How can outplacement strengthen the bond with remaining employees?

How can outplacement strengthen the bond with remaining employees?

By Published On: 14. April 2024


Hey guys! When a company is being restructured or is surfing through economic troughs, redundancies are sometimes unavoidable. But have you ever thought about what actually happens to the mood of the people who are allowed to stay? That's right, it's often just as low as for those who have to leave. This is where outplacement comes into play - a concept that not only supports the departing employees, but also cultivates a lasting relationship with those who are still on board.

Outplacement is more than just a nice gesture; it is a sign that a company values its people, both those who leave and those who stay. In our short introduction, we'll talk about how outplacement can not only strengthen the bond with the remaining employees, but also improve the overall working atmosphere. Let's dive into the world of the oh-so-important relationship work in a professional context!

Introduction to the concept of outplacement

When you hear of outplacement, you may initially think of a cold business process. But this concept is like a warming protective umbrella in the midst of stormy change within a company. Before we dive deeper into the subject, let's take a closer look at the term "outplacement" and understand how the idea has evolved over time.

Definition of outplacement

Outplacement, often referred to as "newplacement", is a support service that companies offer their departing employees. The aim is to give the person concerned a new career perspective and prevent them from falling into a hole of uncertainty and self-doubt. This involves individual advice, which can range from the preparation of meaningful application documents to coaching for upcoming job interviews.

This holistic approach helps the employee to master the transition and strengthens the remaining team. Because through Measures to support colleagues leaving the company a culture of respect and appreciation is cultivated.

Historical development and relevance in the modern working world

The origins of outplacement can be traced back to the 1960s in the USA, where companies began to take responsibility for the professional development of their employees beyond their own period of employment. An important milestone was the founding of the first outplacement consulting company by John Drake and Jerry Beam in 1967, but what began as an innovative idea is now an integral part of modern HR work. In times of constant change, digital transformation and global networking, outplacement is proving to be an essential element of a proactive corporate culture.

In Germany, the concept only gained importance in the late 80s. One person who played a key role in its development is the long-standing expert Dr. Cornelia Riechers, whose Experiences and insights give us valuable insights into 40 years of outplacement in Germany. Nowadays, outplacement is established in many large companies as well as in SMEs and is seen as an integral part of personnel management.

The relevance of this concept in the modern working world can hardly be overestimated. At a time when professional biographies are increasingly characterized by breaks and changes, outplacement offers reliable support. It ensures that changing values and social responsibility are not just empty phrases, but are actively practiced. Knowing that their own well-being is taken care of, employees can face change without fear and embark on new professional adventures.

In the long term, outplacement not only strengthens the individual employee, but also polishes up the image of the company itself. It clearly shows that the focus here is on the individual, even if the common path is coming to an end. This respectful treatment of staff is a hallmark of any corporate culture and is highly valued by the younger generation in particular. Outplacement underpins the company's reputation as a socially responsible employer and attracts talented people who are looking for a job with heart.

In conclusion, it should be noted: Although outplacement is primarily intended as support for those who have to leave the company, it also has a positive effect on all other levels of the company. It helps to create a working environment in which employees feel valued and secure, which ultimately leads to increased loyalty and commitment. In this way, outplacement not only makes it easier to say goodbye, but also paves the way for a positive future - for departing and remaining employees and the company as a whole.

The psychological impact of redundancies on the workforce

Redundancies are a serious blow to every employee in a company, not just those who are directly affected. The remaining employees, often referred to as "survivors", experience an emotional rollercoaster ride that puts the entire corporate structure to the test. But what exactly happens behind the scenes? We take a closer look at this stage of the internal drama below.

The concept of survivor's guilt

Let's stay with the image of the theater: the curtain falls for the last time for some employees, while other members of the ensemble have to adjust to an uncertain future. These "survivors" can experience the feeling known as survivor's guilt - a kind of survivor's guilt. On the one hand, they are relieved to have kept their job, but at the same time feel guilty towards those who have been made redundant. These emotional contradictions can manifest themselves in the form of sadness, demotivation or fear of the future.

Through a Study-based consideration of the effects of redundancies The negative effect of survivor's guilt can be seen in the productivity of the workforce. Studies show that companies that fail to provide emotional support to their remaining employees can expect a significant decline in overall productivity.

Loss of trust and uncertainty in the company

The feeling of security is a basic need that also plays a key role in professional life. However, redundancies cause this feeling of security to crumble and create uncertainty about one's own professional future. When remaining employees witness their colleagues being made redundant, a critical mistrust of the company arises. Questions such as "Am I next?" or "How secure is my job really?" swirl through people's minds and can lead to a kind of paralysis of shock. Especially when employees gain the impression that the dismissals were unfair or arbitrary.

An article from "HR Today" focuses on the importance of Clear words on job cuts to keep the remaining employees on board. It is important to address this uncertainty and create a renewed foundation of trust through transparency and open communication. If the reliably communicated reasons and the company's vision for the future are convincing, it is possible to strengthen renewed loyalty to the company and gradually regain trust.

The emotional imbalance that Survivor's Guilt triggers, together with the emerging trust deficit, is a mixture that throws the heart of every company - its employees - out of sync. Careful, empathetic and targeted support for the remaining workforce through this stormy phase is therefore not only advisable, but essential for the health and success of the entire company.

In conclusion, the psychological impact of redundancies is far-reaching and profound. It is therefore essential for a company to find a responsible and strategic way of dealing with these challenges. Outplacement can make a decisive difference here: By providing a supportive and appreciative approach to departing employees, it simultaneously signals to the remaining workforce that the company has a family caring attitude, even in difficult times. This message is loud and clear and can strengthen the bond between company and employees in a way that goes far beyond the direct impact of layoffs.

Outplacement as part of a responsible corporate culture

It is no secret that companies that value a cultivated corporate culture are ahead of the game in the long term. However, a responsible corporate culture is not only reflected in the good times, but above all in dealing with difficult phases such as redundancies. Outplacement is an important tool here, taking responsibility in front of employees and the public. Let's take a look at how outplacement, as part of a responsible corporate culture, helps to strengthen the bond between company and employee, even in turbulent times.

Responsibility towards departing employees

A company's responsibility does not end with an employee's last day at work. Rather, this is where a new phase of care begins. Outplacement is a strong sign that a company takes responsibility for the well-being of its former employees even after the separation. Offering individual advice and support for a smooth transition to a new professional future is more than just a gesture - it is a promise that companies keep, even in challenging times.

This attitude conveys to the remaining employees that they can rely on their company, no matter what. When the company is transparent and open about its support for departing employees, it creates a sense of security and stability throughout the team. The use of professional outplacement counseling is one such gesture that shows that the company cares about the future of each individual.

Positive perception by remaining employees

The way in which a company deals with redundancies has a significant impact on how the remaining employees feel. Open communication and offering an outplacement service builds trust and loyalty among the workforce. These positive aspects can boost the performance and commitment of the whole team - in short, they feel they are in good hands even in uncertain times.

This is not just about supporting those who leave the company, but also about sending a clear signal to those who stay: You are important to us and we are committed to you. A company that understands mindful separation culture as a management taskstrengthens the feeling of togetherness and promotes a positive corporate culture that radiates outwards.

This also conveys to the remaining employees that their own professional development is important and is not overshadowed by short-term company goals. Making the right decisions when making redundancies and at the same time creating a structure for outplacement leads to a solidarity and commitment that is priceless. It shows that the company is investing in its own future and that of its employees - a clear advantage not only for the corporate culture, but also for employer branding.

In summary, outplacement sends a clear message of unwavering responsibility and deep respect for employees. As a result, it strengthens the trust and loyalty of the workforce and ensures a robust and crisis-proof corporate culture. In times of upheaval, this bond is crucial for the resilience and agility of a company to master the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Transparency and communication as the basis for trust

Let's cut to the chase: we all know what it feels like to be in the dark. It's the same with communication in a company - especially in uncertain times. Transparency on the part of company management is the be-all and end-all when it comes to gaining the trust of employees. And this trust is crucial when it comes to outplacement. So let's take a closer look at how an open exchange within the company creates the foundation for an atmosphere of trust.

Open dialog about the reasons for redundancies

Wham, that's it! A wave of redundancies is rolling through the company. Now it's time for the decision-makers to speak plainly. An open dialog about the reasons for redundancies can combine harsh reality and empathy. It is about explaining the motives and understanding why certain steps are necessary. This clarity reduces the rumor mill and shows that management has nothing to hide. The workforce feels that they are being taken seriously and this increases acceptance of the decisions made.

If, for example, redundancies are pending, the whys and wherefores should not remain in the back room. Instead, honest communication is required. Are the redundancies due to radical market changes or the need for restructuring? Addressing these questions openly prevents uncertainty and promotes a shared understanding of the situation. An external perspective can also help, for example through a guide on how to deal respectfully with redundancies, as published on Specialist portals for outplacement is to be found.

The role of transparent communication in the outplacement process

So now we have dropped our pants and made it clear why we have to make redundancies. But that alone is not enough. Now is the time for transparency in the entire outplacement process. Employees need to understand what outplacement means, what steps it involves and how it will actually work. This also includes providing information about the support options offered to departing colleagues. This reinforces the feeling that no one is being left in the lurch and that the company really cares - about each individual.

In addition, transparent communication shows how the outplacement program is structured. What counseling and coaching services are available? What does the market for consulting services look like and what are best practices in outplacement? To provide a clear insight here and, for example, to refer to well-founded articles on Advantages and practical implementation of outplacement can dispel doubts and show ways in which a company can act positively.

Last but not least, it is also about creating a space in which questions can be asked and concerns expressed. After all, one-way communication, where messages are only relayed from the top down, is not real communication. Only dialog - i.e. listening, understanding and responding - builds a bridge that strengthens trust and consolidates the corporate culture.

In conclusion, transparency and communication are essential in the outplacement process in order to maintain and strengthen trust and thus a strong bond with the remaining employees. When employees see that the company is making an effort to treat departing colleagues with respect and support, it conveys a strong sense of security and belonging. And that, after all, is what helps a company navigate through stormy times - a strong team that sticks together and trusts the company management's course.

Of course, dear ones, outplacement is not just a consolation for those who have to vacate their desks. It's also clear proof that the company is setting sail in the right direction, even during the tough times. Every outplacement consultancy is a helping hand that assists in overcoming the hurdles of starting a new career. Let's take a closer look at what role such counseling plays and how it affects the company itself and the remaining employees.

Objectives and content of outplacement consulting

Outplacement consulting is a truly all-round carefree package. It takes care of making your departure from the company as smooth and productive as possible. From guidance and career advice to job application training and networking - we think of everything. The main aim is to show those affected that they are not alone and that leaving a company can also be the start of something new. Through targeted workshops and personal advice, the departing employee is not only made fit for the job market again, but also receives emotional support.

In concrete terms, this means that employees are helped to rediscover their strengths and potential and to position themselves in the best possible way on the job market. A Objective assessment of personal skills and market value is absolutely worth its weight in gold. The same applies to training for job interviews and learning self-marketing techniques.

It's a win-win situation: the departing employee feels valued and taken seriously, while the company demonstrates social responsibility and can even improve its image.

Positive signal effect on the remaining workforce

Okay, let's get down to brass tacks: all this outplacement stuff doesn't just benefit those who have to pack their boxes, of course. It also has a more than positive effect on the psyche of those who continue to scrub the deck. Because let's be honest, when you have to watch your colleagues leave and the company seems cold and heartless, it pulls the rug from under your feet. On the other hand, if a company stands by its people during this difficult time, it also has an effect on the rest of the team. They then see that this is not just about numbers, but about people. Outplacement shows that a company is supporting its crew, and that gives the whole thing a sense of purpose.

Such an approach sends the signal: we are a team and we don't just drop anyone. That's exactly the kind of safety net that the remaining employees need to see that the company treats its people honestly and with care. It's like a promise that says, "Look, we care about each and every one of you because you are important to us." Such commitment can have a massive impact on morale and engagement, and we all know that a motivated team is the key to success and innovation.

By showing that the management is also there for the departing employees, the existing team is increasingly kept on board. You can't put a price on the cohesion and commitment that this creates. The workforce sees this: This is a company that really invests - in people and in its future. And this creates a basis that can be built on, even when the seas get rougher.

So let's summarize: Outplacement counseling is a real anchor in stormy corporate times. It offers departing employees a bridge to the future and at the same time confirms to the remaining team members that they are part of a company that doesn't leave its people out in the cold. This strengthens cohesion, loyalty and ultimately the performance of the team and leads to a stable and strong company. This makes outplacement a key element of a successful and humane company policy.

Well, my dears, when it comes to outplacement, fairness and justice play a huge role. It's like soccer: everyone wants the game to be fair, and if the referee makes a mistake, there's a lot of shouting. It's no different in the world of work. If there are redundancies, it's extremely important that everyone feels that things are being done correctly. Let's have a chat about the importance of fairness and how fair processes not only strengthen employee loyalty, but are also good for the company as a whole.

Perception of fairness in redundancies

So, imagine your company has to cut staff. That's hard for everyone involved. But what makes it even harder is when people feel that the whole thing is unfair. Fairness in redundancies is therefore key, as it directly influences how the remaining employees perceive the situation and the company.

When employees see that decisions are comprehensible and follow clear rules, they are better able to accept them, even if they are difficult. It's not just about the "what", but also about the "how". Are transparency and objectivity part of the process? Has everyone been given a fair chance, or has there been arbitrariness and backroom deals? Such questions are crucial for the trust of the workforce in the management. A look at the Underland world of employee retention shows that a fair procedure is not only important for the credibility of the company, but also for the emotional balance of the employees.

Ultimately, fairness is also responsible for how departing employees leave the company. A fair farewell that is fair to everyone contributes to ex-employees also talking positively about their former company. And that is super important for the image and the employer brand.

Influence of fair processes on employee retention

Let's be clear: fair redundancy processes can actually strengthen employee loyalty. That's amazing, isn't it? The remaining people see that they won't simply be thrown overboard in this company, that they could be honestly taken care of. This creates a stronger bond with the company because you feel fairly treated and valued.

Fairness plays a central role here because it creates trust. And as we have already learned, trust is the be-all and end-all in any relationship, including that between a company and its employees. A fair approach speaks volumes about the corporate culture and how the company sees its staff - as people, not as numbers. Employers who are exemplary in this respect will also find it easier to attract new talent later on. After all, who wouldn't want to be part of a company that is known for its fair treatment of employees?

So, sometimes it's as simple as this: treat your employees fairly and they will remain loyal to you - even in difficult times. Some bosses are surprised that staff turnover is so high, but they forget the basics. However, creating a culture of fairness is also tricky and requires constant effort. It can also help to call in external professionals who can help the Fairness etiquette in a professional context buckle up better.

It is clear that fairness plays a major role in the entire process and has a massive impact on employee retention. Fair procedures and transparent communication can encourage remaining employees to stay committed to the company and remain part of the team. In this way, fairness not only supports the individual employee, but also serves the company as a whole by building a strong foundation for the future.

In summary, the consideration of fairness and justice in dismissals and outplacement is a decisive factor for employee retention and the general working atmosphere. It tips the scales as to whether or not your company is perceived as a fair and attractive employer. Don't forget that, people!

Now that we've dealt with the emotional turmoil and confidence building, it's time to look ahead. One of the best ways to strengthen the loyalty of remaining employees and offer them a perspective is to invest in their development. Training and skills development are not only good ways to promote individual careers, but also to show the team: You are important to us and we are investing in your future! So let's wrap up and dig a little deeper on this exciting journey.

Further training opportunities as a retention tool

Those who remain part of the company should feel that they are valued not only as employees, but also as people with individual goals and wishes. Targeted further training programs convey to employees that the company cares about their growth and advancement. And this is precisely where outplacement plays a supporting role. Not only can it facilitate the transition to a new position, it can also be a sign that personal development and professional learning are part of the corporate culture.

Studies show that employees who see opportunities for professional and personal development are more inclined to stay with the company in the long term. This makes further training a powerful tool not only for maintaining motivation, but also for strengthening a kind of emotional bond with the employer. Especially in times of upheaval, such anchor points are needed to give the crew the feeling: We are in this boat together and every single one of you counts.

If further training courses are then combined with industry-specific skills or soft skills that are in demand on the current job market, all the better. This creates a meaningful Bridging the gap between separation management and future orientation created.

But how can this be put into practice? Creativity is required here. Workshops, online courses, even time slots for self-study can be offers that show the remaining employees that they have not been left on a sinking island, but that there are worthwhile paths, both for them and for the company.

Outplacement as part of the personnel development strategy

Now it's getting even more exciting: outplacement as part of personnel development. Sounds strange? But it's not! Because good outplacement advice should not just be seen as emergency assistance in the event of redundancies, but as an integral part of a holistic HR strategy. By investing in the best possible support for departing employees, the company sends a clear signal to those who remain: "Your development is important to us and we support you every step of the way."

This is the point at which outplacement and personnel development go hand in hand. After all, a well-thought-out outplacement strategy not only prepares the departing employee for the next step, but also helps the remaining employees realize that they are working in a culture that is geared towards development and growth.

Such an environment not only promotes individual career planning, but also the commitment and dedication of employees. By showing that support is offered at every stage of an employee's career, the basis of trust and sense of belonging are strengthened enormously. Ultimately, it is this corporate philosophy that makes it clear how strong the investment in each employee really is.

Let us consider for example, the concept of outplacement in more detailit becomes clear that there is an opportunity here to establish a culture of continuous improvement and learning. This attitude not only influences those directly affected, but also has a positive effect on the working atmosphere and corporate culture beyond the individual case.

The integration of outplacement into a long-term personnel development strategy demonstrates a commitment to sustainable corporate management. In this way, not only are raisins added to the roll of progress, but the entire dough mixture is improved. In short: with such a strategy, you bake a cake that everyone has a piece of.

Ultimately, it's the overall picture that counts: Further training, transparent communication, an open ear for the concerns and wishes of employees. These are all building blocks that keep the ship stable in the difficult process of redundancies and navigate safely through the stormy waters of change. In this way, the outplacement approach can contribute to a learning organization that can maintain its team spirit and innovative strength even in times of crisis, while at the same time focusing on each individual employee.

Hey, check it out, when it comes to outplacement, it's not just the HR pros who should be in the spotlight, but above all the managers. The guys and gals at the top have a huge influence on how outplacement works and how it is received by employees. Now let's talk about how important the role of managers is in this phase and how they can keep the whole process on track.

Support and guidance through change

So, now it's getting specific: a captain is nothing without his crew, and the management team knows that too. With a plan that includes outplacement, it is extremely important that the management level not only gives orders, but also provides support and clear direction. Navigating the team through uncertain waters is an art, and this is especially true when it comes to giving departing colleagues an honorable farewell ritual.

Managers must build the bridge between the current situation and the future - and do so in such a way that all employees who have a road map for the future also know where the journey is heading. For this reason, it is necessary for the bosses themselves to stand behind the wheel and show how things are going with empathy, clear goals and a pinch of cordiality. This is the only way to retain the trust of the team and set the sails for success.

It is helpful if the captains themselves have a Change management training have gone through. Because well equipped in such processes, they can guide their people through the emotional storms without the ship listing.

Strengthening leadership skills in dealing with change

Let's be honest: change is hard work, and a steady hand at the helm is worth its weight in gold. Leadership in the outplacement process is not just about finding the right words or providing the boats for those setting sail. It's also about honing your own skills in dealing with change. Leadership is a journey, and on this journey it is extremely important to keep adjusting your compass.

The skills required here go beyond daily business. It's about understanding the emotional situation of the crew, persuasiveness and questioning your own course from time to time. Knowing when to stay firm and when flexibility is the key makes perfect. And you know what? The teams don't care how their bosses smooth things over - no, they keep a very close eye on the tact and sensitivity with which things are handled.

Leaders who shine in turbulence not only strengthen the mood board in the company, they also become role models - and thus score points both with those who stay and with those who move on elsewhere. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that the leader of a good leader is one who creates more leaders, not more followers. By training managers on the subject of outplacement and learning how to deal with such things, they strengthen the Leadership competence in the company in general. So, people, don't just set sail, but keep a firm grip on the helm - that way everyone will get through the storm safely!

To put it bluntly: being a leader means remaining a leader even in tough times. The role of managers in outplacement is so important because they set the tone and boost morale. They are the ones who have to show people: "We have a plan and we'll do everything we can to make sure you all come out of this as well as possible." With this attitude and the right approach, it is possible to steer the company through any crisis and even emerge stronger in the end. Because let's be honest: at the end of the day, a company that doesn't let its crew down is the one that everyone wants to join. Ahoy, captains! Lay your cards on the table and lead the crew safely into the future!

Hey, you good guys! Have you ever thought about what makes a strong brand? Sure, the first thing that comes to mind is often flashy logos and catchy advertising slogans. But what about your reputation as an employer? How do you cement your reputation as a top company where not only the business figures are right, but also the people behind them are happy? Let's take a look at how outplacement can help you forge a sustainable and attractive employer brand that not only rocks in the here and now, but also creates a great vibe in the long term.

Building an attractive employer brand through social responsibility

Of course, the whole thing is not just a nice gesture for the people who have to leave. With a well thought-out outplacement concept, a company shows that it acts in a socially responsible manner, and this not only impresses the people out there, but also its own employees. This kind of commitment radiates far beyond the company walls and exudes a flair that says: "We look after each other here - our employees are not disposable items, but part of the family".

Not to mention how attractive that is to the top talent out there looking for a job. Who wants to go to a place where nobody knows whether they'll be there tomorrow or not, or to a company that throws cold-hearted people out the door? The Employer brand through social responsibility is like a magnet for the crème de la crème of the workforce and an elixir for the loyalty of the crew already on board.

A company that shows that it stands behind its people even in tough times builds a reputation that is as solid as a rock. This creates a basis that you can be really proud of - a basis of trust, appreciation and team spirit.

Outplacement as an investment in employer reputation

When it comes to the employer brand, we're all a bit vain, aren't we? There's something to be said for a smart employer image. Outplacement is a clever investment that shows: "Hey, we treat our employees properly - even if we have to part ways". It's like insurance for a good reputation that pays off when the wind blows harder.

Imagine your company was known for not leaving people out in the cold when things get dicey. This reputation spreads like wildfire and shows potential applicants: This is 'n place where you matter, even in tough times. That's the kind of advertising you can't buy, but it's worth its weight in gold.

A transparent and compassionate outplacement strategy not only builds a protective wall against crises, but also makes the company a living example of how to do it right. A Guide to intelligent separation management is a great tool that shows that you are still at people's side even when they say goodbye.

At the end of the day, it's what you can show that counts. A strong employer brand that doesn't just pay lip service, but also puts real action behind it, not only attracts new talent, but also makes those who are already there fall a little more in love with the company. And a happy crew is like a well-oiled engine - it makes the whole machine hum.

In this sense: outplacement is more than just a farewell gift. It's an investment in the future - and in what makes your company what it is. So let's set sail and sail ahead at full speed!

So friends, outplacement may sound like a huge challenge at first, but there are proven methods to make it a success. When it comes to saying goodbye to team members, you want everything to go smoothly. And that's exactly why there are these best practices that make outplacement a smooth process. So let's get down to business and immerse ourselves in the world of smart separation management!

Examples of successful outplacement strategies

Nothing is more convincing than a good example, right? Companies that really know their stuff when it comes to outplacement show how it's done. They have developed strategies that not only provide optimal support for employees who are leaving, but also make the workforce feel good. For example, there are companies that regard outplacement as a firmly anchored part of their corporate culture and thus show that they stand by their values even in times of upheaval.

Some start early with workshops, preparing employees for the upcoming changes and ensuring that people are not blindsided. Others rely on individual coaching for departing colleagues to ensure that everyone gets the personal support they need. What do all these approaches have in common? They are based on respect, transparency and a genuine commitment to the people behind the job titles.

And let's be honest: when you hear that there are companies out there that offer their people professional Consultations and further training even after they no longer work there - that leaves a lasting impression, doesn't it?

Recommendations for implementation in your own company

Well, all well and good, these examples from others, but how do you apply these best practices in your own store? First of all, don't rush it, friends! It takes a fair amount of planning and communication to seamlessly integrate outplacement into your HR strategy.

It is essential to maintain a culture of open communication. This means being transparent about upcoming changes and ensuring that every employee - whether affected by the separation or not - knows what to expect. It is also crucial to tailor support to personal needs. Not everyone needs the same outplacement program, so flexibility and individuality are key.

And guys, believe me, a coherent outplacement strategy is not just about decency, it's also smart business. If you get it right, you will not only strengthen your image externally, but also boost confidence and morale internally.

But where do you start? Sure, first do your homework and understand where your company stands. This includes familiarizing yourself with the latest trends and technologies in outplacement. Take a look here for some cleverly worded Tips for talent development in outplacement - could prove to be a real eye-opener!

In the end, outplacement is like a work of art: you need the right colors, a good brush and, of course, a canvas on which to paint. With the perfect strokes and color combinations, the whole thing then becomes something that not only looks good, but also has deeper meaning. And that's what it's all about: developing a strategy that leaves a positive mark on both departing and remaining employees and helps the company achieve sustainable success.

So, dear people, that was a ramble through the topic of outplacement and how to manage to steer like a fine captain even in difficult times. Keep these best practices in mind and you'll see: Even the toughest outplacement can be handled with bravado and style. Thumbs up to all those who are prepared to break new ground and not only master change, but also use it as an opportunity for the company and its people!

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About the Author: Sven Emmrich

Sven Emmrich avatar
Sven is a business graduate, DEKRA-certified coach and passionate entrepreneur. As CEO of Karrierehelden, he has been writing for many years on all career topics such as job applications and job changes, money and salary negotiations, leadership skills and management issues, psychology and personality development, communication and conflict management, self-confidence and entrepreneurship, and the line between work and private life with work-life balance... or much more work-life integration. Sven has coached over 1,000 academics, professionals and executives with his team and is happy to help you too.
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