learning to handle money

learning to handle money

By Published On: 3. December 2023


Hey guys! You know, money isn't just for spending, right? Exactly, it's also about being smart with it. It's super important that we all learn a few things about managing our finances. Whether it's about budgeting, saving or making well thought-out investments - it plays a big role in our future. I mean, who wants to stand there at some point and not know how to keep their money together?

In our article, we chat about how to manage money - so that there's still something to snack on at the end of the month! We talk about the basics of financial literacy, explain why a budget is a must-have and how to set one up. Then we'll look at the art of saving and give you tips on how to hit your goals. Another important point: managing debt! Nobody wants to be stuck in the debt trap. We'll show you how to get out of it and avoid new debts.

But that's not all! Making your money work for you is also super important. That's why we talk about investments and why an emergency fund can be a real life saver. And because life changes and so does money, we'll check out what's important at different stages of life. Whether you're young or old - you'll get the information you need to stay on track financially. So, stay tuned!

The importance of handling money

Money makes the world go round, they say, and that can hardly be denied. But although this medium of exchange is omnipresent in our everyday lives, many people find it difficult to handle money properly. We learn math and history at school, but the art of money management is often neglected. However, money management is an essential skill that can determine success and well-being in our lives.

The basics of financial education

A solid financial education is the foundation for making sensible money decisions. It's not just about learning how to manage an account or do your own tax return. Financial education includes understanding concepts such as interest rates, inflation and investments. It means knowing how to deal with financial challenges and opportunities deals with. A solid foundation of financial knowledge enables us to make independent decisions, assess risks and maintain control over our own financial goals and wishes.

It is therefore essential that we develop a basic understanding of how money works and how we can use it to our advantage in everyday life. In this context, long-term goals should not be neglected. Building up a nest egg, planning for old age or even investing should be part of the general understanding.

Long-term effects of good vs. bad money management

The long-term effects of good or bad money management cannot be predicted. Those who are good with money benefit from a life without the constant fear of running out of money. You are also more likely to be able to fulfill your dreams, be it a home of your own, a long-awaited vacation or simply the security of being well provided for in old age. Dealing with personal finances at an early stage generally leads to less debt and more financial freedom.

In contrast, poor money management can lead to a vicious circle of debt and financial worries. This not only affects individual destinies, but also has an impact on society and the economy. High debt levels can inhibit economic growth and exacerbate social problems.

Responsible money management is also important for psychological health. Financial stress can lead to relationship problems, health problems and a reduced standard of living. Those who have their finances under control, on the other hand, can enjoy life more carefree and have a clear head for the really important things in life.

We offer practical solutions and tools for all of these aspects. For example, you can find advice and tools for better money management in our article "Learning to handle money", which helps you to develop and hone your financial skills.

In short, money management should be as natural to us as reading and writing. Ultimately, it can make the difference between a life of worry and a life of opportunity. Take the time to make financial education an integral part of your personal development. Because as I said, money isn't just for spending.

Understanding the psychology of money

When we talk about money, we quickly think of figures, budgets and investments. But there are a lot of feelings and psychological processes behind all of this. How we deal with money is often shaped less by logic and more by our emotions, deep-rooted attitudes and even unconscious beliefs. That's why understanding the psychology of money is an essential part of improving our financial behavior.

Emotional aspects of spending money

We have all experienced how strongly our emotions can influence what we do with our money. The feeling of rewarding yourself after a successful day, the joy of buying a long-awaited dream object, or the guilty conscience after an impulse purchase - money triggers a wide range of feelings. But did you know that the way we think about money can shape our spending behavior?

We often see money as a kind of scorecard that indicates how successful we are in life. While some see it as a means to freedom and independence, others see it as a source of security or even stress. These different perspectives can lead to very different spending decisions. While some may be willing to invest riskily, others may put their money aside 'for a rainy day'.

Social factors also play a role here. Many people compare their income and possessions with those of friends, family or colleagues and adjust their spending behavior accordingly in order to 'keep up'. Resisting this social pressure requires strong self-confidence - you can find out more in our guide "How can you promote self-efficacy?

Behavioral economics and monetary decisions

Behavioral economics has shown us that people do not always make rational decisions - especially when it comes to money. One interesting area is the way people evaluate risk and make decisions under uncertainty. For example, many of us overestimate the probability of rare but dramatic events - such as winning the lottery - and underestimate more frequent, albeit less spectacular, events, such as saving a small amount regularly.

There is also a tendency to prioritize short-term gains over long-term benefits, even though the latter would often be wiser. These and similar behaviors play an important role in money management and can cost us dearly. How to avoid such pitfalls and improve your own decision-making processes is explained by behavioral economics, among other things, which you can read about in interesting articles such as "Interview: Why we can't handle money and how we learn to do so" is explored in more detail.

The psychology of money is a fascinating subject and offers a deep insight, not only into our finances, but also into ourselves. It is about recognizing patterns in our behavior and understanding how emotional factors such as fear, joy, pride or shame influence our financial decision-making.

In today's world, where so much around us is subject to constant change, it is even more important to have a stable financial foundation that gives us security and self-confidence. By recognizing how our thoughts and feelings affect us, we can learn to make better, more conscious decisions. In doing so, we can avoid getting into financial difficulties and instead build a life that not only meets our material needs, but also our emotional needs. Because whether it's through balancing a budget or appreciating a thoughtful purchase, at the end of the day, it's always about having mastery over money - and not the other way around.

Creation of a personal budget

It's time to talk turkey, people! How many of you still have enough in your bank account at the end of the month to treat yourselves to something nice without breaking a sweat? That's exactly what we thought. But don't panic - with a few clever tricks and a good dose of discipline, we can all learn to manage our money in such a way that not only the rent is paid at the end of the month, but also one or two dreams can come true. The first step: create a budget tailored to your needs.

Need for a budget

Having a budget is as important as having a navigation device for a road trip. Without a budget, you're basically flying blind through your finances and risk getting stranded sooner rather than later. A budget gives you control - over your spending, your savings goals and ultimately over your financial future.

But why do so many people shy away from it? Perhaps because it means a bit of work at first and because we don't want to confront our sometimes unpleasant consumer habits. But take courage, my friends! The sooner you start planning and using a budget, the sooner you will reap the rewards. A personal budget not only helps you to keep track of things at all times, but also builds your confidence in dealing with money matters - and as you've already seen in "How do I build self-confidence?", self-confidence is the be-all and end-all for all areas of life.

Practical steps for creating a budget

So how do you lay the foundations for a solid budget that doesn't require magic and that you really want to and can work with? Let's start at the beginning: Know your income and expenses. Sounds trivial? Well, without this basic knowledge, your budget won't work, so let's get to the bank statements!

The first step is to draw up a list of your regular income - salary, any additional income or student grants. Next, list all your recurring expenses - rent, insurance, subscriptions and anything else you can think of. By the way, a helpful rule of thumb for rent costs can be found in the article "What percentage of salary should you budget for rent?", take a look!

Once you have an overview of your fixed costs, it's time to look at your variable expenses: Food, leisure, hobbies, etc. And now it gets exciting, because this is where the big and small money traps are often found. This step is also the hardest: you have to be honest with yourself and be prepared to tighten your belt if necessary.

Also take time to set your financial goals. What do you want to achieve? From a small vacation to a big dream car - anything goes, as long as it's realistic and you can afford it. Then allocate your available money to these goals and plan reserves for unforeseen expenses.

The most important thing is to keep your budget alive. Review it regularly, adjust it if your circumstances change and be proud of every small step you take towards financial independence. Use modern tools and apps to keep an eye on your budget. Numerous digital tools are easy to use and give you a real-time overview of your finances, as this external guide also reveals: "Budget planning - instructions with templates.“

Always remember: a budget is not a corset that restricts you, but a tool that helps you enjoy the freedom that comes with managing money wisely. And now, get to the calculator or budget apps - your financial independence won't wait!

The art of saving

Saving - for many, that probably sounds more like doing without than having fun. But hey, let's rethink the whole thing! Saving is not only important to protect us from financial bottlenecks, but also to fulfill our wishes and achieve our goals. It's an art, and one that each of us can master and that ultimately leads to more financial freedom.

Strategies for effective saving

So how do you turn tedious saving into a real art form? First of all, you need a clear goal. Without a goal there is no plan and without a plan there is no success! So set yourself realistic goals that are really close to your heart - be it a vacation, a new car or the start of a big trip. Having a goal in mind is hugely motivating.

Now is the time to take a closer look at your spending. Where could you perhaps save a euro or two without it hurting you? Perhaps in your daily coffee habits or a streaming subscription that you don't really use anyway? It's not uncommon to discover unnecessary costs here and there that can easily be eliminated.

Another trick: automate your savings! Set up a standing order that transfers a certain amount to a separate savings account at the beginning of the month. This way, you won't be tempted to spend the money after all and the savings amount will grow along the way. There are also apps that round up every purchase and save the difference for you - that adds up!

Also helpful: keep an eye out for special offers and take advantage of discounts. An overview of various savings tips and tricks can be found in the article "99 money-saving tips: The best tricks of the cheapskates" - have a read!

Tips for achieving savings targets

To make sure you actually achieve your savings goals, it's important to stay on the ball. Having a savings goal is great, but you also have to stick to it. Here are a few tips on how to save consistently and keep an eye on your goals:

1. visualize your goals: A pinboard with pictures of your dream vacation or new car will help you stay motivated. Every time you see the pictures, you remember what you are saving for.

2. celebrate your successes: Has your savings account cleared the first hurdle? Great! Reward yourself with something small - but be careful not to overdo it and stay within your budget.

3. review and adjust your savings plans regularly: Life circumstances change, and so do financial opportunities and goals. Be flexible and ready to adjust your plans accordingly.

4 Educate yourself: Knowledge is power, even when it comes to finance. Browse through guides or attend financial education courses. You can find out more in our article "How many hours a day of studying makes sense?" to make you fit in terms of money education.

5. surround yourself with like-minded people: Exchanging ideas with other savers can inspire and give you new ideas. It's often easier to save together.

In the end, it's important not to see saving as a burden, but rather as an opportunity. You are building something, you are creating security and perhaps you are also fulfilling a long-cherished dream. The art of saving is therefore not only useful, but can also be incredibly satisfying. Take the time to rethink and adjust your savings behavior and you'll be well on your way to achieving your financial goals while bringing a little more calm and security to the often turbulent waters of your own finances.

Debt management

You know what's really not fun? Debt! It can be like a heavy backpack that we carry around with us everywhere. But don't worry, there are clear strategies and ways to lighten this baggage or get rid of it altogether. The magic word is debt management, and we're going to take a deep dive into this topic so that you can breathe freely again soon.

Dealing with existing debts

Okay, let's say you have debt. That's nothing to be ashamed of, because let's be honest, who doesn't these days? The important thing now is to keep a clear head and take a structured approach. First step: make a list of all your debts, from the smallest to the largest. This will give you an overview and take away some of the anxiety. Then look at where the biggest interest guzzlers are, because we want to tackle these first.

One popular method is the so-called snowball method. Here you pay off the smallest debt first and then roll the 'snowball' on to the next one. This feels great because you quickly see your first successes and stay motivated. However, some people prefer the avalanche method and pay off the debts with the highest interest first, which makes sense mathematically. Take a look at the 9 strategies for dealing with debt to decide which method suits you better.

And most importantly: stick with it, even if things don't always go the way you want them to. Becoming debt-free is a marathon, not a sprint. And remember, you're not alone! If you're looking for support, you can find it at advice centers or in online communities.

Avoidance of new debt

Of course, it is just as important to prevent new debts from arising in the first place. This is often easier said than done, especially if the car suddenly breaks down or the washing machine gives up the ghost. But this is about prevention! An emergency fund into which you regularly pay a little money can work wonders here.

It is also important to take a very close look at your own consumption. Do I really need this? Can I perhaps work with my old laptop for a few more months instead of buying the latest one on credit now? And when shopping online in particular, it helps to build in a waiting loop: Put the product in your shopping cart for 48 hours and think again about whether you really need it. You'll be surprised how often the answer is 'no'.

Good budget planning is of course essential to avoid falling into the debt trap. If you know what comes in and goes out each month, you can plan better and avoid spontaneous, expensive purchases. If you're still looking for tips on budget planning, take a look here: "What percentage of salary should you budget for rent?

And here's another really hot tip: invest in yourself! Educate yourself, develop your skills and improve your job prospects. Because the better you earn, the easier it is to avoid or reduce debt. Don't be afraid to negotiate your salary expectations. To "How to negotiate a good salary?" you will find valuable advice on this.

To summarize: Debt management is a skill that all of us can learn - and one that helps us all achieve more freedom. Take control of your financial situation, stay informed and stay on the ball. With the right strategy and a bit of discipline, you can pay off the mountain of debt bit by bit and focus on the finer things in life again. So cheer up, with the right knowledge and good advice you will soon be rid of this unloved debt!

Investments as part of money management

How often do we spend our hard-earned money without thinking about tomorrow? Perhaps we invest in things that give us pleasure in the short term, but in the long term? That's a different story. Investing is a crucial aspect of money management that helps us to grow our wealth and create financial security for the future. But where do you start and how do you avoid the pitfalls?

Fundamentals of the investment

Investing is like building a house - the foundations have to be right. But what does a solid foundation involve in the world of finance? First of all, it's about understanding what you can actually invest in: Stocks, bonds, real estate or perhaps cryptocurrencies? Each asset class has its own characteristics and risks. That's why you should familiarize yourself with the product characteristics, opportunities and risks of each investment, ideally before you even invest your first euro.

Another important point is to define your investment goals. Do you want to provide for your retirement, buy a house or simply protect your money against inflation? These goals will influence your investment strategy and help you to determine the right level of risk for you. Also take a look at the article "Risk management and diversification in the stock market crash of 2023" to learn more about effective strategies.

Not only is it important to know different ways to invest, but it's also important to find the right time to invest. Time in the market often beats market timing attempts, so don't look for the perfect entry point. Instead, you should invest regularly over a longer period of time (keyword: cost-average effect).

And finally: only invest money that you have left over. Money that you need in the short term has no place on the stock market or in other risky forms of investment. Nothing can replace a good night's sleep, not even the promise of high returns.

Risk management and diversification

Now comes the part that is often underestimated: Risk management and diversification. You've probably heard it before: "Don't put all your eggs in one basket!" This is especially true for investments. Diversification helps you to spread the risk and not be dependent on the development of a single company or market. You can invest in different asset classes, markets and regions to stabilize your portfolio. You can find an insight into the basics and the importance of diversification in your investment strategy in the article "The ABC of financial products: A detailed guide for beginners„.

But what should you do if something does go wrong? This is where risk management comes into play. It's about limiting losses and not letting emotions get the better of you. Set yourself limits at which you re-evaluate or even exit, and stick to them. This requires discipline, but this is exactly what distinguishes the successful investor from the unsuccessful one.

Risk management also means ensuring an appropriate spread of risk - both within an asset class and across different asset classes. This allows you to mitigate the impact of market fluctuations on your portfolio.

And don't forget to keep learning. The world of finance is dynamic, and today's best practices may be outdated tomorrow. Utilize resources like Why is lifelong learning important?to stay up to date.

Investments are therefore an essential part of healthy money management. They can help you to increase your wealth, improve your standard of living and provide for the future. However, always remember that every investment carries risks and there is no guarantee of profits. Therefore, invest wisely, focus on diversification and risk management and always stay informed. Then nothing will stand in the way of your financial success!

Build up an emergency fund

Listen, guys, this one is really important: you never know when life is going to throw you a curveball that could throw you off track financially. Illness, job loss or unexpected home or car repairs - these things don't fit into the regular budget plan, right? That's why it's crucial to build up an emergency fund as a safety net. This can be your lifeline in stormy times and save you from falling into debt. Let's explore together how you can set up such an emergency fund and what you should bear in mind.

The importance of an emergency fund

So why have such an emergency fund at all? Quite simply: because it's smart! With a financial cushion, you can absorb unexpected expenses and don't have to resort to loans or your savings goals. This gives you the freedom to make decisions without the pressure of having to find money immediately.

A solid emergency fund is also the basis for a healthy financial budget. It shows that you are planning ahead and not just living paycheck to paycheck. What's more, an emergency fund boosts your self-confidence when it comes to money management. Because if you know that you've made provisions for emergencies, you'll be much more relaxed with your money. If you would like to find out more about how to Self-confidence in dealing with money matters you will find more tips here.

How much should be saved?

Now comes the big question: how much money should you put into your emergency fund? Opinions differ here, but a rule of thumb is that you should have at least three to six months' expenses in there. This means that if for some reason you have no income, you can maintain your standard of living for a certain amount of time without slipping into the red.

Sure, that sounds like a lot of ash at first, especially if you're just starting to find your financial groove. Don't worry! You don't have to do it overnight. Start small - for example with a target of one month's salary - and work your way up. You'll see that it gets easier with every small step.

Also get inspiration from external sources on how you could build your fund. A look at the Tips for building up your emergency fund can be quite informative. Here you will find practical tips to help you get started.

Also remember: the emergency fund is not a vacation account or an "I'll treat myself" pot. It's really about being prepared for emergencies. So don't touch it unless there really is an emergency situation.

One more thing: an emergency fund should be easily accessible. It should not be invested in shares or other long-term investments. A simple call money account or other savings account with daily availability is a better idea. Sure, the interest rates there are usually low, but this fund is primarily about security and liquidity.

In summary, building an emergency fund is an essential step on your journey to financial independence and security. Even if it's a challenge at first and requires discipline, the results are worth it. You're literally buying yourself a piece of peace of mind - and what's worth more? So, get started! Step by step, euro by euro, you'll build your net that will catch you when it counts.

Setting and pursuing financial goals

Do you know the feeling when you make a firm resolution and then it somehow comes to nothing? That's exactly what often happens with our financial resolutions. We want to save, spend less, maybe even invest a little - and then it doesn't work out because we don't give enough thought to how to set and achieve such goals properly. It's time to change that, because with clear financial goals and a structured plan, we can get a whole lot closer to our dreams! Let's go, friends!

Definition of realistic financial targets

To achieve financial goals, you first need to know where you want to go. What do you actually want? A new car, that long-awaited dream vacation or perhaps the start of your own business? Whether your goals are big or small, they should always be one thing - realistic.

Keep your feet on the ground, people. Goals that are set too high quickly lead to frustration if you have to chase after them and then don't achieve them. On the other hand, your goals should be challenging, something that pushes you but is still achievable. And very important: set yourself fixed time frames! "Sometime later" is not a time frame. Whether in a year, five or ten years, clearly defined deadlines will help you to keep track and make progress.

Your goals should also be specific: instead of "I want to save more", try "I'll save 5,000 euros for my road trip through Portugal by the end of next year". Also take a look at the "5 steps to help you achieve your financial goals" to steer your plans in the right direction.

Monitoring and adjustment of targets

So you've defined your goals, great! But that's not the end of it. Now comes the part where many people stumble: constant monitoring and adjustment. Your life doesn't stand still and neither should your financial goals.

Regularly check where you stand. Use tools, apps or simple Excel spreadsheets to track your progress. This is not only motivating, but also gives you the chance to see where you may need to realign yourself. Because sometimes circumstances change - and suddenly the original goal no longer really fits. Don't be too rigid and adapt your plans to the new circumstances. Flexibility is the be-all and end-all.

It can also help to set smaller sub-goals on the way to the big goal. These "stage wins" are easier to achieve and give you the feeling that you are really making progress. Have you saved 1,000 euros this year? Great, celebrate - you're one step closer to your goal!

Always remember: setbacks are part of the game. Life is not a pony farm and sometimes an unexpected issue comes up. Don't let this discourage you, but take it as an impetus to rethink your plan and keep going.

In the modern world, where conditions can change quickly, financial goals are a stabilizing element. Without them, it's easy to lose focus and money slips through your fingers like sand on a beach. Invest time and energy in pursuing your goals, and when things get tricky, remember the reason why you started. This will keep you motivated and on the ball.

Setting and tracking your financial goals is like a map for your monetary journey. It helps you not to stray from the path and provides guidance if you ever have doubts. So grab your dreams by the scruff of the neck, get going and navigate your way to a life where financial security and fulfillment are no longer foreign words, but your new best friends.

Tools and resources for better money management

Good financial decisions don't just fall from the sky; they come from good knowledge and the right tools. We live in an age where information is everywhere and accessible in incredible quantities. But what are the best resources for managing our finances? And which tools really help you get an overview and achieve your goals? Here you can find out all about the tools and resources that can help you on your way to becoming an expert in money management.

Digital tools and apps

In the jungle of digital helpers, it's not easy to keep track of everything. But some apps have proven to be particularly helpful when it comes to tracking spending, planning budgets and setting savings goals. One of these is "MoneyControl", an app that already helps many people with their daily money management. It is easy to use and gives you a clear overview of your finances.

Another tool that can help with budget planning is "Splitwise". This app makes it easier to split and track expenses within groups - such as in shared flats or for joint vacations. This keeps everyone in the picture as to who has paid what and what is still outstanding.

But not all money management tools are digital. A traditional budget book can be just as effective as an app if you keep it regularly and enter your expenses. Writing by hand can even help you develop a better sense of the value of money. For more useful tools to help you manage your money, check out the article "5 financial apps to help you get your finances in shape" to.

Books and courses on financial education

In addition to digital tools, you should never underestimate the importance of books and courses. Expanding your financial knowledge is a step that anyone can take - and there is tons of literature on the subject. Classics such as "Rich Dad Poor Dad" or "The Millionaire Next Door" offer valuable insights into how money really works and how it can be increased.

For those of you who prefer to learn and exchange ideas in a group, financial education courses could be the right thing for you. Whether online or in an evening class, such courses offer not only knowledge, but also the opportunity to clarify your questions directly with an expert.

And of course, lifelong learning is a must when it comes to finance. It is not enough to read a book or attend a course once. The world of finance is constantly evolving. So you should always stay on the ball and refresh your knowledge. A good place to start is our article "Why is lifelong learning important?", which emphasizes the importance of continuous learning.

All in all, the right tools and resources are worth their weight in gold when it comes to your money management. Take the time to try out different methods and resources and find out what works for you. Whether it's through an app that tracks everything, a budget book that lets you consciously note expenses, or books and courses that deepen your financial understanding - every step forward is a step in the right direction towards a more conscious and successful approach to money.

Dealing with money in different phases of life

Who hasn't experienced it? We face different financial challenges at every stage of our lives. As a teenager we need money for our first cell phone, at university for books and housing, later for the family, our own home and finally for a carefree retirement. But how do we adapt our money management to these changing requirements? In this section, we look at two things: The challenges of youth and financial planning in middle age and retirement.

Financial challenges for young people

Youth is a time of discovery, freedom - and the first steps in financial self-management. Student jobs, your first salary through training or studies - suddenly you have money at your disposal and therefore a lot of responsibility. But how do you learn to manage your earnings wisely?

It is important to introduce young people to money management at an early age. This can start with pocket money, which they can manage according to their own ideas. It is essential that they are also allowed to learn from mistakes. Bought a cell phone that was too expensive and now money is tight? These are important experiences. For all those who want to delve even deeper into the topic of finances in youth, the article "Financial planning for young adults" to.

But education also plays a major role. Teaching materials on budgeting and early learning about taxes, loans and investments are essential. Interesting approaches can be found in the resource "Why is lifelong learning important?" can be read here.

Financial planning in middle age and retirement

In middle age, most of us are settled in our jobs and perhaps some of us are already thinking about buying a house or starting a family. Now is the time for long-term financial planning and retirement planning. It is crucial to start saving in good time and to find out about various pension options.

In discussions with financial advisors, individual strategies can be developed based on life circumstances and goals. The aspect of insurance should not be forgotten - from liability insurance to occupational disability insurance, all important insurances should be reconsidered. The internal article "What percentage of salary should you budget for rent?" can point you in the right direction, especially when making financial decisions such as buying a property.

Finally, in retirement, the planning carried out previously enters its decisive phase. The fruits of the long saving efforts should now be reaped. Here it is important to allocate the available budget in such a way that a comfortable life without financial worries is possible. However, unexpected expenses can also arise in old age, for example for healthcare costs.

In each of these stages of life, the following applies: a considered approach to money, whether through conscious decisions or by building up a safety cushion, can be decisive for how carefree and self-determined you can shape your individual phases of life. Make use of the various resources and sources of information available to you in order to be prepared for the respective challenges. Only those who actively engage with their financial planning will be able to master the complex money game - both in their youth and in old age.

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About the Author: Sven Emmrich

Sven Emmrich avatar
Sven is a business graduate, DEKRA-certified coach and passionate entrepreneur. As CEO of Karrierehelden, he has been writing for many years on all career topics such as job applications and job changes, money and salary negotiations, leadership skills and management issues, psychology and personality development, communication and conflict management, self-confidence and entrepreneurship, and the line between work and private life with work-life balance... or much more work-life integration. Sven has coached over 1,000 academics, professionals and executives with his team and is happy to help you too.
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