How much more salary is possible when changing jobs?

How much more salary is possible when changing jobs?

By Published On: 20. October 2023


Well, are you thinking about changing jobs and wondering how much your salary could increase? That's a valid question! A career change can be a great opportunity to increase your income. Of course, it all depends on your industry, your field, and your negotiation skills. But there are some rules of thumb that can give you an idea of how big the salary jump could be. In our article, we will not only share these rules of thumb, but also provide tips and tricks for salary negotiation when changing jobs. So, get ready to get the most out of your next career move!

Why a job change can bring more salary

Many factors play a role in the search for a new job. The absolute priority is often the possible salary or the financial advantages that can result from a job change. But why is it at all realistic that a job change can lead to a higher salary? And under what conditions is this particularly likely?

Increasing the negotiating position through a job change

An important point that is often overlooked is the fact that your own negotiating position is strengthened by a job change. Once you are in a current employment relationship and considering a new job, you are no longer in the position of a supplicant, but can make demands yourself. Your previous work and the experience you have gained form a solid basis that enables you to make reasonable salary demands.

Furthermore, a job change also sends a signal. It signals to potential employers that you are willing to take on challenges and develop yourself further. This can earn you additional respect and further increase your chances of a higher salary.

Opening up new earning opportunities through career change

Another reason why a job change can bring more salary is the possibility to move to a better paid area or a higher paid position. Especially if you have reached your salary limits in your current job, a change can open up new opportunities.

For example, switching from a small company to a larger one can be associated with more salary prospects. It is also possible that the change will give you the opportunity to move into a management position and thus earn a significantly higher salary.

In general, however, a change of job should be well considered. Even if the prospect of a higher salary is tempting, you should not make the decision solely dependent on this aspect. Other factors such as work environment, scope of duties and work-life balance also play an important role and should be included in your considerations.

A job change can offer you financial advantages - but it should be well thought out and carefully planned. With the right strategy, however, you can clearly benefit from a job change.

Comparison of salary opportunities before and after changing jobs

Let's get serious about this - yes, we all love our jobs (well, most of the time), we appreciate the challenges and are constantly learning something new. But at the end of the day, you also want your efforts to pay off in cash. In fact, the most common reason for changing jobs is the prospect of a higher salary. But how can you estimate how your financial situation will change after the job change? Well, in this regard, two aspects can be extremely revealing.

What does your new job have to offer?

When considering a job, you should first take a close look at what it can actually offer you. This includes not only the base salary, but also any benefits and bonuses. It's not just about the obvious compensation - some companies have really creative benefits, like gym memberships, free meals, or even employee travel.

Many companies are transparent about their compensation packages and list them in the job description. However, you should not hesitate to ask questions if you need more information. Keep in mind that not all benefits have to be monetary. Sometimes a good working environment, flexible working hours or the possibility to work from home can be just as valuable as a few extra euros.

How has your salary developed in the past?

Another important thing to consider is your salary history in your previous jobs. If you've changed jobs before, you may have noticed that each time you've changed jobs, your salary has gone up a bit. This is not necessarily a given, but it does show a general pattern: the more experience and skills you have, the more valuable you are to an employer.

So take the time to reflect on your salary history: Has your salary increased over time? Did you get a raise after acquiring new skills or taking on additional responsibilities? By asking questions like these, you can better assess what salary level you can realistically expect in a new position.

Having said all this, it is important to emphasize that changing jobs is not just a financial decision. Of course, it may be tempting to accept the excellent salary offer that your potential new employer makes you. But you should also consider your job satisfaction and work-life balance. After all, what good is a big salary if you're not happy? And in the end, that's the most important thing, isn't it?

Tips to negotiate more salary when changing jobs

We all know that changing jobs offers the chance to earn more money. But how can you make sure you actually get that extra salary? There are some tips that can help you master salary negotiations and maximize financial gain.

Preparation is the key

Before you even go into the salary negotiation, it's important that you prepare well. Do you have an idea of how much you want to earn? And just as important: How much are you willing to accept as a minimum? Find out what the going rate of pay is in your industry and position, and think about where you would like to fit in. In many industries and companies, there are collective agreements or salary ranges that can give you a starting point.

One important tip: Don't get into the subject of salary too early in the negotiations. First show why you are the right candidate for the job and what qualifications and experience you bring to the table. As a rule, the topic of salary is only brought up in the second or third interview. In summary: Do as much as possible to be well prepared and appear confident.

Conduct negotiations: Be confident and don't let go

The actual negotiation requires tact and a good strategy. Even if you want a higher salary, it is important not to be too demanding. Show understanding for the company's position and emphasize that other aspects of the job are important to you. Nevertheless, you should make it clear in the interview what your expectations are and not give in too quickly.

If you are presented with a salary proposal that does not meet your expectations, you should not reject it immediately. Instead, think about how you can respond to it. For example, you could ask for additional benefits, such as a company pension plan, a company car or similar. Don't let yourself be pressured and take your time to consider the offer. And always remember: A salary negotiation is a strategic game in which you have to play your cards well.

In summary, a job change always provides an opportunity for negotiating a higher salary. However, it requires thorough preparation and skill during negotiations. If you are confident and aware of your value, you have a good chance of getting a higher salary. So: Have the courage to demand more and be prepared to stand up for your interests.

Factors that determine how much more salary you can expect after a job change

As employees, we all strive to find appreciation for our work. One way to do this is to get a higher salary by changing jobs. Now, you might be wondering how much more you can expect after a job change? Well, there are a lot of factors at play here. Let's break down and understand these factors one by one.

Training and skills

Your education and skills are critical to how much more you can expect after a job change. The higher your education level and the more specific your skills, the more salary you can usually ask for. For example, if you have a post-graduate degree or specific skills that are in high demand in your industry, you will have a stronger negotiating position.

Continuous training and learning new skills are equally important. In today's fast-paced world, companies often pay more for employees who are constantly learning and whose skills are current and relevant. So if you want to keep your salary expectations high after a job change, it's important to invest in your education and skills.

Work experience and career stage

Your work experience and career stage can have a big impact on how much you can earn after changing jobs. The longer you work at your job and the higher you advance in your career, the more you're likely to earn as you gain more knowledge and skills in your field.

In contrast, your salary probably won't be as high if you're just starting your first or second job. However, that doesn't mean you can't ask for more. The goal is always to prove the value you can bring to the company and negotiate based on that. Even if you're new to the workforce, you may already have unique skills that warrant a higher starting salary.

At the end of the day, though, don't forget that money isn't everything. It's equally important that you move to a place that gives you the opportunity to grow and that you enjoy the office environment and work-life balance. A job change should always be an opportunity to grow not only financially, but also personally and professionally. So choose wisely and be brave to fight for what you deserve. Because you are your most important investment!

Do you really always achieve more salary with a job change?

Changing jobs is often associated with the hope of earning more money, achieving a better position or gaining new professional experience. But is it true that you will always earn more money when you change jobs? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, because it depends on how you approach this job change and which factors play a role. Therefore, it is important to look at several aspects.

Risks and uncertainties when changing jobs

Although a job change is often associated with the prospect of a higher salary, there are also numerous risks and uncertainties. Especially when you leave a secure, well-paid job to take on a new challenge, it can backfire. Maybe it turns out that the new position doesn't meet your expectations, or that the work pressure and responsibility are too great compared to the salary.

Not to forget the possible consequences for the professional network and the working atmosphere. When you change jobs, you leave a familiar environment and enter a new, unknown situation. Especially if you work in a small professional field, a wrong step can affect your career opportunities in the long run. Therefore, before changing jobs, you should thoroughly inform yourself about the new company, the position and the tasks and weigh up whether the prospect of a higher salary outweighs the possible risks.

Strategies for a successful job change

In order to achieve a higher salary after a job change, it is not enough to simply change jobs. Instead, you should take a strategic approach and sharpen your own negotiating skills. This includes informing yourself about salaries in the industry, developing realistic salary expectations and negotiating them confidently.

Your own market value can be increased, for example, through regular training, certificates and work experience. At the same time, however, you need to have the courage to take risks: If you're not willing to try something new or express your wishes during salary negotiations, you probably won't be able to change much - either in terms of salary, working conditions or work-life balance.

Another important aspect of a successful job change is timing. Sometimes it can make sense to accept a lower-paying position if you can improve long-term career opportunities. Or maybe the perfect time to change jobs is just when you feel most comfortable in your current position and have achieved the most - because that way you can change at the height of success and take on new challenges.

In summary, the key to a successful job change and a higher salary is solid preparation, continuous development and good timing. Every job change is an individual decision in which many factors play a role and does not necessarily always lead to a higher salary.

Case studies: How much more salary was possible when changing jobs?

Without a doubt, changing jobs can lead to a higher salary. But how much more can you really expect? Depending on your skills, your current salary and the industry you want to work in, the additional income can be significant. However, it's also important to remember that a higher salary often comes with additional responsibilities and challenges. Well, enough of the theory. Let's take a look at some concrete examples.

Case study one: A move to the IT industry

Our first case is a software developer who moved from a small company to a large tech company. He was earning a comfortable salary in his previous job, but was curious if the "green pastures" of the tech giants were really that lucrative. After a few interviews, he finally received an offer - and it became immediately clear that all the stories were true. His new salary was almost double his old one! Of course, he had more responsibility in his new position and certainly worked longer hours, but the extra money was definitely worth it.

Case study two: A leap into management consulting

Our next case study involves a business graduate who worked in finance for a few years before moving to a consulting firm. He had a good salary, but he wanted more. So he approached a consulting firm and, after a few rounds of intensive interviews, got an offer. The result? His new salary was 40% higher than his old one. And that's not all. Not only did he get more money, but he also got a better position and greater career opportunities.

In short, both case studies lead to the realization that job changes can lead to significant salary increases. But they also show that such a move should be well considered. It's not just about the money, but also about the quality of working life and future career prospects. Therefore, a job change should not be made purely out of "greed for money," but always with other factors in mind. After all, what good is a higher salary if you have to work around the clock and no time for leisure and family? Exactly, nothing. So always remember: A job change can bring many advantages, but it must be well thought out. Before you make a decision, you should carefully consider all aspects.

The right time to change your job to get more salary

It's a question you're surely asking yourself: When is the best time to switch jobs to earn a higher salary? It will never be the perfect moment, but there are definitely better and worse times to put your job hop strategy into action. It matters a lot when you decide to make the leap. Always remember, it's not just about getting from A to B, it's also about making sure that when you land, you're earning more too!

Give yourself time to grow and learn

Don't get stuck in a position just because you're afraid of change. But also remember to give yourself enough time to grow and learn in your current job. It is important that you gain enough skills and experience to qualify for higher positions and salaries. If you prove yourself to be a valuable team member in your current job and are willing to take on more responsibility, you may already be able to reach higher positions and salaries within your current company. It's about managing the balancing act between patiently waiting and boldly moving forward.

Take advantage of market trends and industry conditions

Have you ever wondered if there is a specific time of year when you can increase your chance of earning a higher salary with a job change? There are definitely times when more job openings are available. This often depends on your specific field and the industry you work in. Follow market trends and industry conditions, and use them to your advantage. If the demand for professionals in your field is high, your salary package is likely to be negotiable.

Also, pick a time when you can switch without leaving your current company in a bind. It's not only fair to your employer, but also creates a positive reference for future employers - and that can only mean good things for your salary, right?

In conclusion, timing and proper preparation are critical to a successful job change that meets your salary expectations. So proceed wisely and find the best time and way to advance your career and earn the higher salary you deserve. So, now climb the ladder and go for the extra bucks!

Job change: plan your salary carefully

One of the most important decisions you make when changing jobs is your salary. Sure, a raise is great, but to get the most out of it, you should plan your salary carefully and not just take what you're offered. Negotiating a good deal can do you a lot of good in the long run, especially if you use that raise as a launching point for future salary negotiations. So, how can you go about planning your salary carefully? Let's dive deeper into the topic.

Compare your current and future salary

To keep your salary expectations realistic, it is important to compare your current salary with what you can expect in your new job. Take a look at what is usual in your industry and whether the salary from your new job can keep up with it. But don't just think about the money. Consider things like bonuses, stock options, retirement plans and other perks - they can make the deal quite attractive.
Compensation is certainly an important aspect, but you should weigh it against the other aspects. What about your duties, the working atmosphere, career opportunities, etc.? A higher salary would be cool, but if it comes at the expense of satisfaction, better say no. You don't want to spend yourself completely for a few extra euros and become unhappy.

Negotiate your new salary

When negotiating your salary, it is important that you know what you are worth and communicate it. Prepare well, do your research, be to the point and confident. But also stay flexible and open to suggestions. Get away from the idea that you are being rude when you ask for more money. After all, you are not only selling your time, but also your knowledge and experience.
A good tip is to talk to people who do similar jobs and see what they make. This will give you a feel for what you can expect in your position. Also, you can make suggestions such as a salary review after a certain amount of time, especially if you expect great success in your new job. At the end of the day, it's about your salary and your well-being, so fight for it.

In conclusion, changing jobs can be exciting, but also challenging. You have to consider many things, from the duties and work atmosphere to the salary. You want to negotiate a good deal that will be the basis for future salary negotiations. Therefore, it is important that you plan your salary carefully. Inform yourself, compare, negotiate and make the best decision for you. Because what counts in the end is that you are satisfied and feel good.

How to calculate how much more salary a job change can bring you

"Wow, you've got a new job lined up! But before you hand in your notice and move on to the new job, it's important to understand exactly what the money looks like. How much more can you earn? We shed some light on this and tell you how you can calculate how much more salary a job change can bring.

Gathering info about the industry standard salary

A salary increase is often one of the main reasons for changing jobs. But be careful! A little research beforehand is often worth its weight in gold. In order to find out how much more money you could end up with, you should first take a look at the standard salary in your industry. There are various websites and apps that list salaries for different professions and industries. Google will be your best friend here. Don't be afraid to pick up the phone and ask recruitment agencies. They often have the latest information on salaries and can give you good advice.

Remember, research is the first step in determining what you're really worth. After all, you don't want to change jobs for nothing and end up finding out that you're underpaid.

Compare your current salary with the new offer

Once you've collected the information, it's time to do the math. Your current salary plays a decisive role here. Calculate the percentage of your possible salary increase. If, for example, you go from a salary of 50,000 euros to 60,000 euros, that's an increase of 20 percent - quite respectable, isn't it?

But don't forget: In addition to the base salary, factors such as possible bonuses or supplements also play a decisive role. Maybe your new job doesn't offer bonuses or overtime pay that you're used to in your current job? If so, the change might not pay off as much as you originally thought.

And then there is the issue of fringe benefits. Your future employer may offer a higher base salary, but not benefits such as a company pension or coverage of the costs of continuing education. You should definitely include this in your considerations as well.

As you can see, it's not rocket science to figure out how much more salary a job change can bring. You just need to put all the facts on the table and have a good eye for detail. Once all the math is done and the decision is made, get to negotiating. Have the guts, stay confident and fight for your fair salary. At the end of the day, you have to be able to enjoy your hard-earned money. So, good luck and go for it!"

A job change for a higher salary: A field report

I've got a hot tip for you on how you can get a big pay rise: Just change jobs! Yep, you read that right. That's easy, isn't it? But stop! Before you rush out of your old job and jump into a completely new one, let me tell you how I went about it and what you need to keep in mind.

First steps towards a job change

Let's not kid ourselves, there are relationships that are more invigorating than any cup of coffee in the morning. And then there are relationships where the house is in a mess and you just want to get out. The latter applies pretty well to my situation at my old job. The work was boring, the boss annoying and the salary? Not even a laughing matter. Sure, money isn't everything, but if you can't even treat yourself to a delicious pizza after a day's work, something's just not right. So I decided it was time for a change! New challenge, new experiences and of course - more money!

The treacherous salary negotiation

The first step towards a job change was made, I looked for a new position that matched my skills and applied. Great luck, they wanted me right away! Then the big question came up: How much do I want to earn and how can I achieve this goal? Here comes the tricky part: salary negotiation. Yes, it's really awkward to talk about money, but we're all adults and at the end of the day, we're all working (at least in part) for the dough, right?

The important thing here is not to sell yourself short! Go a little higher than your absolute lower limit, because there is always a chance that the employer will want to negotiate the salary down. During the negotiations, show why you should earn more; present your experience, skills and the knowledge you have in the industry.

I was pretty nervous in my negotiation and honestly didn't sell my qualifications as well as I could have. But in the end, I was able to negotiate a whopping 15% on top of my old salary!

Life after the job change

So now I'm sitting in my new job and yes, I have more salary. It feels like Christmas and my birthday all at once. And what else? The job is new and exciting and I can develop myself further. Working with my new colleagues is fun and there's a good working atmosphere. Of course, you first have to find your way around, learn new processes and fit into the new team. But I don't regret my decision for a second.

So, my advice to you: Before you sit anxiously in your oh-so-secure, but boring and poorly paid job, consider whether a change of job might not be the right thing for you. But remember, it's not just the money that counts - you also need to enjoy your work, your colleagues and the environment. At the end of the day, we all want to go home happy and not just because of the paycheck. So, take heart and good luck with your job search and salary negotiation! It's worth it, I promise!

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About the Author: Sven Emmrich

Sven Emmrich avatar
Sven is a business graduate, DEKRA-certified coach and passionate entrepreneur. As CEO of Karrierehelden, he has been writing for many years on all career topics such as job applications and job changes, money and salary negotiations, leadership skills and management issues, psychology and personality development, communication and conflict management, self-confidence and entrepreneurship, and the line between work and private life with work-life balance... or much more work-life integration. Sven has coached over 1,000 academics, professionals and executives with his team and is happy to help you too.
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