you-so" moments.

Well-kept documentation lets your employer see that you were a team player right to the end. That pays off - in good references and a clear conscience. Plus, you show that you rock a job from start to finish, even if it's the end. Demonstrate that you won't just drive the cart into the mud, but will get out with honor. Got that?

Sure, a termination is always an emotional rollercoaster. But hey, you're here to show that you can keep your cool in tricky situations. So, keep a cool head and think about how you're going to approach your exit. With a mixture of direct communication, tact and good preparation, you'll be ready to leave your current job with style and professionalism - and hey, it'll feel pretty good too!

Well, that's it, folks, as far as dealing with the old employer is concerned. Next stop on the journey: the first few days in the new job. But shhh, not too fast, one thing at a time. Stay calm, keep your chin up and make sure you leave the old job like a rocket shooting skywards - bright and without re-entry fire. Take care and I'll see you in the next chapter.

First impressions count - this also applies to a new job. That's why it's super important to be well prepared. After all, we don't want to fidget around like a fish out of water on the first day, we want to hit the ground running. Sure, excitement is normal, but with a little know-how and preparation you can get through the first few days well and lay the foundations for a successful career at the new company. But how exactly do you master the initial period? Let's take a look!

Familiarization phase and expectation management

Okay, now you're in your new job. But now it's time to roll up your sleeves: Roll up your sleeves and don't rest on your laurels that you haven't earned yet! The induction phase is the time when you have to prove yourself. Don't panic, it sounds wilder than it is. A good induction also depends a lot on the employer. They should have a plan that makes it easy for you to get started. Check the Induction plan tips from the expertsto see what might be in store for you.

At the beginning, it is essential to clarify expectations - both yours and those of your new boss. Open communication is the be-all and end-all here! Sure, you want to shoot straight through the roof and show what you're made of, but give yourself and those around you a chance to settle in. Newbies need a little time to get to grips with everything - from the coffee machine to the last insider joke.

Remember: brute-force work at all costs is not always the smarter way. Sometimes listening and asking questions is much more valuable. And make sure you understand what the company expects of you and what the next steps are. A healthy balance between willingness to learn and ambition is the secret recipe for a good start.

Understanding corporate culture and team dynamics

And then, buddy, take a look at what makes the place tick. Every place has its own culture and way of working. Is it more casual or is everyone buttoned up to the last button? Are there fixed break times or does everyone eat when they want? All these little things make a big difference to how you fit in and feel comfortable.

Observe, listen and learn. Who are the informal leaders in the team? How do colleagues communicate? The first few days are the best time to find all this out - without putting your foot in your mouth. Take the opportunity to get to know the people and find out how you can best work with them. And don't forget: being there is everything! So get involved, be open and get involved when it comes to the lunchtime soccer team or the next team event.

One last tip? Stay yourself. Sure, you want to fit in and be part of the team, but this works best if you remain authentic and don't bend over backwards. Remember, you were hired because you are you - with all that that entails.

So, end of work for today. You're now ready to start your new job. Remember what we've talked about and you'll not only survive the first few days, you'll be able to make a real difference. And most importantly: have fun! After all, work is only part of your life. Make the most of it!

So, buddy, let's get down to brass tacks: The job change is in the bag, the first few days at the new club are done and now? Now it's all about the sausage, in other words - long-term career planning! Barely in your new job and already thinking about the big picture? Of course you can, because without a plan, nothing works in the jungle of professional life. So, let's put together our future package and see how you can pave your career path after the change.

Explore further training and development opportunities

These days, stagnation is a no-go, Brudi, so further training is the master plan. What opportunities are there in your new place? Are there seminars, workshops or can you maybe even get an additional qualification on the house? Be like a sponge, soak up everything that helps you to expand your skills. Why lifelong learning is importantWe don't need to talk about that for long, do we? It's your insurance against the uncertainties of the working world.

Sure, further training costs time and often money, but it's worth the investment, which pays big dividends. Also check whether your new employer is prepared to make a contribution - be it financial support or time off for courses. A company that invests in its employees is worth its weight in gold. So put on a magnifying glass and find out what offers you the best.

Work-life balance and personal satisfaction

And then there's something else important on the career ladder of happiness: work-life balance, my friend. Because let's be honest, what good is the best job if you're burnt out like an old New Year's Eve firecracker at the end of the day? It's not just the job that counts, your private life has to be right too. Work your overtime, sure, but don't forget that you and your needs count too. So get yourself A few fresh tips for your work-life balanceso that you don't fall by the wayside.

Check how flexible your working hours are, whether you can work from home and what your vacation arrangements are like. It's not about not keeping the company chair warm, but about ensuring that your life is and remains in balance - today and in ten years' time.

Long-term career planning after a job change is like a GPS for your professional life - it shows you the way and keeps you on track. Plant goals like trees so you can relax in the shade of your successes and not stew in the sun. Think big, plan smart and look for opportunities that will not only make you a better worker, but also a happier person.

Let's go, give your career free rein, but don't forget to keep a firm grip on the wheel. Only then will you be the boss on the highway of professional life. Dig in and make something of yourself!

Changing jobs is a big step that is often accompanied by a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. It's like a rollercoaster ride of emotions - and that's exactly why it's important to deal with uncertainty and stress in the right way. Here are a few tried-and-tested strategies to help you cope with the turmoil of change so that you don't falter on your career journey.

Strategies for coping with stress

Imagine you're standing in front of a big wave and you can already see it rolling towards you. The job change is this wave and you have to decide: Are you going to let yourself be knocked over or are you going to surf on top of it? Sure, you want to surf! But just like in real surfing life, you need the right board - in other words: effective methods for coping with stress.

First step: breathing exercises. Sounds trivial, but deep breathing actually calms your nervous system and gives you the feeling of being in control again. Then, get organized. Make lists of what needs to be done and work through them. This gives you structure and prevents chaos in your head. And don't forget the breaks! Short breaks are like oases in the stress jungle. Take a look at how you can succeed, Overcome stress in everyday lifeto collect even more techniques and ideas.

Sport is also an ingenious stress killer. The adrenaline release through physical activity helps you to feel better. So, get out of your armchair and into your sneakers! Whether it's jogging, swimming or yoga - get moving and the stress will go away.

The social safety net should also not be neglected. Snacks with friends or family time are like balm for a scarred stress soul. And if nothing else helps, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Sometimes you just need an outside professional to help you regain your balance.

But probably the most important technique is acceptance. Accept that this stage of life is simply stressful and don't let it get you down. It's okay not to be able to give 100% all the time - be lenient with yourself and the stress will automatically decrease.

Support from family and friends

What's the saying? A problem shared is a problem halved - and that also applies to the stress of changing jobs. Family and friends are like your personal cheerleading team on the sidelines. They push you when you can no longer do it yourself and are there to pull you up when you're down.

It's super important to be open about your fears and worries. The people who love you want to help you - so let them. Nothing is more uncomfortable than being alone with your worries. And the nice thing about family and friends is that they often see things that you don't notice yourself. Maybe they have a tip that's worth its weight in gold, or an angle you never thought of.

And sometimes it simply helps to switch off and spend time with them without thinking about the job change. A cozy barbecue, an evening walk or a game night can work wonders to lower stress levels. It's like a reset button for your brain and gives you new energy for the next tasks.

Last but not least: be grateful for your support system. Show your family and friends that you appreciate their help. A simple "thank you" can often do more than you think and strengthen the relationships you need most in stressful times.

In conclusion, job change and stress are two sides of the same coin - but they can be managed. With the right strategies, support and a good dose of self-compassion, you can get through any wave. So stay relaxed, my friend, and surf the waves of your career path instead of sinking. Because in the end, you'll be standing on the beach - knowing that you rocked it!

So, let's cut to the chase: in our digitalized world, there's no getting around social media - especially not in a professional context. Believe it or not, your online presence can be a decisive factor in how you are perceived. And especially when changing jobs, you should be on your toes and make sure you don't put your foot in your digital mouth. Let's take a look at how you can use the internet to your advantage and what online reputation is all about.

Building a professional profile on social networks

Clear as mud: LinkedIn, XING and whatever they're all called are more than just platforms to spend your lunch break stalking. They are digital playgrounds where you should present yourself as a professional. Have you ever thought about really sprucing up your profile there? It doesn't have to be like a supermodel, but in such a way that people say: "Hey, he/she can do something!"

Go ahead and update your career, upload a decent photo and write a few snappy lines about yourself. Don't hide your successes under a bushel, but don't overdo it either. Authenticity is king! Check what kind of Profile design on job portals everything you need to show your best side.

But be careful, dude! Don't let too much of your private sauce swim in your professional profile. Yes, your travels are interesting, and the fact that you're the king of karaoke is cool too, but you can safely share that in your private networks. Professional profiles are all about skills, successes and experience. Remember: your boss could be reading!

Be aware of online reputation and data protection

Let's get real: what ends up on the internet stays on the internet. That's why it's super important that you know how your online reputation is doing. Every like, every comment and every shared image can cast you in a certain light. The web doesn't forget anything, and potential employers certainly don't. They like to check in advance who they are hiring. It's not just about avoiding embarrassment - it's also about your data and how you protect it.

Pay attention to what information is available about you. If you need to, clean up and clear the air. Take a look at a guide to Data protection in social networks might open your eyes to how you can protect your data so that you don't get a surprise later when you're looking for a job.

Always remember that your online presence is your second face today. It can open doors for you or slam them shut - depending on how you shape it. Maintain it carefully, keep it clean and let it work for you, not against you. That way, you'll be best prepared for your next career move - digitally fit and with an online profile that shows: Here comes someone who knows what they are doing and where they want to go.

Phew, that's it for now on the subject of social media and online presence. Yes, it's anything but child's play, but with a bit of effort and brainpower, you can do it. Now you know what to do. So, get to work, make your web profile smart and surf safely through the endless expanses of the Internet. Good luck!

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About the Author: Sven Emmrich

Sven Emmrich avatar
Sven is a business graduate, DEKRA-certified coach and passionate entrepreneur. As CEO of Karrierehelden, he has been writing for many years on all career topics such as job applications and job changes, money and salary negotiations, leadership skills and management issues, psychology and personality development, communication and conflict management, self-confidence and entrepreneurship, and the line between work and private life with work-life balance... or much more work-life integration. Sven has coached over 1,000 academics, professionals and executives with his team and is happy to help you too.
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