how do i meet new people

how do i meet new people

By Published On: 3. December 2023


Hey guys, do you know what it's like? Sometimes you feel like you're always stuck in the same circle of friends and long to meet some new faces. Don't worry, you're not alone! Meeting new people can be super exciting and gives our social life a breath of fresh air. Not only is it good for our souls, but it also opens doors to new experiences, perspectives and, not to mention, exciting adventures. In this article, I'll show you how you can expand your circle of acquaintances and grow your social network in an uncomplicated way. From chatting online to doing sports together to volunteering - there are so many ways to meet people and make connections that may even turn into long-term friendships. So, stay tuned, I'll take you on a tour through the world of new contacts!

The importance of social contacts for personal well-being

It's no secret that social contact plays a huge role in our lives. They contribute to a sense of belonging and can have a significant impact on our mood and general well-being. In a world that is increasingly characterized by digitalization and virtual interactions, it is important to be aware of how significant interpersonal relationships actually are - not only for our mental well-being, but also for our physical well-being.

Psychological benefits of social relationships

Studies have shown that people who have a rich social life are generally happier and feel more mentally balanced. Positive Social contacts keep you healthy and are even associated with a longer life expectancy. True friendships and trusting relationships with others can serve as pillars of support in difficult times and help us to cope better with stress and anxiety.

The exchange of empathy and understanding in a close-knit community also promotes our self-acceptance. In addition, community and togetherness can meet our needs for social recognition and appreciation - aspects that are essential for our self-esteem and mental stability. In addition, interacting with others offers the opportunity to discover new perspectives and develop our social skills.

Equally important is the aspect of giving and receiving in interpersonal relationships. The feeling of being able to offer others help and support strengthens our self-image and gives us a sense of purpose. On the other hand, we can rely on receiving help and encouragement from our own network in the event of our own difficulties.

The role of friendships in different phases of life

Friendships take on different roles at different stages of life. In adolescence, for example, friendships can help to shape one's own identity or to emancipate oneself from the family. In adulthood, they often serve to promote careers or start a family - for example, by establishing contact with other parents. Finally, in old age, they can be a vital resource against loneliness and isolation.

Regardless of age, friendships can also turn out to be important learning experiences that help to develop empathy and understanding for others. Friendships that have grown over the years are often particularly valuable and can be perceived as part of one's own identity. They not only offer support and advice, but also bear witness to an individual's life story.

Even though friendships are important at every stage of life, the needs and expectations we have of them change. While adolescence is often about fun and shared interests, adult life may focus more on support in times of crisis or shared values. Nevertheless, the basic fact remains that friendships add depth and richness to our lives.

In order to do justice to this importance and fully exploit the positive effects of friendships, it is helpful to take conscious steps. This includes, for example Strengthening your own self-confidenceto be able to approach people, or the targeted search for opportunities where you can meet like-minded people.

Not only our personal happiness, but also our health and performance are positively influenced by good social contacts. In today's world, where we are often overwhelmed by a flood of information and an ever faster pace of life, social support offers us a stable, reassuring element in our lives. Thus, social contacts and close friendships form an important basis for personal growth and well-being - an endeavor that should never cease to be part of our daily efforts.

Basics for getting to know new people

Making new contacts can seem challenging at first, especially if you've been out of practice for a while. But don't worry! There are some basics that can help you approach new people and create lasting relationships. Whether you're looking for new friends, a date or professional contacts, these tips will help you successfully meet new people and expand your social circle.

Openness as a key quality

The first step to getting to know new people is to be open. Being open means approaching others without prejudice and with interest. People are attracted to open people because they create a welcoming atmosphere where others feel comfortable and free to express themselves. This does not mean compromising your values or being in uncomfortable situations. Rather, it's about showing curiosity for others' stories and interests and thereby exploring what you have in common. An open attitude also signals that you are willing to learn and experience new things, a great start for any kind of relationship.

Improve communication skills

Good communication is the foundation of every interpersonal relationship. You don't have to be a master of rhetoric, but a few basic communication skills can work wonders. This includes practicing active listening, i.e. really paying attention to what the other person is saying and showing interest by asking questions. Make sure you express your thoughts and feelings clearly to avoid misunderstandings. Don't forget non-verbal signals such as eye contact and body language, which can reveal a lot about your attitude and emotions. Practice makes perfect, so look for opportunities to practise, for example in everyday conversations or at small meetings.

The importance of self-confidence

Self-confidence is crucial when it comes to meeting new people. It influences how we see ourselves and how others perceive us. If you believe in yourself, you are more willing to take risks and approach people. Self-confidence is not only shown through words, but also through your actions. A firm handshake, direct eye contact and an upright posture send positive signals to the other person. If you want to work on your self-confidence, there are many strategies and techniques that can help you, including exercise, meditation or surrounding yourself with positive people. To improve your Strengthen self-confidence and learning how to assert yourself in different social situations, the right resources and sometimes professional help are crucial.

Keep in mind that getting to know new people is a process and no one becomes a master socializer overnight. It is also important to allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them. Every conversation and encounter is an opportunity to improve your social skills as well as expand your network. This is where the Networking skills can be a helpful competenceto be successful in both a private and professional context. With patience, practice and the right skills, you will soon realize that you are getting better and better at meeting new people and expanding your circle of acquaintances.

So, leave your worries behind and take the plunge into the new. Whether you approach someone in a café, meet new people at a club meeting or start a conversation on social media, getting to know new people can be the start of an exciting journey. With openness, improved communication skills and confidence, you'll be well prepared to make new and enriching friendships.

Meeting new people in the world of work

While we often move in familiar circles in our private lives, professional life offers an excellent platform for meeting new people. Whether it's industry colleagues at a conference or the new members of the team, the world of work is a treasure trove of opportunities to expand our network and make new, interesting contacts.

Networking events and specialist conferences

Networking events and specialist conferences are perfect for meeting like-minded people from your industry. They provide the perfect environment to exchange ideas, learn and, of course, meet new people. These events can be formal or informal, but the goal remains the same: to make new business contacts and possibly even develop friendships.

A tip: Go with a positive attitude and be prepared to introduce yourself and your company. Remember to equip yourself with business cards and exchange them if you are interested. Another good way to be successful at such events is to do your research in advance. For example, choose who you would like to meet in advance and plan conversations. Here you can Helpful tips on different types of networking events to make the most of your visit.

Also take advantage of the global reach that conferences offer. They often bring together people from all over the world with different backgrounds, giving you the opportunity to build international relationships and hone your intercultural skills. Networking at these events can open doors for future career opportunities or even lead to international partnerships.

Team-building activities and company parties

Is your workplace rather introverted and contact with colleagues is limited to the bare minimum? This is where team-building activities and company parties can help. They allow you to get to know your colleagues in a more relaxed environment and build relationships that go beyond the daily routine. It's worth taking part in such events and joining in - you might find that you have more in common with your colleagues than you think.

Team building activities are aimed at strengthening togetherness and consolidating trust among each other. It's a chance to see other facets of the people you work with and forge more personal bonds. Company parties, on the other hand, are often less structured, which means they offer a great opportunity to mingle freely and have conversations that go beyond the usual topics.

Suppose you are shy or have reservations about approaching your colleagues: Remember that confidence is something you can develop with time and practice. Below this link you will find valuable tips on how to appear confidentto leave a lasting impression at the next company party or team event.

With patience and perseverance, you will find that your social network at work and beyond is constantly evolving. You may even find that you are able to organize and actively shape such social events yourself to create an environment that helps others connect more easily as well. Meeting new people in the workplace therefore requires not only seeking out appropriate opportunities, but also a willingness to take an active role in the social fabric of working life.

In conclusion, take advantage of the diversity of the working world to broaden your horizons, learn new things and meet exciting and inspiring people. Whether it's the encounters at a conference, the sociable moments at company parties or the challenges at team-building events - each of these situations offers the chance to expand your own network and make valuable contacts that can be of benefit to you both personally and professionally.

Leisure activities as an opportunity to get to know each other

Everyday life can be pretty monotonous sometimes, can't it? Work, routines, the same old grind. But what if we could use our free time to liven things up a bit? Leisure activities offer the perfect opportunity to discover new things and meet new people at the same time. Whether it's hiking, yoga or the local theater club - shared interests are the ideal starting point for new contacts.

Associations and groups with common interests

The wonderful thing about clubs and groups with similar interests is that you meet people here who have a similar lifestyle and similar priorities to you. They exist for almost everything: sport, art, culture, nature, technology... Are you an avid gamer? There are plenty of clubs that organize regular meetings and tournaments. Do you have a penchant for history? Historical re-enactment groups would love to hear about your enthusiasm. Are you musical? Local bands or choirs not only offer the opportunity to make music together, but also to forge deeper connections with like-minded people.

Joining such communities is often easier than expected. Many clubs are always on the lookout for new members and welcome interested parties with open arms. If you are still unsure which club is right for you, then take a look at these tips to help you choose the right club. Spoiler Alert: It's all about getting actively involved and being open to new ideas!

Other advantages of clubs and groups are not only the social contacts, but also the feeling of belonging and working together to achieve goals - this strengthens the sense of community and creates real friendships.

Sport and fitness as a social platform

Gyms, running groups, community sports - these activities can be real social meeting places. Sweating, laughing and perhaps even suffering together creates unforgettable shared moments. The sports field bench quickly becomes a place to talk about the last game and the training mat a place where you not only build muscles, but also friendships.

It doesn't matter whether you are a newcomer or an old hand at sport; what counts is having fun together while exercising. And if you are still looking for a sporting activity that suits you, then take a look at this sports guide. Maybe you'll discover something you've never tried before!

And the best thing about sport? It not only strengthens your body, but also your social well-being. Regular training creates bonds that often extend beyond sport - for example in the form of joint activities after training or competitions.

So, take heart, pack your sports bag and throw yourself into the fray - the social and health benefits are already waiting for you. And who knows, maybe the next group run or the couple standing next to you on the yoga mat will turn into a friendship that will enrich your life.

Meeting new people through leisure activities is a fantastic way to fill your evenings and weekends with life and expand your circle of friends at the same time. If you stay active and are open to new experiences, you will not only find new hobbies, but also new friends. There are so many ways to spend your free time - so get out of your comfort zone and into the fun!

Always remember, life is a collection of experiences and it's never too late to add new ones. Your future best friends may just be waiting for you to take the first step and get together for leisure activities at the next opportunity. There is so much potential here - let's use it!

Online platforms to expand the circle of friends

In our networked world, online platforms are becoming increasingly important for social interaction. Whether you are looking for like-minded people, want to make new friends or maintain existing contacts - the internet offers ideal opportunities to expand your circle of friends. But how do you make the most of these digital opportunities? Let's take a look at the various options.

Social media and their role in socializing

Social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are no longer just platforms for sharing opinions and experiences. They also offer excellent functions for finding people with similar interests and making contacts. Many people use hashtags or groups to network and exchange ideas. It often starts with a comment or a shared post and can lead to exciting conversations and new friendships.

But social media is not only good for private use. Professionally, they also offer the opportunity to network with experts and promote career opportunities through specialist groups or forums. But beware: the internet is also full of gimmicks! Therefore, be real, be yourself and use social media in a way that suits you. The appreciation and respect you show others is also essential for building lasting connections online.

Specialized apps and websites for new acquaintances

Away from the big social networks, there is a whole world of specialized apps and websites designed to bring people together. Apps like Meetup or Bumble BFF make it possible to meet people online who share your interests and then meet them offline in the real world. From sporting events to book clubs to language exchange meetings, there are countless ways to connect over interests.

An outstanding quality of such apps is the filter function, which makes it possible to actively search for people who might suit you. This is an invaluable advantage compared to the traditional random principle when searching for new acquaintances. By selecting specific search criteria, for example, you can discover people in your area or those with similar life circumstances. A look at Platforms for joint leisure activities can help you find suitable events and like-minded people in your area.

While some of these apps are free, others offer extended functions for a fee, such as the option to organize your own events or meet up in closed groups. Keep in mind, however, that online interactions should always be enjoyed with caution and safety awareness. Don't reveal too much personal information and meet in public places, especially if you are meeting someone for the first time.

In a world that is increasingly defined by our digital presence, online platforms offer exciting new ways to make contacts and demonstrate your social skills online. With a little courage and the right strategy, social media, apps and websites can be your window into the world of new friendships.

So, whether you've just moved house, your old friendships have fallen asleep or you're simply curious to meet new people - the internet has opened the door wide. Use the digital possibilities to create human closeness in our sometimes distant world. No matter where you are or what your interests are, there is certainly an online community for you. Seize the opportunity and let your circle of friends grow!

Training and courses as a meeting place

In the course of our lives, we constantly strive to develop and learn new things. What many people overlook: Further education and courses are not only ideal for gaining new skills and advancing our careers, but also a wonderful opportunity to meet interesting people and expand our circle of friends. Let's explore together how we can use the world of education as a social platform.

Language courses and other educational offers

Whether English, Spanish or a completely new language - language courses bring people with similar goals and interests together. A sense of community quickly develops in the shared desire to improve their language skills. Group exercises and conversations during breaks turn the "I have to learn vocabulary" into an interactive, social experience in which people support and motivate each other.

But there are also other educational opportunities that can be used to make contacts: cooking courses, creative workshops or professional development courses on topics such as marketing or project management. So the next time you are looking for a course to improve your qualifications, think about the social potential it offers. Maybe you'll find something in a course about contemporary photography not only inspiration for your hobby, but also friends who share your passion.

The informal environment of a learning course offers a relaxed atmosphere in which it is easy to get into conversation and find out more about your fellow learners. Don't forget to take the opportunity to chat and socialize during the breaks. Initial course conversations often lead to more in-depth discussions and appointments outside of class.

Workshops and seminars as social events

Workshops and seminars are ideal for focusing on a specific topic and deepening specialist knowledge. Not only do we learn something new, but we also meet people with similar professional interests. Many educational institutions nowadays also offer Online training courses and seminars that enable us to get in touch despite the distance.

At such events, you have the opportunity to ask questions, discuss and share your findings with the group. After an interesting workshop, you can often see how participants continue the lively discussion over coffee or snacks. This is your opportunity! Dare to join these discussion groups and exchange your contact details - perhaps this will lead to an exciting professional exchange or even a new friendship.

It is not only offline workshops that offer potential for social contacts. Webinars and online forums can also be the birthplace of new professional networks and friendships. So feel free to join an online discussion or offer to organize an online get-together.

Education is a key issue in our society and attending training and courses is a matter of course for many of us. However, if we see these opportunities not only as a learning opportunity, but also as a social platform, we open up completely new ways of enriching our lives with interesting people and valuable friendships.

So give yourselves a jolt and sign up for the seminar or workshop that has been tempting you for a long time. Your future friendships could be waiting for you in the next lesson or seminar session. Use the potential of educational opportunities not only for your brain, but also for your heart.

Volunteering and voluntary work

Whether you are acting out of pure altruism, want to polish up your CV or simply enjoy the community - volunteering and voluntary work offer a wealth of opportunities to expand your social network. You can also gain valuable life experience that will help you both personally and professionally. Let's dive into the world of volunteering and discover how it can fill our lives with meaning while opening the door to new friendships.

Community projects and their social aspects

Community projects bring people together who are pursuing a common goal. This could be renovating a playground, organizing events for children in need or regular meetings of a neighborhood initiative. There is a deep social component to these joint efforts. You work together with other volunteers who share your interests and are committed to similar values. Such experiences bond together and foster a spirit of camaraderie.

As you might have guessed, volunteering projects are also an opportunity to meet people from different walks of life that you might not meet in your normal environment. Your volunteer work could be the start of a wonderful friendship that you might never have experienced without this commitment. Don't know where to start? No problem, take a look at these digital platforms for volunteering to find suitable projects in your area.

Volunteering also gives you the opportunity to learn new skills or improve existing ones - be it organizational skills, practical craftsmanship or communication skills. These are all skills that are highly valued in professional life, which in turn can open up new career opportunities for you.

Building networks through social engagement

Volunteering also means becoming part of a larger network. Organizations that coordinate volunteers often have a wide network of helpers, partner organizations and sponsors. Here you have the chance to make contacts that will last even after a project has been completed and can recommend you for further voluntary or professional tasks.

Self-confidence also plays a major role in volunteering. So you can use your Increase self-confidenceby taking on new challenges and seeing how you bring about positive change through your actions. This not only gives you a good feeling, but also strengthens your confidence in your own abilities.

When you volunteer, you will often find that your work is far more than the sum of its parts. The community and the network you build can help you get through difficult times and offer new perspectives in your life.

Don't forget: volunteering is not a one-way street. While you are giving something back to society, you are also benefiting yourself - in the form of friendships, new skills and valuable experience. So, why not take a chance and immerse yourself in a volunteer project? Who knows what doors this might open for you...

Ultimately, volunteering is not just about helping others, but also about the opportunity to enrich your own life. Not only do you meet new people and gain important life experience, but you also contribute to a better world. A win-win situation that pays off on so many levels!

At a time when our society is facing many challenges, the importance of a sense of community is more important than ever. Volunteering can be a key to this, both for personal growth and for creating a more cohesive society. So, get involved and see how new relationships and experiences can change your life for the better!

Travel and international meetings

Travel can open doors to new worlds, both literally and metaphorically. By exploring different cultures and meeting people from all walks of life, we gain not just memories, but friends that can last a lifetime. The experiences we gain while traveling can shape our perspectives and enrich our lives immensely.

Backpacking and group travel

Backpacking is a unique form of travel that allows you to experience freedom while meeting new people in an uncomplicated way. Whether in a hostel, on an overnight train across the Alps or hiking in nature, backpacking often brings us together with other travelers who share the adventure and the desire to explore. The informal and open atmosphere on these trips creates fertile ground for new acquaintances.

Organized group trips can also be a great way to socialize. Tour operators offer a wide variety of tours that bring together people with similar interests - from culture lovers to sports enthusiasts. The time spent together, whether at a wine tasting in Tuscany or on a trekking tour in the Himalayas, forges bonds and often friendships are formed in the group dynamics that last far beyond the end of the trip.

The next time you pack your bags and set off into the unknown, be open to the people you meet. Sometimes chance travel acquaintances turn out to be the most interesting and long-lasting friendships. The shared experience of new places and cultures often creates a special bond between people. And a good tip: take time to talk to locals. They can give you insights into their culture and show you places that are far from the tourist mainstream.

Exchange programs and international events

Exchange programs such as Erasmus or Work-and-Travel offer students and young workers the chance to study or work in a completely new environment. They are not only a great addition to your CV, but also platforms for international encounters. Working with international colleagues and fellow students in a foreign country not only creates an intercultural exchange, but also deep, cross-border friendships.

International events and conferences are other hotspots for meeting people from all over the world. From scientific congresses to music festivals - such events attract international audiences who are passionate about the same topics. Often, these events also offer networking opportunities where you can strike up a conversation in a relaxed atmosphere. The willingness to engage with others and learn from them is a key to success. Information about upcoming international events can be found online - it's worth a look!

Ultimately, it is the exchange with people while traveling that shapes and expands our world view. Whether backpacking, on group trips or on cultural exchange programs - meeting new people and making friends enriches our lives and leaves us with impressions that will stay with us forever. So pack your bags, be open to the world and its people and get to know the art of travel in the fullest sense of the word.

Tips for the first meeting with new acquaintances

The first meeting with someone you've just met is always something very special - a little thrill mixed with the anticipation of meeting new and interesting people. But how do you make sure that the first impression is a positive one and that the meeting remains a good memory? Here are a few tips on how to break the ice and create a pleasant atmosphere to lay the foundations for a potential friendship.

Choosing the right place

The location can make a significant contribution to how the other person feels. A quiet café is perfect for a relaxed conversation. Loud or crowded places, on the other hand, could make the conversation more difficult and therefore dampen the mood. So choose a place that is comfortable for both of you and suits the type of meeting. If you want to do something, a walk in the park, for example, is a good idea, which creates a relaxed atmosphere and at the same time gives you the opportunity to be side by side instead of across from each other, which puts less pressure on you.

It is also important that you agree on the meeting point beforehand and that it is easily accessible for both of you. After all, you don't want the meeting to start with stress. You can find a good overview of cozy places for the first meeting on Websites for dating tipswhere you can find out what is important at the first meeting.

Topics of conversation and behavior

Successful small talk is both an art and a craft. But don't panic, you don't have to master any sophisticated techniques to have a good conversation. It is often enough to listen attentively and show genuine interest in the person and their stories. Avoid sensitive topics such as politics or religion unless you know that the other person is open to them. Instead, you can talk about general topics such as hobbies, movies or music. This creates a pleasant atmosphere and gives both of you the chance to discover things you have in common.

Pay attention to your body language and be aware of the signals you are sending out. A friendly smile and eye contact can work wonders and show that you are interested and involved. At the same time, you should make sure to keep a respectful distance so as not to pressurize the other person. If you are unsure about how you should present yourself during the meeting, offer Guide to dating a variety of tips to help you appear confident and charming.

Ultimately, the most important thing is that you stay true to yourself. Don't pretend and don't do anything that doesn't feel right for you - authenticity is the key to real connections. Remember that meeting is a two-way process where both of you should have the chance to show something of yourselves. With an open, relaxed attitude and the right tips in mind, the first meeting can become a wonderful memory and pave the way for a lasting relationship.

Don't forget that both the meeting and the continuation of contact are voluntary. If you have the feeling that the chemistry is not right, it is perfectly okay to end the meeting politely. It is also important not to put too much pressure on the other person. After all, a new acquaintance should be fun and enriching, not an obligation. Feel free to take things slowly and give the other person space to breathe. After all, good things sometimes take time - this also applies to the development of friendships and deep connections.

The first meeting with new acquaintances is an exciting moment on the way to a possible friendship or network. With the right preparations, a good dose of openness and a pinch of self-confidence, you will be well prepared for this step. Listen to your gut feeling and enjoy the exciting new encounters - they could be the start of something wonderful!

Build and maintain long-term friendships

Friendships are like plants: they need time to grow and once they have taken root, they offer us protection and shelter. But in order to flourish, they need attentive care and the right breeding ground. Making and keeping long-term friendships alive is an art - and with a few tried and tested techniques, you can keep the bond of friendship strong and healthy.

The importance of regular meetings

How often have you said "We really need to see each other again!" only for it to fizzle out? Regularity is crucial to keeping a friendship alive. It doesn't have to be weekly meetings, but a rhythm in which you see each other and exchange ideas strengthens friendships. It also shows that you care about each other and are willing to invest time in the relationship.

Of course, it can be difficult to find dates, especially when the agenda is full. But it doesn't always have to be a big event. Sometimes a quick meeting for a coffee, a workout together or a spontaneous phone call is enough. And if a face-to-face meeting doesn't work out, use modern technology to get together virtually. The feeling of being there for each other can also be improved through regular Exchange on social media or via messages.

Schedule fixed dates, such as birthdays or regular events, and make sure they are a priority. This commitment to spending time together is a clear sign of appreciation and helps to strengthen and deepen the relationship.

Creating shared experiences and memories

Shared experiences are often the cornerstone of long-lasting friendships. It could be the legendary concert that you still talk about years later, or the road trip where you got lost and it unexpectedly turned into an adventure. Such memories create a foundation that goes beyond superficial acquaintances and holds you together even in difficult times.

Actively seek out experiences that you can share. It doesn't always have to be a big trip, smaller activities such as game nights, cooking sessions or walks in the city park also contribute to a shared wealth of experiences. The Range of activities you can do togetheris great and every new moment adds more layers to your friendship.

Take the time to enjoy nostalgic moments. Looking at photos, reminiscing together or sharing old anecdotes - all of this strengthens your friendship and reminds you why you appreciate and like each other.

Also keep in mind that friendships can change and that is completely normal. It is important to accept each other's development and adapt the friendship if necessary. Even if life changes - through a new job, a move or family commitments - the foundation you have laid will remain and, with a little care, can be maintained even over distances and life changes.

Long-term friendships give us a sense of home and understanding that is often lost in the fast pace of everyday life. They give us the chance to express ourselves in a safe and understanding environment and to be truly heard. Don't forget: it's the people who make our lives truly rich. So let's nurture these relationships as if they were our most precious treasures.

By taking the time to get together regularly and share experiences, you are building a strong foundation for a friendship that can last a lifetime. It's worth investing in these relationships because they are what carry us through ups and downs and ultimately make life more beautiful.

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About the Author: Sven Emmrich

Sven Emmrich avatar
Sven is a business graduate, DEKRA-certified coach and passionate entrepreneur. As CEO of Karrierehelden, he has been writing for many years on all career topics such as job applications and job changes, money and salary negotiations, leadership skills and management issues, psychology and personality development, communication and conflict management, self-confidence and entrepreneurship, and the line between work and private life with work-life balance... or much more work-life integration. Sven has coached over 1,000 academics, professionals and executives with his team and is happy to help you too.
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