What causes stress in the workplace?

What causes stress in the workplace?

By Published On: 2. December 2023


Stress at work has become so commonplace that it's almost part of everyday office life. But wait a minute, should that really be the case? Sure, a little pressure can sometimes be quite motivating, but if it gets too much, it can really take its toll on our psyche and performance. In this article, we want to take a closer look at what exactly puts us under pressure at work. From excessive workloads that can get on top of us, to social gossip with colleagues or bosses - there's a lot that makes us long for the end of the day. We also talk about job insecurity, that constant fear at the back of our necks, what if we can't go on? Then there's the constant juggling act of balancing work and private life. Not to mention how bad office chairs and the never-ending whirlwind of technology can cause us additional stress. So, let's delve deeper and find out what we can do to keep these stress monsters at bay. Because one thing is clear: there is definitely a different way to work healthier and happier!

Definition of stress and its relevance in the work context

What exactly do we mean when we talk about stress, and why does it seem to play such a prominent role in the workplace? These questions are an important part of the puzzle that should give us a picture of how we can make our work not only more effective, but also more enjoyable.

What is stress?

In the scientific world, stress is usually defined as the body's response to demands or threats. In short, it's the kick our body gets when it switches into "fight or flight" mode. Except that in the office, we can't really fight or run. Instead, we sit there and try to deal with the pressure that puts our minds and bodies on overdrive. And it is precisely this way of dealing with stressful situations that is one of the major challenges in the modern working world.

A helpful Explanation on the subject of stress shows that it's not just the big deadlines that cause stress. Everyday small things can also cause us a lot of stress, especially when they pile up.

The effects of stress on work performance

Stress is not completely bad. Ideally, a little adrenaline helps us to get things done faster and better. But too much of it has the opposite effect: our performance suffers. We become tired, unfocused and everything suddenly takes twice as long. And that's the lesser of two evils. In the long term, prolonged stress can lead to serious health problems, from burnout to heart disease.

Interestingly, one Study by the Academy for Sport and Health have shown that even short-term stress can impair our physical performance - this also applies to the mental processes that we need every day at work.

This is why it is so important not only to identify sources of stress in our working lives, but also to actively combat them - for our health and our performance.

However, not only does each person perceive and process stress differently, but the triggers can also vary from person to person. What throws one person completely off course may only be a minor annoyance for another. That's why it's so important that we not only understand what stress is and how it affects us. We also need to learn to read our body's signals and respond appropriately - before we are overwhelmed by the waves of stress.

The next big question is: how can we minimize or better manage this stress in the workplace? Let's start by exploring the main causes and take a look at the role of workload in the stress creation process.

The role of workload in the development of stress

Who hasn't experienced this: a mountain of tasks that seems to grow incessantly while the hours of the day melt away like ice in the summer sun. A heavy workload can be one of the biggest stress factors in working life. The way in which we deal with this workload has a direct impact on our wellbeing and morale. But what exactly is it about workload that causes stress and how can we counteract it?

Overload due to excessive workload

It's an open secret: too many tasks and too little time to complete them lead to a feeling of being overwhelmed. We feel stressed because we have the impression that we are losing control. Our to-do list gets longer, the time windows for breaks shorter. The result is often a feeling of exhaustion that affects us both physically and mentally.

Studies show that employees who constantly work under high pressure have an increased risk of a variety of health problems. These range from sleep disorders and headaches to chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure. The Effects of high workload can therefore not be ignored.

However, it is not only the quantity of work that plays a role, but also the quality. Work that requires constant concentration or is emotionally stressful can cause mental exhaustion and affect our performance. If these overload scenarios become the norm, it's time to question your own situation. This is where Methods for stress reductionsuch as setting priorities, delegating tasks and learning time management skills.

Time pressure and deadlines as stress factors

The clock is ticking, the deadline is approaching - time pressure is another stress-inducing factor that is omnipresent in many offices. Working under time pressure can mean that we have to make decisions more quickly, often without enough time for careful consideration. This makes us more prone to errors and leads to a vicious circle of corrections and even more time pressure.

Deadline pressure is not only mentally stressful, it can also inhibit our creativity and ability to innovate. In an environment characterized by haste, there is little room for new ideas and approaches. A continuous race against time can also lead to neglecting important aspects such as personal development or cultivating interpersonal relationships.

But how do you deal with this pressure? Can a good Time and conflict management really help, and if so, how do you develop these skills? It often starts with a realistic assessment of your own capacities and the willingness to say 'no' from time to time. By creating structure, for example by prioritizing tasks, we can bring calm to chaos.

In many cases, it is also helpful to seek a direct exchange with superiors. Open communication about expectations and feasible schedules can go a long way towards reducing stress. Work culture also plays a crucial role: in companies that support a sensible approach to workload and time pressure, employees often find themselves less stressed and more productive. The key here is to promote a culture in which good teamwork and mutual support are recognized and lived as a value.

Let's not forget that happy employees who are aware of their tasks and schedules are the backbone of any successful company. Therefore, both companies and employees should focus on managing workload and time pressure in order to minimize stress and maximize job satisfaction.

Social factors and interpersonal conflicts

When we talk about stress factors in the workplace, there's one key point we can't ignore: social relationships. Whether with colleagues or superiors, the nature of our interactions can contribute significantly to stress levels. Conflicts with others can cause discomfort and poison our working atmosphere on a daily basis. But what can we do if we don't get along well and interpersonal conflicts are causing us stress?

Dealing with difficult colleagues and superiors

It's a fact of office life: some people are easier to get along with, others less so. Difficult colleagues - the constant grumblers, the over-ambitious or those who stay out of everything - are a classic. The same goes for superiors who either take the air out of you through micromanagement or are so distant that you feel like you're on another planet as an employee.

The secret to dealing with difficult colleagues and bosses lies in a mixture of self-assertion and empathy. It is important to make your own boundaries clear, but at the same time try to understand the other person's perspective. A portion of Empathy in everyday working life can go a long way towards reducing tensions and creating a better working atmosphere.

However, if the conflicts become too much, it is sometimes necessary to seek professional help. Conflict management workshops or even mediation can shed light on long-standing disputes. They offer tools to actively tackle conflicts and resolve them in a way that allows the team to grow closer together.

Bullying and its consequences for mental health

Bullying in the workplace is a phenomenon that unfortunately still occurs far too often. It goes far beyond normal conflicts and can have serious consequences for the mental health of those affected. From targeted exclusion from the team to constant criticism of work and personal attacks - the forms of bullying are varied and all of them harmful.

The effects can be devastating: in addition to reduced self-esteem and anxiety, long-term bullying can even lead to depression. It is therefore crucial to recognize and counteract bullying at an early stage. The Consequences of bullying in the workplace must be taken seriously, both by colleagues and by management.

Companies play a key role here. They must implement a clear anti-bullying policy and ensure a culture in which such behavior is not tolerated. Training on how to deal with bullying and the establishment of anonymous reporting centers can help those affected to improve their situation and feel safe.

It remains to be said: A supportive social environment is an essential component of job satisfaction. Social factors can both cause and reduce stress in the workplace - and ultimately they have a significant impact on how much we enjoy going to work and how productive we are.

So what can we do to promote harmony and minimize the negative impact of social conflict in the workplace? The answer lies in a mix of personal engagement, open corporate communication and the right conflict resolution strategies. It's an investment that pays off - for employees, for teams and for the company as a whole.

Job insecurity and fear of losing your job

Imagine this: You are sitting at your desk, a picture of tranquillity from the outside. On the inside, however, things look very different. In addition to the daily tasks and challenges, there is another constant worry - the fear of losing your job. In today's fast-moving business world, this fear can take many forms: Restructuring, outsourcing, economic downturns. All these factors can fuel uncertainty and send stress signals through the office environment.

The effects of economic uncertainty

The modern world of work is constantly changing, and with it the demands placed on employees. A background noise of economic uncertainty can be a strain on the nerves, as financial stability is a pillar of our life planning. A study from the Süddeutsche Zeitung points out that worrying about one's job is one of the stress-inducing factors that make one's work appear to be under permanent threat. This chronic fear of losing your job can have a negative impact not only on your mental balance, but also on your professional performance.

When anxiety about your job becomes part of your everyday life, it can be difficult to maintain concentration and motivation. Working under this premise day after day saps your self-confidence and zest for life. It leads to an alarming increase in mental stress, as the thought of possibly losing your job cannot simply be shaken off. The constant inner tension can also lead to insomnia, high blood pressure and a weakened immune system.

Changes in the company structure as a stress trigger

Corporate restructuring is part of business life, but it also brings with it uncertainty. The fear of being "left behind" in the next wave of change fosters a culture of unrest and mistrust. It is often not only the fear of losing one's job directly, but also the concern about the deterioration of working conditions or the loss of valued colleagues.

When the hallways echo with rumors of impending change, morale can suffer. The feeling of helplessness in the face of big, uninfluenceable decisions leads to a loss of loyalty and declining productivity. Employees who have a strong team spirit and live the values of their company often feel personally devalued by such changes. It is no longer about the 'we', but about bare survival.

In view of these challenges, it is important to develop strategies that counteract the uncertainty. A transparent communication policy on the part of the company can work wonders here. If employees are involved in the process, fears can be reduced and a feeling of involvement can be conveyed. Psychological support services and support measures for employees, for example in the form of further training or resilience training, are also part of a comprehensive stress management approach.

There is no question that job insecurity is a significant stress factor. But it can also be an opportunity to reflect on your own professional situation and look for alternatives. Perhaps it's time to explore new avenues, take up further training or take the plunge into a different field. The ability to adapt to new circumstances and react flexibly to change is a key skill in the modern working world.

On the way to a working environment with less stress, it is important to critically evaluate external circumstances, but also to continuously develop personal coping strategies. Uncertainty and fear of losing your job are serious stressors, but they are not insurmountable. With the right measures, both on the part of the company and the employee, fears can be reduced and a healthier, more motivating working environment can be created.

Imbalance between professional and private life

Who hasn't been there? Arriving home after a long day at work and just wanting to switch off - and then constantly keeping an eye on your smartphone in case an important email comes in. This imbalance between work and leisure time is one of the main causes of stress at work: when the job leaves no room for personal life, burnout is no longer just on the horizon, it's just around the corner.

The challenges of work-life balance

The concept of work-life balance promises a harmonious balance between professional obligations and private pleasure. But the path to achieving this is often like walking a tightrope, especially in a world where constant availability has become the norm. One achieve a good work-life balance has become a challenge that requires not only individual commitment, but also a rethink at company level.

In fact, the constant juggling of work and private life is becoming an increasing burden. Yet it is precisely this balance that is crucial for our long-term satisfaction and health. In addition to the obvious consequences, such as fatigue and reduced performance, experts warn of an increased risk of chronic illness and mental health problems.

So what to do when the end of the working day is no longer really a holiday? First of all, you could the definition of work-life balance and then actively take steps to restructure your everyday life. Setting clear boundaries between work and private life is one of the most important steps to avoid falling into the trap of working around the clock.

The role of overtime and availability outside working hours

Overtime can be a necessary evil in some cases, but when it becomes a regular part of everyday working life, the scales begin to tip. Reports on the psychological effects of constant availability suggest that permanent availability and the inability to switch off can lead directly into the stress trap.

Being "on call" even outside of normal working hours is not only an intrusion into our recovery phases, but also a stressor that never allows us to really rest mentally. Drawing a clear line between the office and home becomes all the more difficult when we are expected to be constantly available - even at times when we should actually be relaxing.

Quite a few employees therefore struggle with the feeling of never really having time off, which in turn leads to concerns about their own health and the well-being of their families. The flexibility of the modern working world has its advantages, but it also requires clear guidelines that protect the health and well-being of employees.

To prevent the pendulum from swinging too far in the direction of work, it is essential to consciously plan leisure activities and maintain personal boundaries. Additional support is needed from the company, for example through flexible working models or a culture that values breaks and leisure activities. If the employer The importance of a good work-life balance recognizes and promotes, everyone benefits in the end: healthier, happier employees are more committed and more productive.

Ultimately, the responsibility lies with all of us to recognize and maintain a healthy balance. Whether it's setting clear boundaries, planning time for personal wellbeing or communicating your needs to your employer, every step counts. This is the only way to ensure that not only work but also life has its deserved place.

Who of us hasn't experienced it? The work chair that looks more like a medieval torture device, or the desk that feels like a maze of piles of paper and office supplies. The physical working environment and how ergonomically equipped our workplace is play a huge role in how we feel at work - and how much stress we experience.

Influence of poor working conditions on stress levels

Poor lighting conditions, constant noise, a chair that doesn't suit our back shape at all - these are all examples of working conditions that can leave our nerves on edge. Long-term strain not only causes physical complaints such as back pain or eye problems, but also psychological stress. This constant companion in everyday office life affects our morale and has a negative impact on our productivity and ultimately our enjoyment of work.

Many people spend the majority of their day at work, often in a seated position. A poorly furnished environment can cause us to let out an inner sigh as soon as we arrive at work. But there are solutions! One Optimized working environment can help to avoid muscle tension and the dissatisfaction that comes with it. And satisfied employees are generally also more relaxed and efficient employees.

The importance of ergonomic workstations

Anyone who has ever been lucky enough to sit at an ergonomically designed workstation knows that things literally fly out of your hand! A well-positioned screen, a chair that adapts to our shape and a desk at the right height are not an optional extra, but a must. It's not just about comfort, but about the basic requirements for long-term productivity and motivation.

Ergonomics in the workplace has become an integral part of occupational health management. Companies that recognize this and invest in healthy office environment invest not only benefit from happier employees, but also from less absenteeism and a better working atmosphere.

However, ergonomic design goes beyond the correct height of the monitor. It encompasses everything from the quality of the air in the room to the acoustics in the office. A bit of greenery here and there can work wonders, for example improving the quality of the air in the room, creating a more relaxing atmosphere and significantly reducing stress. These are all factors that can increase general well-being in the workplace and promote concentration.

Ultimately, we need a holistic approach that sees ergonomics not as a luxury, but as a crucial building block for a healthy working environment. The first step towards this is the awareness and realization that it is not enough to look only at the psychological aspects of working life. The physical conditions play an equally important role and must be given equal consideration when it comes to identifying and tackling the sources of stress in the workplace.

So, dear employers and office planners, take this to heart: an ergonomic workplace is not magic, but the result of thoughtful planning and a willingness to invest - in the health and well-being of the people from whom you expect top performance every day. If you plan and act wisely, you will see how these investments pay off in the long term, with employees who are not only exposed to less stress, but also remain motivated and committed.

There you sit, blinking at the far too bright screens and trying to keep up with the email marathon. No sooner have you got used to one tool than the next update or even a completely new system comes along and gets on your last nerve. Sure, technology makes our working lives easier - sometimes. But often enough, it also causes a lot of stress.

Stress due to constant availability and information overload

The smartphone beeps, the smartwatch vibrates, the laptop demands attention - we are constantly online and it feels like we are never offline. The constant availability and the flood of information that overwhelms us can be stressful. If we are also expected to respond to everything immediately, the pressure increases immeasurably. One Study on digital stress shows that the fear of missing out on important information is often behind this pressure. We feel driven to always be up to date, which can lead to fatigue and mental exhaustion in the long term.

One of the keys to dealing with this digital stress is to set your own boundaries. It is important to consciously set times when we are unavailable and to consciously put our technology to one side. This allows us to give ourselves the space we need to regenerate. Intelligent email management tools or the introduction of 'no-email days' can also effectively ensure that we don't get caught up in the maelstrom of constant availability.

Need for continuous further training

As if that wasn't enough, we are also expected to keep learning. The software you've just learned is already out of date and the next upgrade is just around the corner. Let's face it, lifelong learning is no longer a nice buzzword, but a harsh reality in professional life. This pressure for further training can contribute to the feeling of never being 'good enough' and constantly lagging behind.

But continuous professional development doesn't always have to be stressful - we can also see it as an opportunity to expand our skills and strengthen ourselves. Instead of seeing training as a stress factor, we could learn to see this process as part of our professional development. A useful way to do this is to integrate small learning bites into our everyday lives. Tools and platforms for online courses offer flexible learning opportunities, and incorporating adapted learning in the workplace can help to make continuous training a natural part of our work.

There is no question that technology will continue to advance and with it the pressure on all of us to adapt. However, it is vital that we find ways to manage this pressure and take advantage of technological developments in our work, rather than being overwhelmed by them. Ultimately, it's about maintaining control of your working life in a world of constant change - and we can only do that if we use technology wisely and to our advantage.

So much for technology in the workplace and the stress it can bring. But let's not kid ourselves, technology will continue to accompany us - and ever faster and in ever new forms. It is important that we learn to keep up with this pace without falling by the wayside. Whether we succeed in finding a healthy balance depends not only on companies and their willingness to support their employees, but also on our own ability to adapt, learn new things and consciously switch off from time to time.

Unclear work instructions and lack of recognition

How many times have we faced the problem of unclear work instructions blocking the way to a productive day at the office? How many times have we felt let down because our hard work didn't seem to be recognized? It's no secret: these kinds of situations are among the subtle yet massive stress triggers in everyday working life. And the worst part? Sometimes you don't even realize how these factors are gradually eating away at your motivation and well-being. But let's not let stress take over - there are ways to find out how we can overcome such challenges.

Stress due to a lack of targets and feedback

Having goals is wonderful. Goals give us direction, a sense of belonging and the necessary drive to crawl out of bed in the morning. But what happens when these goals are as hazy as the memory of the last team event? We wander around, wondering whether the path we have chosen is the right one and whether the result delivered at the end of the day will meet our expectations. This state of uncertainty leads straight into the arms of stress.

Let's not waste time with assumptions, but rather seek a discussion. If instructions are unclear Clear communication and assertiveness required. An open discussion about expectations and regular feedback can reduce uncertainty and significantly improve your own work performance. Not to mention, the feeling of being on the right track significantly reduces stress and allows us to breathe a sigh of relief.

The psychological effects of a lack of appreciation

Work is more than just the place where we earn our bread. It is part of our identity, our being. When the fruits of our labor are overlooked, it's frustrating. Lack of recognition can push our morale lower than the Titanic. It feels like being a ghost, invisible and void.

But instead of sulking in the shadows, we should stand up and recognize our value. Those who make their successes visible and from time to time take a requests conscious feedbackwill realize that recognition is often just waiting to be expressed. It is also up to us to point out what we are proud of.

At the end of a hard day's work, when we finally shut down the computer, exhausted, we should ask ourselves one thing: Have I been able to clear up any ambiguities today? Have I done my best to receive recognition for my performance? By taking action, we can free ourselves from the spiral of stress caused by unclear instructions and a lack of recognition.

Self-organization and initiative are just as important as the willingness to act as a role model and to give colleagues credit where it is due. This is the only way to create a culture of clarity and appreciation that enriches everyday working life enormously and brings back the joy of work - and ultimately everyone in the company benefits from this.

The role of corporate culture in the development of stress

When talking about a pleasant working environment, there is no getting around the concept of corporate culture. It is the invisible link that shapes the atmosphere, the values and therefore also the way stress is dealt with in everyday company life. But how exactly does a culture affect the mental stress of employees? Let's take a look at how corporate values and leadership styles can influence our well-being.

How corporate values influence the working atmosphere

A company's DNA is decisively determined by its values. They influence how we treat each other, how we work and how we overcome challenges. If these values are characterized by competition, pressure and individualism, they quickly create a breeding ground for stress. However, a culture that promotes team spirit, respect and fairness can help us to keep our heads above water even in stressful times.

Let's take the example of leadership that encourages open doors, transparent communication and error-friendliness. This creates an environment where employees feel more comfortable and supported. A welcoming atmosphere where every team member is seen as an important part of the whole can significantly reduce stress levels. For comparison Companies with a culture of mistrust and monitoring the stress load can be significantly higher.

The influence of leadership styles on employee well-being

The way in which managers fulfill their role also has a strong impact on stress levels at work. Autocratic management styles that leave little room for personal initiative and participation can lead to a feeling of powerlessness and being at the mercy of employees. In contrast, a participative management style that encourages dialog and employee involvement not only increases motivation, but also reduces work stress.

A boss who not only gives instructions but also takes an interest in the health and well-being of their people makes a huge difference. Employees who feel heard and understood are mentally more stable and more resilient to stress-inducing factors. This is where an interesting concept comes in: the so-called Resilience-oriented leadershipwhich focuses not only on productivity, but also on the psychological resilience of employees.

Overall, the corporate culture and the management styles anchored in it play a key role in the development and prevention of work stress. It is like an invaluable protective shield that keeps us healthy and motivated despite all the challenges at work. And the best thing about it is that every organization and every manager has the power to actively shape and strengthen this positive culture.

So what should we take away from this reflection? Corporate culture is not just a buzzword, but a living practice that can help us to not only manage stress in the workplace, but to prevent it from happening in the first place. Create an environment where people feel valued and included, and you'll get a team that sticks together even in turbulent times. This is a win-win situation: for the employees, for the managers and for the entire company.

Individual stress management and resilience

Stress at work is like a persistent shadow - sometimes you hardly notice it's there, and sometimes it weighs heavily on our shoulders. But we are not helpless! Let's take a look at the possibilities for individual stress management and find out how resilience can help us navigate through troubled waters.

The importance of personal coping strategies

Stress has many faces and each of us deals with it differently. What is a piece of cake for one person can be a mountain for another. This is precisely why personal strategies for coping with stress are so important. The aim is to find and develop methods that help us personally to reduce our stress levels and cope with everyday working life more calmly.

For example, a short breathing break or a walk during your lunch break can work wonders. Others swear by regular sports sessions to clear their heads. It is important that we take our body's signals seriously and actively do something for our well-being. Although stress cannot always be avoided in this way, it can be better controlled.

However, finding the key to recharging your inner batteries is often easier said than done. It requires a certain amount of self-reflection and a pinch of experimentation. But once you have found your own Stress reduction strategy will realize that the effort is worth it.

Resilience training as a preventive measure

Stress is often unavoidable, but we can learn how to deal with it. This is where the topic of resilience comes into play. Resilience means mental resistance - the ability to recover from setbacks, learn from difficulties and emerge stronger.

Effective resilience training can help to develop and strengthen these inner strengths. It's about learning techniques that enable us to manage crises better, overcome challenges and prevent everyday stress from becoming overwhelming. And the best thing about it? Resilience can actually be trained - like a muscle that gets stronger through regular training.

There are many ways to start this training. Whether through tried and tested methods such as mindfulness exercises or through targeted Resilience exercises for everyday lifeThe range of possibilities is broad. The great thing is that you don't necessarily have to take part in a professional course. Many exercises can be easily integrated into your daily routine and can gradually contribute to your own resilience.

But be careful: resilience is not a miracle cure that makes all problems disappear as if by magic. Rather, it is a kind of toolbox from which you can choose the right tool for every situation. And the better equipped it is, the easier it will be to deal with stressful situations and even emerge stronger from them.

Even if the challenges of working life sometimes seem overwhelming, it is often in our own hands how much they affect us. By specifically addressing methods of stress management and resilience, we can learn to brave the waves of everyday life and maintain our joy of work. In this way, the shadow of stress becomes a little lighter and allows us to recognize the path to a healthier future with less work stress.

Stress in everyday working life - almost everyone knows it, nobody really wants it. But we can't simply magic it away either. That is why it is all the more important for companies to take preventative measures and establish effective stress management. This is the only way to minimize the negative effects of stress on employees and the company's success.

The role of occupational health management (OHM)

Occupational health management (OHM) is the be-all and end-all when it comes to preventing stress in the workplace. OHM encompasses all activities and processes designed to promote and maintain the health of employees. It is not just about eliminating acute stress factors, but also about creating a health-promoting working environment in the long term.

A central pillar of OHM is the systematic analysis of stressors in the company and their preventive control. This not only reduces individual stress levels, but also establishes a culture of prevention. But what exactly does this mean in practice? Companies can, for example, offer stress prevention courses, organize regular health days or create quiet rooms for relaxation during working hours. These measures make a significant contribution to improving well-being in the workplace. A recommended approach to stress prevention can be found on the website of Offers for stress prevention and can serve as inspiration and guidance.

Examples of effective stress prevention programs

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to stress prevention, because every company is unique - just like its employees. Stress prevention programs should therefore always be tailored to the specific needs of the company and its workforce. A successful program could look like this, for example: A monthly health day with workshops on stress management in which methods of relaxation, such as yoga or progressive muscle relaxation, are introduced.

Regular employee surveys can also provide important insights into where the shoe pinches the most and what measures employees would like to see. Here, too, it has been shown that involving employees not only contributes to the acceptance of the measures, but also to increased effectiveness. Companies that have already had good experiences with such programs offer valuable Insights into effective stress prevention for companies.

But why is this commitment worthwhile for the companies themselves? Quite simply, healthy and balanced employees are more productive, more creative and ultimately more motivated. They are absent less often, identify more strongly with their employer and contribute to a more positive working atmosphere overall. And last but not least, a strong commitment to health promotion also has a positive impact on employer branding - an aspect that cannot be overestimated in times of a shortage of skilled workers.

In an age characterized by competition and pressure to perform, it quickly becomes clear that only companies that take care of their employees' well-being and take preventative measures against stress will be successful in the long term. It is important to recognize that the responsibility does not lie solely with the employees. Rather, it is a joint task of employers and employees to ensure a healthy work-life balance and thus a reduction in stress levels.

Whether through the introduction of flexible working time models, the promotion of healthy exercise and eating habits or through transparent communication and participation - the possibilities for prevention are many and varied. It is crucial that there is a consensus that the health of the individual is valuable and must be protected and promoted through appropriate measures. This is the only way to create a productive, creative and, above all, stress-reduced working environment that benefits both the individual and the company as a whole.

In the sea of the working world, there are some islands of certainty and one of them is the legal framework that offers us employees certain securities. But what does this mean in concrete terms when we talk about stress in the workplace? What are the legal aspects that protect us as employees and what do employers actually need to consider in order to fulfill their responsibilities? Let's dive into the topic of legislation and the employer's duty of care.

Legal regulations on occupational health and safety

Legislators have recognized that stress in the workplace is not only an individual problem, but also an economic and social challenge. Accordingly, there are a number of laws and regulations designed to protect the health of employees in the workplace. The Occupational Health and Safety Act, which sets out clear requirements for the design of working conditions, is a particular focus here. An important part of this law is the so-called risk assessment, which also includes mental strain such as stress. The aim is to identify risks and develop preventative measures to promote the health of employees.

These legal regulations mean that employers have a clear responsibility to protect the health of their employees, not only physically but also mentally. Here it is worth taking a look at Individual standards of the Occupational Health and Safety Act that address precisely this issue and emphasize the need for health-oriented workplace design.

The employer's responsibility for the mental health of employees

It is not enough to hide behind paragraphs and insist on compliance with minimum standards. As an employer, you have a duty to create an environment in which the mental health of employees is taken seriously. This includes being aware of employees' individual stressors and offering appropriate stress management programs. It is also crucial to promote a corporate culture in which mental stress is discussed openly and is not a taboo subject.

A proactive approach is essential here - it is important to take preventative action and offer training courses on stress prevention, for example. The legal basis for this is provided by Section 5 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, which explicitly mentions the so-called psychological risk assessment. This states that work must be organized in such a way that it "does not pose a risk to body and soul" - and this undoubtedly includes the prevention of work-related stress.

But how actively do employers assume this responsibility? It is often apparent that there is still some catching up to do here. The obligatory consideration of psychological hazards as part of risk assessments is still sometimes neglected. The Academy for Occupational Safety Notes on risk assessment provides valuable information on how such a deficit can be remedied.

From a legal perspective, the requirements for employers are therefore quite clearly formulated, but as is so often the case, the devil is in the detail. It is easy to meet requirements on paper, but it is another matter to actually focus on and actively promote the mental health of employees. Both sides - employees and employers - have a common interest here: creating a working environment in which stress does not become a health risk, but in which health is cultivated and maintained as a valuable asset.

All in all, it can be said that the legal framework provides the necessary support, but is only brought to life through the committed actions of all those involved. Ultimately, everyone benefits: healthy employees are the drivers of the company's success and contribute to a positive corporate culture that not only increases its attractiveness as an employer internally, but also externally. In this way, we not only shape workplaces, but also a society in which mental health is protected just as naturally as physical health.

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About the Author: Sven Emmrich

Sven Emmrich avatar
Sven is a business graduate, DEKRA-certified coach and passionate entrepreneur. As CEO of Karrierehelden, he has been writing for many years on all career topics such as job applications and job changes, money and salary negotiations, leadership skills and management issues, psychology and personality development, communication and conflict management, self-confidence and entrepreneurship, and the line between work and private life with work-life balance... or much more work-life integration. Sven has coached over 1,000 academics, professionals and executives with his team and is happy to help you too.
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Nulla turp dis cursus. Integer liberos euismod pretium faucibua