Job application coaching with AVGS: first steps towards a career

Job application coaching with AVGS: first steps towards a career

By Published On: 21. May 2024


Looking for a job can be a challenge that requires both time and patience. This is why job application coaching is becoming increasingly popular, especially in combination with the activation and placement voucher (AVGS). The AVGS is a funding instrument of the employment agency that offers jobseekers the opportunity to take advantage of professional support in order to increase their chances on the job market. Tailored application coaching can help to identify individual strengths and promote them in a targeted manner in order to make the application process efficient and promising. This article describes the first steps to successful career planning with AVGS in detail and offers valuable insights into the various aspects of application coaching. From applying for the AVGS voucher and choosing the right coach to optimizing application documents and preparing for job interviews - here you will learn everything you need to know to take the first step towards a successful professional future.

Introduction to job application coaching with AVGS

Job application coaching with the Activation and Placement Voucher (AVGS) is a valuable resource for jobseekers who want to improve their chances on the job market. The AVGS is a funding instrument of the employment agency that offers customized support for individual needs. In this section, we will clarify what exactly an AVGS is and the benefits of job application coaching with AVGS.

What is an AVGS?

The Activation and Placement Voucher (AVGS) is an instrument developed by the Federal Employment Agency to make it easier for jobseekers to enter or return to the job market. With an AVGS, jobseekers can take advantage of various measures for activation and professional integration, including job application coaching and career coaching.

Essentially, the AVGS enables the financing of coaching and further training that might otherwise be unaffordable. The voucher is issued by the employment agency based on the applicant's individual needs and professional situation.

Further information on the AVGS and its comprehensive benefits can be found on the website via the AVGS voucher and its use can be read here.

Advantages of application coaching

Application coaching with AVGS offers numerous benefits that go far beyond the preparation of CVs and cover letters. These coaching sessions are designed to optimize every aspect of the application process and strengthen individual positioning on the job market. Here are some of the key benefits in detail:

1st **Individual support and customized strategies**: A major advantage of application coaching is the individual support provided by experienced coaches. These experts can develop customized strategies that are tailored to the client's specific strengths and weaknesses. This significantly increases the chances of success, as the applications can be optimally adapted to the requirements of the job market.

2 **Improvement of application documents**: Professional coaches help craft cover letters and resumes in a way that immediately appeals to potential employers. A well-structured and attractively designed CV can make the difference between an invitation to an interview and a rejection.

3 **Preparation for job interviews**: Coaches not only offer support in the preparation of application documents, but also prepare their clients intensively for job interviews. This includes simulating interviews and learning effective communication techniques to make a good impression on potential employers.

4 **Strengthening self-presentation**: A professional coach also helps to improve self-presentation. This includes developing a convincing "elevator pitch" that enables the applicant to effectively present themselves and their qualifications in the shortest possible time. A solid Appearance through more self-confidence can often offer a decisive advantage in the application process.

5 **Network development and online presence**: Nowadays, it is equally important to build a professional network and maintain a strong online presence, for example on LinkedIn. A coach can provide valuable advice on how to network effectively and optimize your online profiles to get noticed by potential employers.

You can find out more about the comprehensive benefits and the application coaching process on the website about the Job application training.

By combining these benefits, job seekers can maximize their career opportunities and start the application process with confidence and strategic know-how.

How to obtain an AVGS voucher

An AVGS voucher (activation and placement voucher) can be the key to successful professional reorientation for many jobseekers. It enables financial support from the employment agency for coaching and further training measures that help to find a new job more quickly and effectively. However, in order to benefit from the advantages of an AVGS voucher, certain steps must be followed and requirements fulfilled. In this section, we will explain the process and the important documents required to apply for an AVGS voucher.

Requirements for receipt

Before you can apply for an AVGS voucher, it is important to know which requirements must be met. In general, the AVGS voucher is aimed at people who are registered as jobseekers and meet certain conditions. Here are some specific criteria:

1. be registered as a jobseeker**: To apply for an AVGS voucher, you must be registered as a jobseeker with the Employment Agency. This applies both to people who receive unemployment benefit I or II and to those who do not. You can find further information on this on the official website of the employment agency.

2 **Individual needs assessment**: Your employment agency or job center will first determine your individual needs. This is usually done in a meeting with your case officer, who will work with you to determine which measures are appropriate for your professional reintegration.

3. fulfillment of certain general conditions: In addition to being registered as a jobseeker, there are certain conditions that must be met. These include, for example, an existing entitlement to unemployment benefit I or unemployment in the last few months. Further details can be found on the Page on the requirements for the placement voucher to read.

Application process

The application process for an AVGS voucher is clearly structured, but requires a few careful steps:

1st **Counseling interview**: The first step is a consultation with your employment agency or case worker at the employment agency. Your current professional situation will be discussed here and it will be discussed whether and which measures could help you to activate and integrate professionally.

2 **Application**: If it has been determined that an AVGS voucher is useful for you, you can officially submit the application. This can often be done directly after the consultation or separately at a later date. The application can be made in person, in writing or online. For example, the website an option to submit the application online.

3 **Examination and approval**: Once you have submitted your application, the employment agency will check your documents and decide whether you meet the requirements for the AVGS voucher. This check may take some time, so it is advisable to submit your application as early as possible.

4. issuance of the AVGS voucher**: If your application is approved, you will receive the AVGS voucher, which you can then redeem with a certified coach or training provider. This enables you to take advantage of the relevant measures without any financial burden on your part.

Important documents and proofs

As part of the application process, some important documents and evidence are required to support and verify your application:

1 **Proof of identity**: A valid identity card or passport is required to prove your identity.

2 **Proof of unemployment**: If you receive unemployment benefit I or II, you must submit the corresponding benefit notices. For jobseekers not receiving benefits, other proof such as registration with the employment agency may be required.

3 **CV and application documents**: A current CV and any existing application documents can help to better identify your individual needs and determine the appropriate support measures.

4 **Other relevant documents**: Depending on the individual situation, additional documents such as proof of education, certificates or work references may also be required.

A complete and correct application is crucial in order to receive the AVGS voucher and to promote professional development. Further details and specific requirements can be obtained directly from your local employment agency or on their official website.

Choosing the right coach

Choosing the right coach is a crucial step in application coaching with AVGS. A qualified and experienced coach can make the difference between success and failure in the application process. In this section, we will explain in detail the criteria for selecting a coach and the necessary experience and qualifications you should look out for.

Criteria for coach selection

When choosing the right coach, several criteria should be considered to ensure that the coach meets both your professional goals and personal needs. Here are some important aspects:

**Personal chemistry**: The chemistry between you and your coach is of crucial importance. A good relationship of trust and open communication are essential for a successful collaboration. A first meeting or a preliminary discussion can help to gain a first impression and check the relationship of trust.

**Experience and success**: An experienced coach can refer to a large number of successful coaching sessions. It is advisable to inquire about the coach's success stories and experiences. Recommendations or reviews from previous clients can be very informative. An overview of the important criteria of good coaches offers valuable tips.

**Specialization**: Coaches often have specialized areas of expertise. Make sure the coach has expert knowledge in the area that is relevant to your professional goals. Whether it's career coaching, application support or specific industry knowledge - the specialization should match your needs.

**Certifications and qualifications**: A qualified coach should have recognized training and relevant certifications. These serve as a seal of quality for their competence and professionalism. Certified coaches meet certain criteria and have qualifications that confirm their suitability and competence. You can find more information on this in the article on Quality in coaching.

**Methods and approaches**: Different coaches use different methods and approaches. While some coaches rely on traditional interview techniques, others offer modern and innovative methods that may suit your learning style better. Find out about the coach's approach and consider whether it suits you.

**Costs and availability**: The cost structure and availability of the coach also play an important role. Ask about the fees and check whether these are covered by the AVGS voucher. The availability of the coach should also correspond to your time frame and needs.

Experience and qualifications of the coach

The qualifications and experience of an application coach are key indicators of their ability to guide you successfully through the application process. Here are some points you should consider:

**Professional experience**: Coaches with extensive professional experience in personnel management or HR provide valuable insights and practical tips. They are familiar with the requirements of employers and know what is important when applying for jobs. An insight into the Requirements and certifications for coaches can give you more clarity.

**Training and certificates**: Sound training and relevant certificates (such as a certified career coach) are important quality features. These qualifications ensure that the coach has in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge that is necessary for your career advancement.

**Network**: A well-connected coach can give you access to valuable contacts in the industry. A broad network enables the coach to offer you targeted recommendations and support that go beyond normal coaching.

**Further training and topicality**: A coach's continuing professional development is also a plus. A coach who is continuously training and is familiar with the latest trends and techniques can provide you with up-to-date and relevant knowledge.

**Empathy and motivation**: Finally, the emotional intelligence of the coach is also important. An empathetic and motivating coach can support you better and respond to your individual challenges. This not only promotes your professional development, but also boosts your self-confidence.

By carefully selecting a coach who meets these criteria, you can ensure that your application coaching is effective and targeted. The right coach can highlight your strengths, improve your weaknesses and prepare you optimally for your professional future.

Creation of an individual coaching plan

A successful application process requires a well-structured strategy that is tailored to individual needs. A customized coaching plan can help you set clear goals and systematically achieve them. In this section, we will explain how to define your goals and expectations and take the essential steps to create an effective coaching plan.

Define goals and expectations

The first step in creating an individual coaching plan is to set clear and realistic goals. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART). A good coach will help you to identify and formulate your professional goals.

**Short-term and long-term goals**: Think about what you want to achieve in both the short and long term. Short-term goals could be, for example, optimizing your application documents or preparing for a specific job interview. Long-term goals could include a desired position or a specific career stage.

**Self-reflection and feedback**: Reflect on your past experiences and identify areas where you would like to improve. Also use feedback from previous employers or colleagues to better understand your strengths and weaknesses. The article about emotional intelligence can help you to understand yourself better and develop your social skills.

**Specification of the requirements**: Determine which requirements and skills are important for your desired position. Together with your coach, you can then develop specific measures to fulfill these requirements.

Steps for creating the plan

Once your goals have been defined, several steps follow to create a comprehensive coaching plan:

1st **Initial assessment**: The first step in the coaching process is to take stock of your current situation. This involves analyzing your previous professional experience, qualifications and application documents. This serves as the basis for further coaching measures.

2 **Individual strategy development**: An individual strategy is developed based on the assessment. This strategy should take into account your specific goals and requirements. A well-defined plan contains concrete measures and milestones to be pursued.

3 **Regular coaching sessions**: Schedule regular sessions with your coach to continually work on your goals and make adjustments. Your coach will guide you through the entire process and help you make progress and overcome challenges.

4 **Resources and tools**: Identify the resources and tools you will need to implement your plan. These may include books, online courses, networking events or specialized application preparation software. A detailed list of Coaching resources can help you implement your strategy.

5 **Review and adjust**: Regularly review your progress and adjust the plan if necessary. Success monitoring is a crucial element to ensure that you are on the right track. Your coach will give you feedback and suggest corrections if necessary.

6 **Long-term support**: Some coaching programs also offer long-term support and follow-up. This can be particularly helpful to ensure that you stay on track and achieve your professional goals after successfully completing the coaching.

By carefully creating and continuously adapting an individual coaching plan, you can maximize your career opportunities and start the application process with confidence and clarity. A well-thought-out plan is the key to a successful application experience and long-term career development.

Analysis and optimization of application documents

Optimizing your application documents is an essential part of application coaching, as these documents convey the first impression that potential employers have of you. A well-structured CV, a convincing cover letter and strong references are key to standing out from other applicants. In this section, we will analyze the individual elements of your application documents and provide tips on how to optimize them.

Curriculum vitae

The CV is the heart of an application and should make a clear and professional impression at first glance. A clear structure, concise information and the highlighting of relevant experience are particularly important here.

**Structure and layout**: Your resume should be clear and easy to read. Use clear headings and divide your CV into logical sections such as work experience, education and skills. A clear structure makes it easier for the reader to quickly grasp the most important information.

**Relevance and conciseness**: Focus on the career stages and qualifications that are most relevant to the position you are applying for. Avoid unnecessary details and make sure that each point is formulated concisely. Remember that quality is more important here than quantity.

**Visual design**: The visual design of your resume should look professional without being cluttered. Use a simple design and make sure the formatting is consistent. A well-designed CV can significantly increase your chances of being invited for an interview.

You can find more valuable tips on how to create an effective CV on the page on the Optimization of the application documents.

Cover letter

The cover letter offers you the opportunity to present your motivation and qualifications in more detail. It should be individually tailored to the position in question and the company.

**Introduction**: Begin your cover letter with an engaging introduction that piques the reader's interest. Avoid standard phrases and instead emphasize why you are interested in the specific position and the company.

**Main body**: The main body of the cover letter should focus on your relevant experience and skills. Make it clear how these experiences and skills make you an ideal candidate for the position. Use concrete examples to back up your statements.

**Conclusion**: Close your cover letter with a positive outlook. Express your anticipation of a personal interview and thank them for considering your application. Make sure you sound friendly and professional.

If you are looking for more tips on how to write a convincing cover letter, the website of the Job application training with AVGS helpful instructions.

References and certificates

References and certificates support your application and can increase your chances of being hired. They confirm your professional achievements and show potential employers that you have the necessary qualifications and experience.

**Selection of references**: Choose references that are directly related to your professional skills and experience. Former supervisors or colleagues who can evaluate your work well are ideal. Make sure your references can speak positively about your work and are willing to answer inquiries from potential employers.

**Presentation of references**: Include meaningful references and certificates that demonstrate your qualifications and professional achievements. Make sure that the references are up-to-date and relevant to the position you are applying for.

Further information on the importance of references and their design can be found in the article on Professional references and their relevance.

By carefully analyzing and optimizing your application documents, you can significantly increase your chances of success in the application process. A professional coach can help you perfect your documents and take the first step towards your new career.

Preparation for job interviews

A successful job interview requires more than just good application documents. It is an opportunity to make a personal impression and convince potential employers of your skills and suitability for the job. Thorough preparation is therefore essential. In this section, we will look at the most common questions and answers as well as the correct behavior and body language during the interview.

Frequently asked questions and answers

An important aspect of preparing for a job interview is practicing common questions. By dealing with typical questions, you can ensure that you appear confident and self-assured in the interview. Here are some of the most common questions and how best to answer them:

**1. tell us something about yourself**: This question gives you the opportunity to present yourself in a positive light. Focus on your professional experience, your strengths and how these apply to the desired position. Avoid talking too much about your personal life.

**2. Why do you want to work for us? Research the company and the role you are applying for in advance. Your answer should show that you know and can identify with the company's values and goals. Also describe how your skills and experience can add value to the company.

**3. what are your strengths and weaknesses? This question is about demonstrating your ability to self-reflect. Choose a strength that is relevant to the role and give a concrete example. For weaknesses, it is advisable to mention one that you are actively working on and how you are already improving it.

**4. Where do you see yourself in five years? With this question, the employer wants to know your long-term goals and ambitions. Your answer should show that you have career plans that are in line with the company's values and goals.

**5. Why should we hire you? Use this opportunity to highlight your unique qualifications and experience. Make it clear how your skills and personality can add value to the company.

You can find more tips on how to best prepare for job interviews on the page on Posture in a job interview.

Behavior and body language

In addition to your answers, your behavior and body language are also decisive for the impression you make in the interview. Body language can often say more about your attitude and confidence than your words. Here are some important points:

**1. greeting and handshake**: A friendly greeting and a firm handshake convey self-confidence. Make sure you make eye contact and smile in a friendly manner. First impressions count and can influence the course of the entire conversation.

**2. sitting posture and eye contact**: An open and upright sitting posture signals interest and commitment. Maintain pleasant eye contact during the conversation without staring. This shows that you are attentive and focused.

**3. gestures and facial expressions**: Use natural gestures to emphasize your statements. Movements that are too reserved or nervous can convey uncertainty. Make sure that your facial expressions support your words and have a positive effect.

**4. voice and pace of speech**: Your voice should be clear and firm. Avoid speaking too quickly or too slowly and pause to emphasize your thoughts. A well-modulated voice comes across as convincing and professional.

You can find more detailed tips on correct body language in the article on Body language in a job interview read more.

By carefully preparing for typical interview questions and being aware of your own body language, you can make a positive and lasting impression in the interview. A professional coach can help you perfect your techniques and go into the interview with confidence and persuasiveness.

Networking and online presence

A strong professional network and a convincing online presence are essential components of a successful career. Networking allows you to make valuable contacts that can help you in your job search or professional development. At the same time, a well-maintained online presence, especially on platforms such as LinkedIn, allows potential employers to find out more about your qualifications and experience. In this section, we give you valuable tips on how to build a professional network and optimize your online profiles.

Building a professional network

A strong professional network can open many doors for you. But what is the best way to build such a network? Here are some proven strategies:

**Active participation in events**: One of the most effective ways to make new contacts is to attend professional events. These include conferences, trade fairs, seminars and industry meetings. Be open and actively approach other participants. Exchange business cards and stay in touch after the event.

**Use of online platforms**: Platforms like LinkedIn are great tools to expand your network. Send personalized messages to build connections and participate in discussions in relevant groups. You can find out more in the Tips for building valuable contacts.

**Nurturing existing relationships**: Building a network is only the first step; it is equally important to nurture existing relationships. Stay in regular contact and offer your support when possible. This can be done through regular emails, phone calls or even face-to-face meetings.

**Professional groups and associations**: Become a member of professional groups and professional associations. These organizations often offer exclusive events and networking opportunities specific to your industry. A list of useful resources for Ability to work in a team in networks can help you identify the right groups.

**Mentors and consultants**: Seek out mentors and advisors who can give you valuable advice and insight into your industry. These relationships can be particularly helpful when you are planning new career moves or facing challenges.

By building and maintaining a professional network, you can significantly expand your professional opportunities and make valuable contacts that will help you in your career.

Optimization of LinkedIn and other platforms

A strong online presence on professional platforms like LinkedIn is essential these days. Here are some tips on how to optimize your profiles:

**Professional profile photo**: A professional profile photo is the first impression potential employers have of you. Make sure your photo is up-to-date, well-lit and professional. It should show you in appropriate clothing and look friendly.

**Meaningful headline**: Use the headline of your profile to succinctly summarize your professional identity. For example, instead of simply stating your current position, you could highlight your key skills or career goals.

**Detailed work experience and education**: Provide detailed information about your work experience and education. Use relevant keywords that potential employers might use in their search. List your most important tasks and achievements and show what added value you have brought in your previous positions.

**Recommendations and endorsements**: Ask former colleagues, supervisors or clients to write you recommendations. These endorsements can reinforce your qualifications and skills and make your profile more attractive to potential employers.

**Activity and commitment**: Show activity and engagement on the platform. Share relevant articles, participate in discussions and publish your own contributions. This increases your visibility and shows that you are active in your industry and are continuously developing.

**Special groups and networks**: Join relevant groups and actively network with other members there. These groups provide valuable resources and opportunities to network with professionals in your industry. You can find more tips on how to use the platform successfully in the LinkedIn usage tips.

By optimizing your online profiles and staying active in your network, you increase your chances of being noticed by potential employers and taking advantage of professional opportunities.

Job exchanges and job search

The effective use of job boards and the application of strategic search methods are essential components of a successful application process. In this section, we will show you how to make the most of job boards and what strategies you can use in your job search to maximize your chances of finding a suitable position.

Effective use of job boards

Job boards are an excellent resource for finding potential job openings. Here are some tips on how to use job boards effectively:

**Choosing the right job board**: There are a variety of job boards that specialize in different industries and career fields. Choose the ones that best match your profile and career goals. A targeted selection will enable you to find relevant vacancies and make your applications more efficient. Well-known job portals such as StepStone, Indeed and Monster are among the most frequently used platforms.

**Creating a professional profile**: Many job boards allow you to create an applicant profile. Use this function and enter all relevant information, including your professional experience, qualifications and skills. A well-maintained profile increases your chances of being found by employers.

**Make optimum use of search functions**: Job boards offer complex search functions that can help you find suitable jobs. Enter specific keywords, locations and filter options to refine your search. You can also create search agents that regularly send you new, suitable vacancies by e-mail.

**Activity and maintenance of application documents**: Stay active and maintain your application documents regularly. Update your CV and other documents to ensure that they always contain the latest information and meet current market requirements.

You can find more valuable tips on how to make the best use of online job portals in the article on the effective use of online job portals.

Job search strategies

In addition to using job boards, using strategic search methods can significantly increase your chances of a successful application:

**Networking**: Networking is one of the most effective ways to find job opportunities. Use your professional network to get information about open positions and get recommendations. Attend industry events and actively network on platforms such as LinkedIn.

**Unsolicited applications**: Don't always wait for advertised vacancies. Unsolicited applications show initiative and can increase your chances of getting a job. Research target companies that are of interest to you and send them a convincing application, even if no vacancies are advertised.

**Social media**: Platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter offer great opportunities to search for jobs and network with potential employers. Follow companies that are of interest to you and take part in discussions to draw attention to yourself.

**Targeted industry portals and trade journals**: Specialized industry portals and trade journals often publish job ads tailored to your specific skills and expertise. Search these sources regularly to make sure you don't miss an opportunity.

**Professional and career advice**: Seek professional support from career consultants or coaching. An experienced consultant can help you optimize your application strategy and tailor it to your individual situation.

By using a combination of these strategies, you can significantly increase your chances of a successful job search. You can find more information and detailed job search instructions on the page about Strategic job coaching.

By using job boards correctly and applying targeted search strategies, you can achieve your career goals efficiently and successfully.

Self-presentation and elevator pitch

The ability to present yourself convincingly is crucial in the application process. An effective self-presentation can make the difference between a successful interview and rejection. An essential part of the self-presentation is the elevator pitch - a short, concise presentation of yourself and your skills that will immediately win over potential employers. In the following section, we will take a detailed look at how to create an elevator pitch and the corresponding practice methods.

Creation of an elevator pitch

An elevator pitch is a short and concise presentation that usually lasts between 30 seconds and two minutes. It should present your professional qualifications and goals clearly and efficiently so that potential employers immediately gain a positive impression. Here are some steps to creating a convincing elevator pitch:

**1. define a clear message**: The first step to creating an elevator pitch is to clearly define your message. Think about the key points you want to convey. This could be your key professional experiences, your special skills or your unique selling proposition. Your message should focus on how you can add value to the potential employer.

**2. structure and organization**: A good elevator pitch has a clear structure: an introduction, a main part and a conclusion. Start with a brief introduction of yourself, followed by your most important professional qualifications and experience. Conclude with a sentence that expresses your enthusiasm and interest in the specific position or company.

**3. adaptation to your audience**: Tailor your elevator pitch to the specific audience. Different employers or industries may find different aspects of your experience and skills relevant. It's important to remain flexible and adapt your presentation depending on the context.

**4. conciseness and relevance**: An elevator pitch should be short and concise. Avoid unnecessary details and concentrate on the relevant information. The trick is to convey the essentials in a short space of time.

**5. memorable language**: Use language that is easy to understand and memorable. Avoid jargon and formulate your sentences clearly and concisely. It is important that your audience can easily absorb and remember your message.

You can find more helpful tips for creating an elevator pitch on the page on the Creation of an elevator pitch read more.

Practice and perfection

Once you have created your elevator pitch, it is important to practise and perfect it regularly. Only by practicing repeatedly can you ensure that you can deliver your pitch fluently and confidently. Here are some tips on how you can do this:

**1. practice regularly**: Practice your pitch regularly, ideally several times a week. This will help you to internalize the presentation and feel comfortable with it. By repeating your pitch often, it will become more natural and convincing.

**2. get feedback**: Ask friends, family members or colleagues to listen to your pitch and provide constructive feedback. Others can identify weaknesses that you may have overlooked and help you improve your pitch.

**3. mirrors and video recordings**: Practice your pitch in front of a mirror or record yourself on video. This will allow you to observe your body language and facial expressions and optimize them if necessary. Positive body language and a confident demeanor are crucial to the success of your pitch.

**4. customization and refinement**: Be prepared to adjust and refine your pitch. If you find that certain parts are not clear or convincing enough, revise them. A pitch is a living document that can and should always be adapted.

**5. simulate situations**: Put yourself in different situations where you could use your pitch, e.g. at networking meetings or job interviews. Simulations help you to be better prepared for different contexts.

For more resources on perfecting your elevator pitch, see the article on Practicing and perfecting your self-presentation.

By carefully creating and continuously practicing an elevator pitch, you can optimally prepare yourself for various professional situations and master your self-presentation at the highest level.

Follow-up and continuous improvement

Completing an application coaching session does not mean the end of your professional development. Rather, it is the beginning of an ongoing process of self-reflection and continuous improvement. In this section, we will discuss how you can obtain feedback from your coach and practice ongoing self-reflection in order to be successful in the long term.

Obtain feedback from the coach

Obtaining feedback is a crucial part of follow-up as it allows you to recognize your strengths and work on your weaknesses. Here are some steps to get valuable feedback from your coach:

**1. openness and willingness to improve**: Be open and willing to accept constructive feedback. This shows your coach that you are seriously interested in developing yourself further. A positive attitude can go a long way.

**2. ask targeted questions**: Ask specific questions to get detailed feedback. For example, ask about areas where you can improve or specific situations where you could have responded better. By asking targeted questions, you will receive more useful and practical advice.

**3. regular feedback sessions**: Arrange regular feedback sessions with your coach to continuously hone your skills. This can be once a month or quarterly, depending on your needs and agreement with your coach.

**4. implementation of the feedback**: Take the feedback you receive seriously and put the suggestions into action. Create a plan on how you can work on the identified weaknesses and set short and long-term goals for improvement.

To learn more about how you can get valuable feedback, visit the article on Get valuable feedback.

Ongoing self-reflection and adaptation

Self-reflection is an ongoing process that helps you to better understand and continuously improve yourself. Here are some methods and techniques for self-reflection:

**1. keep a diary**: A diary can be an effective tool to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. Regularly note down your experiences, what went well and what could be improved. This can help you to recognize patterns and work on your self-awareness.

**2. self-assessment**: Regularly evaluate your own performance and progress. This can take the form of self-assessments or special reflection methods. A systematic evaluation helps you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and develop specific measures for improvement.

**3. get feedback from others**: In addition to getting feedback from your coach, it can also be valuable to get feedback from colleagues, friends or family members. These people may have a different perspective and can offer you further insight.

**4. utilize training and learning resources**: Commit to continuous learning and professional development. Attend training courses, seminars or webinars to keep your knowledge and skills up to date. An overview of resources on the topic Increase productivity offers you suggestions on how you can shape your professional development.

**5. schedule regular reflection phases**: Schedule regular periods of self-reflection, for example once a week or once a month. Sit down in a quiet environment and reflect on your last few weeks, your successes and the challenges you have faced.

Self-reflection and continuous adaptation are important elements for your professional success. By regularly evaluating yourself and being willing to adapt, you ensure that you always stay on the path of improvement. The right attitude and a willingness to evolve are key to long-term success in your career.

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About the Author: Sven Emmrich

Sven Emmrich avatar
Sven is a business graduate, DEKRA-certified coach and passionate entrepreneur. As CEO of Karrierehelden, he has been writing for many years on all career topics such as job applications and job changes, money and salary negotiations, leadership skills and management issues, psychology and personality development, communication and conflict management, self-confidence and entrepreneurship, and the line between work and private life with work-life balance... or much more work-life integration. Sven has coached over 1,000 academics, professionals and executives with his team and is happy to help you too.
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