What is communication simply explained?

What is communication simply explained?

By Published On: 5. December 2023


Communication - actually old hat, isn't it? We chat away every day without giving much thought to how it actually works. And yet, if we take a closer look, communication is a pretty tricky thing. It is indispensable in our everyday lives; it shapes our relationships, our work and ultimately our entire society. But what exactly is communication? In this article, we're going to take it easy and explore the topic in a relaxed way. We'll unpack the definition, indulge in a bit of history and look at what elements and forms there are. And of course, we shouldn't underestimate the role of language and body language. Communication also plays a huge role in various sauce situations - let's check that out. Oh, and don't panic if there's a problem: we'll also look at what happens when communication breaks down and how you can overcome it. Get stuck in, it's going to be exciting!

Definition of communication

Communication is the salt in the soup of our existence. It enables us to exchange and understand thoughts, feelings and information. But how can we get to the heart of communication so that even Grandma Erna and her dachshund Waldi understand it? Quite simply! Communication is the process by which individuals interact with each other in order to achieve mutual understanding. It doesn't matter whether we're chatting, gesticulating or writing a snappy WhatsApp - it's all communication. But let's get down to brass tacks: let's take a deep dive into the fundamental meaning and different types of communication.

Basic meaning

Starting with Adam and Eve, communication has always been part of our DNA. Whether it's through smoke signals, drum beats or today's flood of emoji, the idea is always the same: to trickle a message from A to B. Communication can be verbal, when we open our mouths and speak, or non-verbal, when we send wink signals with our eyes or shrug our shoulders. And then there's the written form, when we capture our profound thoughts on paper or in a text message. But as different as the methods may be, they all have a common goal: to convey information, emotion or a reaction.

Types of communication

Did you know that there are different types of communication that we use every day? First of all, there's verbal communication, our hobbyhorse for gossip, but also for the important things in life. Then there's non-verbal communication - a glance here, a frown there. Body language, baby! Written communication, on the other hand, is what we use when we want to put our thoughts and ideas into words and record them somewhere. Last but not least, in today's digital world, digital communication is omnipresent. This includes emails, blogs, tweets and, of course, the whole social media circus.

It may surprise you, but communication is also a science. In fact, there are entire fields of research dedicated to the question of how communication works in our chicken coop. It is therefore worth taking a look at various communication models that science has at a glancebecause they can help us gain a better understanding of the processes involved in our everyday chatter.

So now we're all a bit smarter about the definition of communication. And the best thing is: that was just the beginning! In the next sections of our little communication 1×1, we'll take a look at the history of communication, discuss different communication processes and styles, and chat about how communication affects us in our daily lives. Let's go, stay tuned!

The history of communication

Do you actually know how the whole chat thing started? The history of communication is as old as mankind itself - a wild journey from prehistoric cave paintings to today's emoji tweets in our chat apps. Come on, let's take a little leap in time and discover together how our communication methods have evolved.

From antiquity to modern times

So, in the beginning there was the word - or rather, the grunt. Our ancestors were probably not the best small talkers, but they had their own ways of conveying information without the written word. Over time, signs and symbols were scribbled in the sand, painted on cave walls, and eventually writing systems were invented. Runes here, hieroglyphics there - each culture had its own code.

But it's amazing: did you know that the ancient Egyptians were already sending letters over 3000 years ago? Their messages traveled down the Nile by ship and - bang - communication was on a whole new level. From then on, inventions such as the telegraph, the telephone and the Internet completely turned the way we communicate on its head. Especially in the In the 20th century, the development of communication through new technologies are springing up like mushrooms.

Development of the means of communication

From smoke signals to Morse code to the first telephone - it's a crazy story. Imagine good old Alexander Graham Bell standing in front of his first telephone in the 19th century and thinking to himself: "Well, let's see if this works." And then it rang, and the rest is history. It's hard for us to imagine nowadays, but not so long ago, messages had to travel for days or even weeks before they reached their destination. A stagecoach wasn't the fastest owl in the barn.

But then - boom - the internet came along and completely rewrote the rules of the game. Suddenly, days became seconds and the world shrank to smartphone size. Pictures, videos, texts - everything was just a swipe away. Social media platforms ultimately took communication to another level and changed the way we present ourselves and our stories to the world.

The development of communication media shows us how societies evolve and adapt. We used to be physically limited, today everything is just a click away. That's why it's so exciting to take a look at the different stages of communication - whether it's the Evolutionary journey from the Stone Age to virtual reality or how language patterns and styles have changed over time.

Man, man, man, what a ride! And the greatest thing about it? The history of communication is far from over. New technologies, inventions and ideas are already waiting around the corner and who knows, maybe in a few years we'll be chatting via thought transmission or with aliens. So stay tuned and keep your ear to the ground!

So now you're up to date on how our Schnack has evolved from ancient times to the present day. And if you need a break from the digital world, remember: a cozy chat with friends or a handwritten letter still have their charm. But until then, stay in touch and don't forget how valuable and changeable our ability to communicate is - a real treasure of our humanity!

Elements of the communication process

Now that we've laid a solid foundation in terms of communication, it's time to take a look at the building blocks that make up this incredible process. Sure, at first glance it seems simple - one person talks, the other listens. But as with Lego building, the devil is in the detail. Every little building block is important to ensure that the end result is a stable structure and not just a wobbly tower that topples over at the first gust of wind. So, let's get down to it and check the elements that make this kind of communication work in the first place.

Transmitter and receiver

Ok, at the kickoff we have the sender, i.e. the person who wants to send the information. This could be your grandma who wants to wish you a happy birthday or your boss who wants to tell you to step on the gas. The recipient, on the other hand, is you when you receive your grandma's congratulations or your boss with his expectations. Sounds easy, but the most important thing is that the sender and receiver are on the same wavelength - that's the only way the message will get from one to the other without creases.

Message and transmission channel

After all, no one can do anything with a message without content. Whether it's about expressing love, passing on the latest gossip or sharing knowledge - the content must always be clear and crisp. But don't forget the transmission channel! Whether by WhatsApp, email, radio waves or old-school verbally - the channel has to be right. Just like the radio: if the channel is not set correctly, all you hear is static. And who wants to lose an important "I love you" in a dead zone?

A perfect example of the diverse channels we use can be found in the Overview of different forms of communication. It shows how essential it is to choose the right channel for the right message.

Feedback and faults

Every good conversation also needs feedback so that the sender knows whether their message has been received correctly. A nod, an "All right!" or simply a heart emoji - such signals say: "Your message has reached me and I understand what you mean!" Without feedback, the conversation is like a tennis match without a rally - it's simply no fun.

But what if the noise from the construction site next door suddenly crashes the cozy coffee chat? Or when your inner restlessness is buzzing so much that you can barely understand what the other person is thinking? These are the disturbances that can make life difficult. They lurk everywhere - in noisy surroundings, with a poor internet connection or when your own thoughts are going round in circles. Anything that distorts or swallows up the message will reduce the quality of communication.

The good news is that there are tools and tricks to tame these disruptions. If you would like to find out more about possible tripping hazards and how to avoid them, you can visit the Handout on communication techniques and find out more.

So communication really isn't rocket science, but it's not child's play either. It is a lively interplay of sender, receiver, message, channel and feedback, in which disturbances are like uninvited guests. But similar to laying bricks or creating a work of art - with patience and practice, you can overcome any hurdles.

In the next chapter, we'll go one step further and take a look at what forms of communication there are - you're probably already familiar with some of them, but there may also be a surprise or two. Stay tuned and stay curious!

Forms of communication

Communication comes in many flavors - almost like an ice cream counter in summer. Now that we've got the theory out of the way, let's get down to the practical side and take a look at the different forms of communication. Each form has its own appeal and impact - whether it's to share the latest news with friends or to really shine at work. Grab a scoop of ice cream, er, I mean a form of communication, and let's look together at how it's used in our lives!

Verbal communication

We start with verbal communication - our daily bread. Whether we're chatting, discussing or simply cracking wise, the spoken word is the time-honored sword in our communicative arsenal. And it's also where most misunderstandings arise, but hey, nobody's perfect, right? We use it to express our thoughts and feelings, and it can be as powerful as a magic word that can make someone laugh or even cry.

When we talk about verbal communication, we also need to talk about the art of listening - because what good is the best conversation if no one on the other end is really listening? And if you're feeling like your verbal communication skills could do with a little polish, there's plenty of Tips and tricks on how to get better at verbal exchange and can shine both professionally and privately.

Non-verbal communication

The next popsicle is non-verbal communication - the secret star in the communication firmament. We're talking about a wink, a nod of the head, even the way we stand or walk. These small, mostly unconscious signals can tell entire novels without a single word being mumbled. They are like the bass in a good song - often not directly visible, but absolutely crucial to the overall impression.

Scientists tell us that a large part of our communication actually takes place via non-verbal channels. So the next time you feel like someone isn't telling you the whole story, check out their body language - it can be the key to reading between the lines! And if you want to expand your non-verbal repertoire yourself, there are plenty of Insights that explain what non-verbal communication means and how it can be used.

Written and visual communication

Last but not least, we have written and visual communication - the high-flyers in the digital world. This is about everything we type and type every day, whether at work or with friends. Emails, reports, memes, GIFs - it all falls into this category. And let's not forget visual communication, where images and design do the talking. As we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words and in the age of Instagram and the like, this form of communication has developed its own universality and language.

Written communication requires clarity, precision and, of course, a good dose of grammar and spelling. You don't want your work emails to look like a puzzle, do you? And if you're looking for inspiration on how to spice up written messages with a visual twist, check out the Explanations of the different forms of communicationthat can be found out there.

So, now you know the 1×1 of forms of communication - verbal, non-verbal, written, visual. Sure, sometimes it's a bit like learning to juggle while riding a unicycle. But the more you practise, the more fun it will be and the smoother it will go. And now, grab your communication cones and get throwing - the world is waiting to get in touch with you!

So, dear people, now we come to a topic that makes many of you frown: Communication models. Sounds as dry as rusks at first, doesn't it? But hold on to your hooves - it's a really exciting area because it shows us how the whole babbling and understanding thing works. The models are like maps for the conversational terrain, and if we know where the swamps and gold mines are, then traveling through the communication landscape becomes child's play.

Linear model

The linear model is like a one-way street - information is chased from sender to receiver without the receiver being able to squawk much. Imagine you're at the cinema watching a movie - the movie (sender) blows its story in your face, and you (receiver) just sit there and let it wash over you. No exchange, no interaction, just pure transmission from A to B.

But as simple as the model is, as tricky are the pitfalls. Because in reality, there's hardly a conversation in which one person just talks and the other stands around like a pillar of salt. That's why this model is usually only a reference point for the simplest communication processes - practical, but also a bit one-sided.

Interaction model

Let's move on to the interaction model, and this is where it gets cooler because the ping-pong fun begins. The model is based on the idea that there is feedback from the receiver to the sender - like in a relaxed ping-pong match between friends. You throw something over, the other person hits it back, and a dialog ensues. Bam! Mutual understanding and aha effects flow like honey in summer.

Of course, it's not always as sweet as honey - misunderstandings and disruptions can disrupt the flow of the game, but that's exactly what you can talk about because it's a mutual exchange. A good anchor point for this is interaction theory, which deals with the interrelationship between the participants. If you want to dig even deeper, you can look into the world of Losing communication theoriesto get the tools for top interaction.

Transaction model

And now, ladies and gentlemen, step right up, because we're taking a look at the transactional model - the model that recognizes that everyone involved is both a sender and a receiver. This is where the action happens, because everyone is actively involved in the chatter. It's like dancing - every step, every turn influences the overall picture, and every dance partner contributes to the performance. Cool, isn't it?

This model is quite sophisticated because it takes into account that we are all influenced by our environment, our mood and our experiences. The transactional model shows us how dynamic and flexible communication really is. If your brain is spinning and you're thinking: "Yeah lol, what exactly is this transactional model?" - No problem! There are heaps of Information on transaction analysisthat will help you to unravel the whole thing.

And with that, my dear communication acrobats, we have at least examined the basic features of the communication models. Whether linear, interactional or transactional - each model has its place and its time. The trick is to recognize and use the right model for the right situation in order to achieve true mastery in the art of snapping. Because at the end of the day, communication is what makes us human - the unifying factor in a world full of differences.

Now listen to me: don't put these models in the museum of your knowledge where they gather dust. Use them as a toolbox to polish up your communication, understand your partner better or climb up a rung or two at work. So, slip into the role of the eloquent wizard and use the communication models as a magic wand - for magical moments and sparkling connections between people.

Well, who would have thought it? Language plays the leading role in our chatting party - it's the VIP among communicators. Even if we sometimes think that pictures or emoji bombs steal the show, without language our communication would be as flat as a pancake without filling. So, pay attention and prick up your ears: We're going to take a closer look at the phenomenon of 'language' and its meaning in the world of words!

Choice of words and meaning

Words are the tools of our communication. We use them to form thoughts, tell stories and convey feelings. But it's not just what we say, but how we say it: the choice of our words can tip the scales as to whether we are understood or misunderstood. An "I like you" can trigger joy, but an "I don't like you..." has a completely different flavor, doesn't it?

A lot can be said about the choice of words and their meaning, they are crucial for the success of our communication. Because through our choice we control how our message is received - with all the subtleties, undertones and colors that our language has to offer.

And always remember that language is alive and constantly changing. New words pop up, old ones disappear into nirvana. Just think of the cool "knorke" or "dufte", which hardly anyone uses these days. Our choice of words reflects our personality, our background and our values. It makes us who we are and how we are perceived by others.

Language barriers

Just as mountain ranges sometimes block hikers from A to B, language barriers can also get in the way. Dialects, technical jargon or simply bad timing - all of these can make communication difficult and present us with tricky challenges.

So it's no wonder that many an international meeting is more reminiscent of the Tower of Babel than a fruitful brainstorming session. Different languages and accents can throw a lot of sand in the communication gears. But don't worry - fortunately, there are ways and means of cleverly circumventing these language barriers or even breaking them down with a little practice.

An open approach, the will to learn and perhaps a few words of a foreign language - that can make the whole thing more relaxed. It's sometimes like a jigsaw puzzle: if you put the pieces together correctly, a wonderful picture emerges. It's similar with communication: with patience and understanding, we can overcome the walls of misunderstanding and build bridges of understanding.

And of course there are also various Techniques and methods to overcome language barriersfrom learning a new language to using images or symbols that are universally understood. It's important to keep an open mind, be empathetic and not let the first language hurdle throw you off course.

Language is and remains a powerful tool in our communication toolbox, and the better we master it, the more efficient and fulfilling our exchanges with others will be. So, unpack the dictionary gym mat and let the synapses dance!

So, dear friends of interpersonal signals, what would our world be without the subtle art of body language? It plays a huge role in the way we interact with each other - sometimes even more important than the words themselves. So, sit back as we go on an exciting journey through the world of gestures, facial expressions and all the secret signals we send and receive every day!

Gestures and facial expressions

You've probably already experienced it: sometimes a look is worth a thousand words. Gestures and facial expressions are the silent companions of our conversations, which also convey a lot of additional information. A frown can express concern, a smile warmth and joy. Here with us, we don't just talk with our lips, we also play with our whole bodies.

And hand on heart, how often have you had a conversation where the other person's body language somehow didn't match what was being said? Exactly, our bodies lie less often than our mouths. That's why it's worth Secret language of our gestures and facial expressions to decipher the true feelings and thoughts of the people around us.

Did you know, for example, that crossed arms are often perceived as a defensive posture? Or that we can unconsciously express sympathy and understanding by mirroring the other person's posture? These small signs can work wonders in the world of communication and can lead encounters either to success or to the sidelines. Even if you're thinking "Oh no, I don't read minds" - don't worry, the basics of body language are easy to learn and can really help you in everyday life.

As you can see, body language has a lot to offer and is a great tool for making yourself understood in the outside world. Whether you're in a meeting, flirting or just meeting up with friends - mastering non-verbal skills makes things much easier. So, keep your eyes and ears open, because sometimes hand movements and facial expressions say more than a thousand words!

Proxemics - The science of space

Now it's getting scientific, folks: welcome to the world of proxemics! This is the technical term for the way we humans use the space around us. It may sound a bit outlandish, but it's down to earth. The distance we keep from others says a lot. Whether we allow someone in or keep them at a distance - the space between us is saturated with meaning.

If this confuses you, just think about how you feel when someone you hardly know gets too close to you. Uncomfortable, right? That's because our personal space - our invisible bubble - is a sacred area that we unconsciously defend.

But this bubble is not the same size everywhere. Depending on the culture, what is considered appropriate can vary greatly. In the dense hustle and bustle of the Tokyo subway, personal space is inevitably smaller than when hiking in the Norwegian fjords. And in communication? Proxemics play a huge role here. Did you know, for example, that in some cultures it is customary to stand closer together during a conversation, while in others it is precisely the distance that expresses respect? The correct interpretation of space and its use can therefore determine whether you are perceived as friendly or intrusive.

The good news is that anyone can learn these subtle rules of space. An eye for detail and a little bit of observation make perfect masters. If you want to delve even deeper into the subject, you can find more information on Wikipedia an exciting essay on proxemicswhich is of particular interest to all those who often travel to other cultures for work or pleasure.

So, be aware of how you use the space and try to understand how others react to your personal dance in the room. Whether you move closer or keep a little distance can change the whole game. So now, you space explorers and gesture jugglers, take your newfound knowledge and apply it to make your communication a real experience - with every gesture, every look and every step you take!

Social beings, as we humans are, don't just use communication to chat about the weather or exchange gossip. Every context in which we operate requires its own way of communicating. Whether it's a chat with the family, a heated discussion in the office or chatting with friends from all over the world - we adapt our communication style to the respective context. Sometimes very casually, sometimes strictly according to etiquette. So let's dive into the fascinating world of communication in different contexts!

Interpersonal communication

Let's start with interpersonal communication, i.e. the direct exchange between people. This is the most intimate form of chat - it takes place between partners, family members or friends. This is where personal thoughts and deep feelings are shared, and it often serves not only to exchange information, but also to build and maintain relationships.

You might think that the more familiar the people, the easier the communication, but fiddlesticks! It is often precisely these relationships that grate and creak. Why? Because expectations and emotions increase with proximity. A flippant word that a stranger smiles away easily can cause a real storm in private. So it's particularly important here how empathetically we communicate and whether we take the Meaning of empathy in our daily interactions.

Group communication

Let's take a look at the next caliber: group communication. This immediately brings to mind meetings, workshops or even cheerful conferences around the coffee table. Here, several participants are involved and communication becomes a feat of coordination and organization. You have to maintain speaking rights, steer the discussion and ensure that everyone has their say - a real challenge, I tell you!

And especially in a professional context, where teamwork is very important these days, it is essential to avoid communicative mishaps. A healthy mix of speech and counter-speech, suggestions and feedback - that keeps the ball rolling. Sometimes a creative brainstorm, sometimes a structured debate. Good success in a team also depends on a shared understanding, which is deepened through well-rehearsed communication. Take a look at this, how teamwork works - Here, the tone you strike is half the battle.

Mass communication

And finally we come to mass communication - the Big Brother of communication forms. Here we are talking about television, radio, newspapers and, of course, the internet. The messages conveyed here are intended for a wide audience and are often designed by media professionals. Although there is less direct feedback involved, the impact should not be underestimated. Mass communication shapes opinions, trends and can set entire movements in motion.

In our networked world, where anyone can become a broadcaster with a click, mass communication is no longer just a playground for the big players. Every blogger, every tweet, even every TikTok video contributes to this. The methods and Technologies of mass communication are more diverse than ever before and a powerful tool for informing, entertaining or mobilizing people.

Whether interpersonally, in groups or en masse - communication takes on essential functions in all situations in life. It connects, motivates, clarifies and can also be really annoying. But one thing is certain: without it, we would be pretty much lost. There are countless tools in our communication toolbox, and the context determines which tool is used. The goal remains the same: to build a bridge over which our messages can safely reach the other side. So, whether you make your thoughts clear, give away a smile or go on air - do it with heart and mind. Because what we say and how we say it makes all the difference in the end.

Digital communication in the 21st century

It's amazing that we now live in an age where we can communicate from Berlin to Tokyo with just a few clicks, isn't it? Digital communication in the 21st century is a real phenomenon and has completely revolutionized the way we chat with each other. From rapid exchanges on social media to video calls that turn distant figures into almost neighbors, technology is now the linchpin of the way we communicate. Let's dive into the world of digital and find out what it means for our everyday lives and our interpersonal relationships!

Social media and their effects

Do you remember the time before Facebook, Instagram and Twitter? It's hard to imagine anymore, isn't it? Social media has democratized communication - everyone has a voice, can blast out their opinions, chat with others in real time and even get in touch with their idols. It's like having a huge party where everyone is invited and it never ends.

But of course, not all that glitters is gold. As great as social media is for networking and having fun, this style of communication also poses challenges. Fake news, cyberbullying and social isolation are just some of the problems that come with the online world. It's a double-edged sword, because while we can use the Opportunities for good communication we must also consider the downsides and put them up for discussion.

Nevertheless, there's hardly any way back. Social media is here to stay and we need to learn how to use these platforms responsibly and to the benefit of us all. The fact is that the way we communicate through social media has changed our society and will continue to do so.

The evolution of digital means of communication

And it's not just social media that has changed the rules of the game. Think WhatsApp, Slack, Zoom - all are the result of the evolution of digital communication tools. We jump from app to app; the smartphone has become the command center of our lives. And the speed at which digital media is evolving is breathtaking.

The highlight of all this is not just the speed or accessibility, but also the flexibility that enable digital tools in our communication. From text messages written under the table during a meeting to video conferencing that keeps long-distance relationships alive, we are more flexible and mobile than ever.

But this constant accessibility also has its price. The boundaries between work and leisure are blurred and the constant FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) makes us slaves to notifications. Digital communication has completely changed our expectations and made us more impatient in some respects. Quick feedback is expected and the time we used to take to think and respond seems to be getting shorter and shorter.

One thing is clear: we are only at the beginning of a revolution. What will the future bring? Voice assistants that speak for us or glasses that project messages directly onto our retinas? Digital media and their communication platforms are constantly evolving. Today we send GIFs, tomorrow we may be communicating in virtual reality environments. Exciting times are ahead of us, in which the boundaries between man and machine, reality and virtuality will become increasingly blurred.

Digital communication has made our world smaller and at the same time opened up endless possibilities. We should take advantage of these opportunities without losing the personal, human side of communication. Because no matter how advanced the technology may be - in the end, it's the human contact that counts, the genuine heart-to-heart connection. So let's use digital tools wisely to strengthen these connections, not weaken them!

Guys, let's be honest: how many of you have never had a minor or major communication breakdown? Sometimes it feels like our words are flying around and end up in the Bermuda Triangle instead of our ears. This section is about the classic communication problem - communication breakdowns and barriers. We delve into the world of misunderstandings and explain why things sometimes just don't go as planned and what we can do about it.

Causes of misunderstandings

It's like playing whisper mail: What comes out at the end often has little to do with the original message. It's often the little things that cause a lot of confusion. Perhaps the message was unclear, or the noise of the passing streetcar made it impossible to listen. Our own prejudices and assumptions can also throw a spanner in the works.

But it goes even deeper. Each of us has a different map in our head when it comes to the meaning of words and gestures. This can lead to some pretty crazy misunderstandings, which - once the whole thing is over - can make you smile. If you want to find out more about how such misunderstandings arise and how to avoid them, you should definitely take a look at a book on communication disorders and their diversity throw.

Overcoming communication barriers

So what do we do with this mess? Just give up and resign ourselves to the fact that misunderstandings are a necessary evil? Nope, that would be too easy. The good news is that we can overcome communication barriers if we know what's going on. First step: active listening. This means being really attentive, engaging with the other person and asking questions if something is unclear.

You can also make your messages clearer by concentrating on the essentials and formulating them unambiguously. No technical jargon if it can be simpler, and don't beat about the bush!

And if you find yourself knee-deep in communication chaos, a little self-reflection can't hurt. Sometimes we ourselves are the biggest obstacle on the path to communicative nirvana. Empathy, openness and the willingness to put yourself in the other person's shoes can help. If you want to go one better, you will find the Article on the characteristics of a good team helpful suggestions on how to overcome communication hurdles when working together.

Communication breakdowns and barriers are normal in a world where everyone ticks differently. It is important that we don't get discouraged and always remain open to improvement. Because whether at work, in love or when chatting with friends - only those who make themselves understood can really be heard.

So go on, throw the ancient scrolls of silence into the fire and open the gates to a world in which people understand each other. Sometimes a simple "What do you mean?" can be enough to prevent a small communicative world war. Stay close, ask questions and laugh together when things don't go as planned - because that's what makes us human and our communication so colorful.

Let's take a look at a very hot topic: effective communication techniques. Communication is not only important for communicating our feelings and thoughts, but can also enrich our lives in many areas if done correctly. And because things don't always go as smoothly as we'd like, here are some useful techniques to take interpersonal communication to the next level. Grab a cookie and make yourselves comfortable, now it's getting exciting!

Active listening

A golden rule of effective communication is active listening. This means paying full attention when someone is speaking - no thoughts wandering, no checking Instagram at the same time. Active listening uses your whole self, it shows the other person: "Hey, I'm right there with you and hanging on your every word." It requires eye contact, nodding agreement and the occasional question to really make sure you're on the same page.

You might be thinking: "Great, sounds easy!" But don't underestimate the whole thing - really good listening is an art in itself. If you really listen actively, you will suddenly discover nuances and understand what resonates between the lines. If you want to find out more, I recommend you take a look at the Tips and tricks for active listening. They don't just help professionally, they also enchant people in their private lives.

Clarity and brevity

Another trick in communication is the combination of clarity and brevity. It's like cleaning your glasses - suddenly everything becomes so wonderfully sharp and unambiguous! Sure, sometimes we want to conquer the world with our stories, but often less is more. You want to get a message across? Then keep it short and snappy. No nested sentences that wrap around your neck like a tangle of Ouroboros snakes.

Practice getting to the heart of the matter without beating around the bush. Because time is precious, especially in professional life, and nobody wants to listen to a half-hour eulogy when it can be said in two sentences. If you want to dig deeper here, we recommend the Article about what makes good communication, is warmly recommended.

Empathy and emotional intelligence

Last but not least: empathy and emotional intelligence. These are the icing on your communication cake. Empathy enables you to put yourself in other people's shoes, understand their emotional world and react to it sensitively. This nips conflicts in the bud and allows relationships to flourish. Emotional intelligence, on the other hand, is the knowledge of how emotions work - both your own and those of others.

Imagine you have a mood detector and as soon as the alarm bells ring, you know: "Ah, now you need sensitivity!" Emotional intelligence and empathy not only help you to conjure up harmony in everyday life, but can also save you from many a faux pas. If you want to drill down a little, you'll find the Online course on learning empathy a treasure trove of useful skills.

Effective communication techniques are like superpowers for your social life. Whether you're in a job interview, settling an argument or just hanging out with your buddies - if you polish up your communication skills, you'll notice how doors open and life simply becomes a little easier. The techniques are actually simple, but mastering them takes time and patience. So what are you waiting for? Stand at the starting line and boost your communication into the stratosphere!

Gosh darlings, how often do we face the challenge of expressing ourselves clearly and comprehensibly in life? Communication is more than just chatter - it is a key skill that determines success in pretty much every area of life. Yes, you read that right - whether it's about getting ahead at work or setting the tone in social interactions: Nothing works without the necessary communication skills. But don't worry - communication is not an unfathomable mystery, but something that can be learned and improved. So, listen up, because now it's all about the wonderful world of communication, which is much more than just words.

Importance for professional success

If you can get by at work, you're already halfway there. In today's working world, it's super important to get your ideas and thoughts across in such a way that even the grumpiest colleague or the most demanding boss can get behind them. But let's not kid ourselves - in everyday office life, things only run smoothly if the communication is right. It's like conducting an orchestra: only if everyone knows their notes and plays at the right time will there be applause instead of boos at the end.

But why is that? Numerous Studies and field reports show that communication skills are not only important for individuals, but also strengthen companies. Clear, open communication promotes teamwork and creative problem-solving and minimizes conflicts. In short: if you are a great communicator, you can really score points in your professional life.

Communication training and development

Now you're probably thinking: "Ok, sounds fancy - but how do I become a communication guru?" It's simple: practice, practice, practice. There is a wealth of communication training courses, workshops and seminars that will give you the tools you need. From rhetoric courses to seminars on body language and training for your written skills - if you want, you'll find a wide range of options.

It is not only important to learn the theory, but also to practice and internalize your communication skills. Role-playing, feedback rounds or even very specific feedback from trusted people can help to sharpen and adapt your communicative style.

However, the essence of good communication also lies in a confident appearance. The more confident you are about what you say and how you present yourself, the more successful your communication will be. Here's a little insider tip: Start small, do it like muscle training - with regular sessions and increasing intensity. And if you need inspiration, take a look at the many Tips on the netthat will help you to personalize your communication training.

So, let's cut to the chase: communication really is a trifecta of skills that are important for getting ahead in life. It's like a language that everyone understands - you just have to learn to speak it fluently. And whether you're in a job interview, at your next presentation or trying to convince your great-aunt that a smartphone is a cool thing after all - with a good dose of communication skills under your belt, you'll be well prepared. So, put on your verbal sneakers and start walking. The world is waiting to hear what you have to say!

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About the Author: Sven Emmrich

Sven Emmrich avatar
Sven is a business graduate, DEKRA-certified coach and passionate entrepreneur. As CEO of Karrierehelden, he has been writing for many years on all career topics such as job applications and job changes, money and salary negotiations, leadership skills and management issues, psychology and personality development, communication and conflict management, self-confidence and entrepreneurship, and the line between work and private life with work-life balance... or much more work-life integration. Sven has coached over 1,000 academics, professionals and executives with his team and is happy to help you too.
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