Interview question: Why do you want to change jobs?

Interview question: Why do you want to change jobs?

By Published On: 5. December 2023


Hey guys, have you ever been there? You're sitting in a job interview and suddenly it comes, the question of all questions: Why do you want to quit your current job? You might start to sweat, right? But don't panic, because this is actually a great opportunity to shine. In this part, we chat about why the question is so popular and what the interviewers are trying to tease out. It's not just that they want to check if you're just running away from your old boss. No, the question is more profound. It's like the key to your wishes and goals. Do you want to develop yourself further, are you looking for new challenges or perhaps even want a better work-life balance? No matter what it is, the answer to this question shows the direction you want to take. And we've also included a few tips on how you can talk about your desire for change authentically and without a bad gut feeling. Stay tuned, it's going to be exciting!

Introduction: The importance of the question in the interview process

Imagine you are in the middle of a job interview and you can feel the mood rising. The questions are precise, the other person shows interest. But suddenly it comes, the question that really matters: "Why do you want to change jobs?" You may be wondering why this question is so important, what's behind it and how you can credibly explain your reasons for changing jobs. We want to reveal what makes this question so important and why it comes up in almost every interview.

Reasons for the popularity of the question

The question about the reason for changing jobs is not only standard, but also a key moment in the job interview. It gives the interviewers the chance to understand what drives you and where you want to go on your professional journey. Is it striving for personal growth or is it something else? The find the right motivation to change and is anything but trivial, because it can reveal a lot about your attitude to work and your priorities.

What employers want to find out

Companies are looking for employees who not only have the right skills, but also fit into the team and have long-term plans. Their aim is to avoid high staff turnover and attract employees who are committed and loyal to their roles. Those who can provide understandable reasons for a job change and show that the decision has been carefully considered will score points. One Clever justification for the job change can therefore be the deciding factor in whether you are seen as a potential asset to the company.

The answers resulting from the question also help employers learn more about your career goals, your work ethic and how you deal with change. They want to see whether you are able to adapt to new circumstances and whether your professional vision is in harmony with that of the company. From your description, they draw conclusions about your professionalism and future prospects in the company.

So, the next time someone asks about your reasons for an upcoming job change in a job interview, see it as an opportunity to showcase your professional passion and ambitions. Stay authentic, stay honest and be prepared to use this key question to your advantage. Your answers could tip the scales!

Professional development as a reason for change

In our fast-paced working world, constant change is the only constant. Many of us long for personal and professional growth and are therefore looking for a job change. But what is the best way to express this need in words, especially when asked about it during a job interview?

Striving for new challenges

The desire to take on new challenges is an enormously powerful driver of professional development. It means thinking outside the box and venturing into areas that are unexplored or more challenging than what you've known before. Whether it's learning a new industry, taking on additional responsibility or leading innovative projects, these are all legitimate reasons to look for a new job. In addition, the desire for new tasks clearly shows that you are not only present in the workplace, but that you really want to make a difference. Emphasizing that you is looking for new professional challengescan emphasize your determination and willingness to learn and grow.

Search by career progression

Perhaps you've reached a point where you no longer see any opportunities for progression in your current job. When it comes to careers, many of us want to move up and climb new levels. The desire for a higher position, combined with more influence and - not to forget - a better salary, is not only understandable, but also a promising sign of ambition. Think carefully about which aspects of professional development are important to you personally and how you can convey these in the interview. Perhaps you feel that your skills are undervalued or that you are ready for a bigger stage? And here comes the icing on the cake: Many companies see candidates who want to develop their skills as a valuable investment, as they bring a breath of fresh air and fresh ideas. So in your answers, point out your Willingness to progress in your career there.

The process of professional development is an ongoing journey - and sometimes it leads us to new companies and undiscovered opportunities. Your reasons for changing jobs in the field of professional development can have many facets, but the most important thing is to stay authentic. By making it clear that you don't just want to change because you're fed up with your current job, but because you're passionate about your goals, you're positioning yourself as a highly motivated and goal-oriented candidate. Your desire for a job change will then not be perceived as an escape from your old job, but as a calculated step on your career path.

Remember that the questions about your motives for change are not only to shed light on your past, but also to find out how you envision the future. Take the opportunity to talk about your dreams for the future - the contribution you want to make and the experiences you want to have. Make it as easy as possible for the interviewers to imagine how you will fit into their company structure and enrich it. This way, the question about the reason for your job change becomes a door opener to new professional shores and shows that you are willing to push your limits and beyond.

Let's talk straight: We spend a lot of time at work, don't we? It should be fun to come to work and feel comfortable in the office. But what happens when that's no longer the case? If the working environment no longer suits you, that can be a good reason to look for a new job.

Corporate culture and team dynamics

Company culture is everything - it can transform a job from "Well, okay" to "Wow, I love what I do!". But let's be honest, all of us have probably had that one job where the atmosphere was as stale as the coffee pot that hadn't been rinsed in months. You know, when the company's values don't match your own, the teamwork falls apart and you ask yourself: "Is this still the right place for me?" A change can make sense if you realize that you are in an environment that no longer allows you to grow or even drags you down.

Imagine you end up in a company that promotes your individual strengths and values open communication. That sounds like the kind of place where you'd like to get your feet wet, doesn't it? If you would like to find out more about what a healthy corporate culture can look like, take a look at the articles by Experts who deal with the revolution in corporate culture deal with. They will give you a real insight into what is important.

Working conditions and work-life balance

And then there are the very practical things. You know the ones - the working conditions. From outdated office equipment that goes on strike more often than the train, to working hours that seem more like an eternity than the 40 hours in your contract. If you stumble home every day like a zombie and have no energy left for family, friends or hobbies, then something is wrong, people!

A healthy work-life balance is as important as the salt in the soup. Flexible working hours, home office options or extra vacation days are not just fancy benefits, but also signs of an employer who understands that we are not just in this world to work. Some of you may also be looking for a new job that is better suited to their life situation where you don't have to commute for hours before getting to work completely exhausted.

Remember: The decision to change jobs due to the working environment is not something you should worry about. It's about your wellbeing and being able to thrive in the workplace. Whether it's the company culture, the team dynamics or the working conditions, it all plays a big part in your satisfaction. Let's make work a place where we can not only live, but thrive. And if that means we have to look for a new job, then so be it. After all, our job is a big part of our lives, and who wants to settle for "It's just okay" when "It's absolutely fantastic" is just a few applications away?

Now keep your eyes on the horizon, stay curious and open to change. Because at the end of the day, it's your life, your career and your happiness. And who knows, maybe your next job won't just be a job change, but a real game changer for you. So cheer up, polish your CV and off you go on a new work adventure!

Geographical and personal reasons

Sometimes life takes us in new directions, often for reasons that are deeply rooted in our personal lives. It is only natural that changes in our personal lives have an impact on our professional decisions. Changing jobs for geographical or personal reasons can be a significant step towards a more fulfilling life. Let's dive in and understand why some people pull down their tents in one place to set them up again in another.

Relocation and change of location

There can be many reasons for a move - love is calling, the family is growing, or new educational and career opportunities are on the horizon in a different location. Or perhaps you simply fancy a change of scenery to bring a breath of fresh air into your life. Such moving moments are not only significant in the private sphere, but often also the starting signal for the search for a new job. A new location can not only offer you a new home, but also fresh prospects for your career and personal development. In this context, it is advisable, Use professional wording for your relocation applicationto explain the situation clearly and convincingly to your potential new employers.

Changes in private life

There are also constant changes in our private lives that prompt us to rethink our professional environment. Whether it's caring for family members, raising young children or perhaps the desire to spend more time with your partner - these are all personal reasons that justify a job change. The step of openly addressing these private motives in a job interview requires sensitivity, as they often touch on very intimate areas of our lives.

Some may think that personal issues should not play a role in professional life, but this is an outdated concept. Modern employers understand and respect that the well-being of their employees is strongly influenced by their personal satisfaction. So express your personal reasons thoughtfully and make it clear how this move can benefit you not only personally but also professionally. One resource that can provide support in this endeavor may be a Be a guide for relocation for professional reasonsto help you master the transition.

As you can see, geographical and personal reasons are more than just footnotes in your professional career. They are part of who you are and have a significant impact on how you want to shape your working world. So the next time you are asked why you want to change jobs, don't be afraid to bring up these personal aspects. They show that you are making conscious decisions that serve both your private life and your career. Let your individual circumstances be part of the story you tell, as they are an integral part of your unique journey through life.

Remember: a job change is not just a new start in your career, but often also an opportunity to realign your personal happiness. Whether you're daring to make the long-awaited move to the city of your dreams or you're cutting your sails for family reasons, every change brings new opportunities. Use them wisely and remember that work and private life are interrelated, which, when balanced, leads to a happy and balanced life.

Striving for better remuneration and benefits

Sure, work should be fulfilling and fun, but honestly - at the end of the month, we all want to see our bank balance smiling. It's no secret that pay can be a pretty big argument for or against a job. But how do you play it smart in an interview without coming across as greedy? Let's dig a little deeper and find out how to broach the subject elegantly.

Market value and salary structures

Talking about money is often a taboo, but when it comes to changing jobs, it's a must. It's about your market value and whether you're being paid fairly. Know your numbers! Before you go into the interview, find out what's on point in your industry, your region and for your experience. Websites like can give you a feeling of where you stand. Tell it like it is: You want to change jobs because you feel underpaid and because you know that you are worth more. Being open about your salary shows that you are self-confident and know what you want and what you are worth.

Seeking a salary increase is completely legitimate and shows that you take your career seriously. When it comes to money, show that you are informed and professional. Salary benchmarking is a great starting point. It provides the perfect basis for emphasizing your desire for fair pay. If you're not sure how to do this skillfully, take a look at Information on salary benchmarking 2.0 toto understand what others in similar positions earn. Cool buzzword, right?

Additional services and incentives

Well, it's not as if we have to be satisfied with just the number on the salary slip. There are so many additional benefits and incentives that can make a job offer attractive. Think about things like company pension schemes, further training, company cars, bonus payments and so on. You know, all the little and big extras that make life sweeter.

And sometimes it's these benefits that make the difference. Maybe your current job has an okay salary, but virtually no benefits. So, dear ones, the next time you're asked why you want to change jobs, don't be shy. Mention that you are looking for a total package that is not only reflected in the monthly salary, but also in extras that value your work and enrich your life. For example, take a look at the Article on attracting top talent with a salary benchmarking strategy to gather arguments for the negotiations.

The ideal position is one where the salary is right and the benefits give you the feeling that your daily efforts are worthwhile. So don't show any false modesty in your job search - you are entitled to good pay for good work, and that is what you should represent in the interview. Be clear and straightforward - you are worth it and no one should deny you that!

As you can see, you can be a little selfish when it comes to changing jobs. After all, it's about your life, your satisfaction and isn't it incredibly fulfilling when you know you're being paid appropriately? So grab your arguments and let them flow charmingly but firmly in your next interview. And who knows, maybe the new job will soon become your new professional home, not only because of the exciting tasks, but also because of the fat paycheck. Hit the keys, check your market value and then off you go to your new dream job - with the salary you deserve!

Sometimes there comes a point in life when you feel it's time for something completely new. Not just a new job, but a whole new industry is then on the agenda. Why? Because change is exciting! Because you want to develop further and because sometimes the old environment just doesn't fit anymore. But how do you explain this urge to change industries, this desire for diversification in your professional life, without it sounding like a spontaneous whim?

Interest in new sectors

Sure, you already have experience in your job, you've seen and done things, and now your fingers are itching for something new. You want to see what the world looks like from a different professional perspective, bring your expertise to bear in new areas and educate yourself with fresh eyes. An interest in new industries often comes from a deep curiosity, a passion for learning and a desire for adventure. It shows that you are versatile and not afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

It is often the opportunities offered by another industry that tempt people to change. Some people may feel that their current industry is stagnating while another is booming. And who doesn't want to be part of the next big thing? If you want to know how to elegantly articulate your thirst for adventure and change, read the guide on how to Justify a change of sector in the application can. There are some golden tips in there!

Expansion of the professional spectrum

A change of industry can also be the perfect opportunity for you to broaden your professional spectrum. Perhaps you have been working in the same field for some time and have amassed some specialist knowledge in the process. Now is the time to use this knowledge in other fields and see how your skills are needed and valued elsewhere. It's about diversifying your portfolio and ensuring that you don't get stuck in a niche, but remain agile and adaptable.

Sometimes curiosity about a different industry is also driven by a personal passion. For example, if you have always had a weakness for technology in your private life and wanted to end up in the IT sector. Why not try to combine your profession and hobby? A change of industry can be a great opportunity.

If you're not sure how to express your career curiosity and desire for diversification, there are online sources to help you organize your thoughts. For example, you could look at is-university blog where people discuss how and why a career change makes sense.

In summary, curiosity and the desire to broaden your professional horizons are not only exciting for you personally, but can also help you score points in a job interview. It shows that you are flexible, not afraid of change and willing to put your expertise to the test in a new environment. Make it clear that you don't want to tread water, but intend to expand your knowledge and experience.

That's it, a few thoughts on the topic of changing industries and diversification. Keep these tips in mind the next time you think about your career path and perhaps pluck up the courage to take a big step into a new field. Go through the world with open eyes, be curious and dare to take this exciting step - the diversity of the professional world is waiting for you!

Corporate stability and security

Well, have you ever found yourself pressing your job card closer to your heart in uncertain times? Clearly, in a world where you can hardly rely on anything, stability and security are becoming the new gold standard when looking for a job. But how do you get that across without sounding like you're just playing it safe? Time to unravel the subject a little and make it understandable.

Company situation and future prospects

When we talk about corporate stability, we don't necessarily mean that everyone will be stuck in their chairs until they retire. No, it's more about ensuring that the company doesn't skid at the slightest headwind. Companies that are in a good position, even when the economy is shaky, are more attractive to us job hunters. Tell it like it is if you are looking for security: You want to be part of something that will still be rocking in ten years' time and offers you opportunities to develop.

Now is also the perfect time to show that you are not just thinking about yourself, but that you have the big picture in mind. You want a solid basis to get involved and grow with the company. Because let's be honest, who wants to paddle on a sinking ship, right? If you want to read more about the importance of stability and future prospects for employees, I recommend the Manager Magazin article about the new human resources system - he really gets to the point!

Safety of the workplace

Job security is not old hat, friends. Of course we want to contribute our skills and achieve something, but at the end of the day we don't want to have to constantly worry about whether we'll still have a job tomorrow. We're talking about pure job security - and that's a basic need, period.

You may be wondering how you can broach the subject without coming across as a wimp trying to hide behind the mommy state. Don't worry, there is a way you can address the issue of job security with finesse. Stand by your desire for some job security, especially in times when even tomorrow seems uncertain. Companies that invest in their employees and show strength even in times of crisis are real gems in the world of work. You don't want to hide the fact that you are looking for this kind of reliability. Take a look at the Convergint website, which focuses on the The future of job security and you'll get some pretty smart insights.

Stability and security at work does not mean that you are just resting on your laurels. No, it shows maturity and foresight to recognize that the best results are usually achieved in an environment that can offer continuity and reliability. Here you can build, take risks and grow - all without constantly keeping one eye on the job market. Your desire for a stable company future is actually a mega compliment to your potential new employers: you believe in their future and see yourself as part of their long-term success.

So the next time you're sitting in an interview and are asked why you want to change jobs, stand by your desire for stability and security. This shows that you have thought carefully about where you want to go and that you are not just taking this next step at random. Emphasize that you want to work for an employer that is not only in the market today, but also tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. You are ready for the long haul and want to know that the ship you are embarking on can weather the storms.

Last but not least, don't be afraid to factor stability and security into your job change considerations. They are not only legal concerns, but also signs of your strategic job market planning. They show that you're not just looking for a quick thrill, but for a professional home where you can develop and settle down. Because honestly, who wouldn't want to work in a company that is as stable as your favorite beer garden in the summer?

Change in corporate strategy and management

You know, sometimes it's not just a longing for something new, but a wave of change that makes us want to move on. Yes, I'm talking about the big shake-ups in corporate strategy and leadership that sometimes come like a thunderclap and turn everything upside down. When the rules of the game change, it can be the perfect opportunity to ask yourself: Is this still a good fit for me? Does my current job still have what I need to be happy? Let's take a look at what these changes can mean and how you deal with them.

Management change and its effects

You know how it is: a new wind blows through the corridors of the company, the top of the food chain has just changed. A new CEO, new executives and suddenly the entire company philosophy is put to the test. We employees sit there and think to ourselves: "Uh, this could be exciting!" But 'exciting' is not always synonymous with 'great'. Sometimes it feels more like 'stormy' and 'uncertain'.

A change in management can completely change the corporate culture - and that affects how we feel at work. Do you still fit into this new world or is it time for a change of scenery? If you'd like to take a closer look at the effects of a management change, don't miss Asana's article on Change management and the processes behind it. There are important insights that can help you navigate through such changes.

Strategic realignment of the company

And then there are the major strategic realignments. Perhaps your employer decides that everything will now be focused on digital services or that the cozy medium-sized company will become an agile global player. This can bring super exciting opportunities - but not everyone is happy with this change of direction. What if you simply don't see yourself in the new direction?

In such cases, a job change can be just the right thing. It's about finding a place where your values and your way of working are appreciated. You want a company that is not only doing well in the present, but also plays a role in your own future and personal development. For more insights into how corporate strategy can affect you, take a look at Springer Professional's article on Sustainable corporate strategies - totally revealing!

Changing jobs because the wind has changed in your old company is absolutely legitimate and sometimes necessary for your own professional happiness. Use the interview question about your reasons for changing jobs to make it clear that you are proactively looking for an environment that suits your working style, values and goals. This shows that you are open to change, but also have a clear idea of how and where you want to work.

People, don't forget: change is the only constant in life! If the company strategy and management are no longer in line with your ideals, then it is not only your right, but sometimes also your duty to yourself to look for new shores. That way you can be sure that you go to work every morning motivated and come home proud. Because isn't that what we all want? A working life that fulfills us and takes us forward! So keep your head up, chest out and off to your next professional adventure!

Further education and training opportunities

Let's be honest, friends of the sun, how often do we long for a job that not only pays the bills but also keeps us on the ball? In our fast-paced working world, training and development opportunities are more than just empty phrases - they're a must if you want to stay in the game and push yourself personally. That's why we're shining the spotlight today on the topic of further training and how you can use it to score points in a job interview.

Professional development through educational programs

A wise person once said: "If you stop trying to get better, you stop being good." And that is precisely why more and more people are snapping up the opportunity to further their education. It's not just about collecting fancy certificates, but about becoming an all-round talent. Further training doesn't just make you smarter, it also opens doors - especially if you're thinking of quitting your job and starting somewhere new.

Imagine a career ladder - each rung stands for a new skill, an additional qualification. Further training can be the booster that allows you to quickly climb the ladder. And if you ever need a brilliant guide on how to equip yourself for the career ladder, take a look at the Career bible over - They've really got what it takes.

Support from the employer

Imagine sitting in an interview and being able to tell how much your former boss supported you in terms of further training. This not only goes down well, but also shows that you value personal development and that you are expanding your horizons out of your own motivation. Not to mention that it presents you as a real team player and a willing learner.

Plus, when a company invests in you, it's a win-win situation. You get know-how that no one can take away from you, and the company has an employee who knows how things work. Check out the website of Süddeutsche.dewhere you can find cool information about the benefits of further training and how it can be professionally necessary.

Zack, there you have it! The next time you're asked why you wanted to change jobs, don't forget to mention how keen you are to develop professionally and personally. Talk enthusiastically about the training opportunities you have been able to take advantage of so far and be open to the opportunities that could be waiting for you in the future. This will definitely put you on the list of "hot candidates" for the new job!

P.S. Keep in mind: Stagnation is death, pioneers! Further training is the key to new adventures and success stories. And who knows, maybe next time you'll be the one sitting in the meeting telling the team how you rocked it with your newly acquired insider knowledge. So, get smart, stay curious and show that you want more!

Corporate values and social responsibility

When we are planning the next step in our career, it is often not just the job itself or the salary that is at the center of our considerations. It is also the values that a company lives by and its role in society that influence us. Corporate social responsibility is playing an increasingly important role - not only for consumers, but also for us employees. Does the company fit in with my ethical ideas? Is it committed to issues that are close to my heart? Questions like these can be decisive when we decide for or against a job.

Consistency with personal values

For many people, consistency with personal values is a key criterion when looking for a job. Because let's be honest, who wants to work for a company whose values are diametrically opposed to their own? If sustainability and social commitment are important to you, you also want your future employer to not only present them in a big way on their website, but also put them into practice.

Are you thinking about how you can align your values with those of the company? Then it can be useful to look at examples of companies that are considered role models when it comes to social responsibility. The articles about Social responsibility and corporate commitment can help you find the environment that suits you and in which you can develop to your full potential.

Commitment of the company to society

A company's social commitment is a strong indicator of its values and the authenticity of its brand promise. Many companies today are involved in charitable projects, support education or are committed to the environment. Addressing these aspects can not only be impressive in an interview, but can also give you the feeling that you are making a positive contribution to society.

In a job interview, for example, you can emphasize your desire to work for a socially responsible company. Emphasize that you want to be part of a team that is aware of its impact on the world. Companies with a clear CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) strategy have recognized that nowadays employees also pay attention to how a company acts in a social context. Looking for more information on corporate social responsibility? The page Corporate social responsibility as added value offers you well-founded arguments for such a commitment.

Switching to a company that focuses on shared values and social responsibility is not just a career move - it's a decision that will improve your quality of life and your self-esteem. If you can authentically represent these beliefs and aspirations in the interview, it becomes clear that you are not just looking for a job, but a vocation that is in line with your beliefs.shows that you are not just looking for a job, but a vocation that is in line with your beliefs.

Anyone who has ever set foot in the world of work knows that the relationship with your boss is often the salt in the soup. How you get on with your superiors can be a decisive factor in why you are motivated to go to work in the morning or not. In this section, we take a closer look at what makes good leadership and why it can be a reason to change career direction.

Relationship with superiors

We all know it: some bosses are like winning the lottery - they inspire, encourage and challenge. Others, on the other hand, can really make your life miserable. It is not uncommon for the relationship with superiors to be one of the top reasons for changing jobs. After all, nothing influences the daily working atmosphere as much as the boss's management style. You probably know this: you feel good when you are perceived and valued as a person and not just as a worker.

An interesting Study on the long-term effect of leadership behavior on job satisfaction shows how big an impact managers actually have on the motivation and well-being of employees. Good bosses are worth their weight in gold: they can spur teams on to top performance, while poor leadership can lead to frustration, stress and ultimately resignation.

Management style and its influence on job satisfaction

A manager's leadership style can range from democratic to authoritarian. And while some employees prefer clear instructions and a strong hand, others thrive under relaxed, employee-oriented leadership. It's a bit like plants: Some need a lot of water, others get by with less. The decision to change jobs in order to find a more suitable management structure can be decisive for your own career and salvation.

Sometimes it is also the desire for more co-determination and personal responsibility that prompts professionals to look for new challenges. This shows courage and the pursuit of self-realization. If you would like to know more about the connection between management style and satisfaction, you can find out more in the IW analysis on digitalization and employee-oriented leadership found.

Are you also faced with the decision to make a career change because things are not going well at the top? Then you're not alone. It's a tricky issue, but also an opportunity to take the next step on your path to a more fulfilling working life. Take on the challenge and find a work environment where you can grow, develop and above all - be happy.

Overall, interaction with superiors is a sensitive matter that requires a great deal of tact and sensitivity. It is worth paying attention to this and, if necessary, actively looking for an environment in which you feel part of the whole. Because at the end of the day, we spend a lot of time at work - and we shouldn't just sweat it out, we should also enjoy it, right?

We all strive for a fulfilling life, don't we? But to achieve this, it is essential that we have a good work-life balance. It is precisely this pursuit that could be a decisive reason why some of us decide to change jobs. Because if this balance is out of kilter, it can affect our whole life.

Flexible working hours and home office options

Modern employees are increasingly looking for jobs that offer them flexibility. Flexible working hours and the option to work from home are no longer just nice extras, but a necessity for many. Especially in times like these, when the boundaries between work and home are blurring, it's more important than ever that work doesn't consume your whole life. Flexibility at work allows us to build our jobs around our lives - and not the other way around. If you want to learn more about how to negotiate flexible working hours for yourself, check out this helpful article on the Flexibility in the world of work not to be missed.

Exposure to overtime and work pressure

The hamster wheel is spinning faster and faster, and the pressure in many jobs is increasing. Long working hours and the feeling of constantly being on call can take the joy out of work. It's no wonder that the constant burden of overtime and the constant pressure of work can upset your work-life balance. Many people see changing jobs as a way to get off this treadmill and devote more time to what really matters - family, friends and, last but not least, their own health. Interesting insights into the consequences of a poor work-life balance can be found in the Latest study on stress in the workplacean absolute must for anyone interested in this topic.

A good work-life balance is therefore not just a buzzword for a trendy lifestyle - it is essential for our physical and mental health. If you're looking for a job that allows you to live and breathe outside the office walls, you're showing that a holistic quality of life is more important to you than the next career boost. And that's a strong and respectable position to take in today's often restless work environment.

So there you are, in the job interview of your dreams, and the moment of truth has arrived. The question "Why do you want to change jobs?" is on the table. But don't worry, with a little preparation and honest answers, you can come across as convincing and authentic. And that's exactly what today's talk is all about - how to master this tricky question with flying colors!

Tips for an honest and convincing presentation

You know your story best, right? It's your life, your choices and your reasons for making the change. Make sure your answer reflects your true intentions and not just what you think the interviewer wants to hear. Stay true to yourself and be honest; this builds trust and shows that you stand by your decisions. You don't have to tell your whole life story, but give a clear insight that shows: You have a goal in mind and know what you want.

It's not about trashing your previous employer or falling into clichés. Instead, you can talk about your desire for professional development or the need for a new challenge, for example. To boost credibility and give your words more weight, it helps to give concrete examples to back up your argument. For more inspiration, check out the career bible 20 Examples of motivation to changehow you can formulate your desire for change in a positive way.

Avoidance of negative comments about the current/last employer

We all know how tempting it can be to really let your hair down when it comes to your old boss or your past work environment. But professionalism is required here! Even if your old job didn't give you the glow you were hoping for, keep the conversation factual and positive. Instead of emphasizing the negatives, focus on what you have learned from your previous experience and how you would like to use this knowledge in the new position.

It can be wise to focus on the future and talk about how you can contribute to the new company with your skills. This shows that you are looking ahead and already thinking in terms of solutions. You can find supportive formulations and food for thought that will help you to constructively justify the job change on the information portal of Staufenbiel.

In a nutshell, an interview question like this can be the key to your next professional challenge. Use it wisely, be sincere and let your personal story speak for itself. Your authenticity will pay off, because at the end of the day, it's your character and drive that will make you stand out from other candidates. So take a deep breath, recharge your batteries and show in the interview that you are more than just your job references - you are motivated future shapers with a clear vision!

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About the Author: Sven Emmrich

Sven Emmrich avatar
Sven is a business graduate, DEKRA-certified coach and passionate entrepreneur. As CEO of Karrierehelden, he has been writing for many years on all career topics such as job applications and job changes, money and salary negotiations, leadership skills and management issues, psychology and personality development, communication and conflict management, self-confidence and entrepreneurship, and the line between work and private life with work-life balance... or much more work-life integration. Sven has coached over 1,000 academics, professionals and executives with his team and is happy to help you too.
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