How do I increase my productivity?

How do I increase my productivity?

By Published On: 3. December 2023


Hey guys, welcome to this exciting topic that we all know and sometimes fear: Productivity. Sometimes it feels like there are only half as many hours in the day as we need, doesn't it? Don't worry, I hear you! So, what can we actually do to make the most of our time and increase our productivity without burning ourselves out?

There are countless tips and tricks to be more productive - from small everyday hacks to big changes in our attitude. In this short introduction, we want to look at a few simple strategies that are easy to integrate into everyday life and can have a big impact. Whether it's creating the perfect to-do list, using breaks effectively or mastering the art of saying no - here are some cool ideas to help you get more done in less time. Let's get to it!

Why is it important to increase productivity?

You've probably experienced this too, the day has only just begun and it already feels like all your energy reserves have been used up. Work is piling up and time is running out. But why is it actually so essential to increase productivity? In our hectic world, where we often get the impression that everything has to be done faster and more efficiently, high productivity has almost become a matter of survival. Whether at work, at university or in your private life - those who are productive not only complete their tasks faster, but also have a better chance of asserting themselves in a competitive environment and achieving their personal goals.

Productivity as the key to professional success

Without question, productivity plays a huge role in professional life. People who are able to work through their tasks in a focused and efficient manner are often the ones who are considered for higher positions and more responsible tasks. Productivity is noticeable, be it in the quality of the work results or the speed with which projects are completed. Not to mention, in an age of constant change, it is important not only to keep up with the current workload, but also to have room for development and adaptation of new skills. All of this is made possible by increased productivity.

Satisfaction and work-life balance thanks to high productivity

On the other hand, you should not underestimate how much productivity contributes to personal satisfaction. If you manage to complete tasks effectively and therefore have more free time, this can be used for personal interests, hobbies or relaxation. This significantly increases your quality of life and leads to a better work-life balance. A better work-life balance in turn has a positive impact on health, prevents stress and burnout and can boost creativity and general performance. It is therefore no surprise that increasing productivity is such a high priority and is widely regarded as a desirable goal.

Overall, it is clear that the question of "why" we should strive for increased productivity goes hand in hand with a number of positive aspects. It is the basis for professional success, personal development and a balanced private life. For further inspiration, you can visit the Salesforce website for helpful insights on increasing productivity in the specific context of mechanical engineering. This shows that, regardless of the sector, the principles of increasing productivity are universally applicable and sometimes indispensable for the modern working world.

Top tips to increase your productivity in everyday life

Productivity is the be-all and end-all when it comes to achieving your goals and getting the most out of your day. But how exactly can you increase productivity without compromising the quality of your work? In the following sections, you will find some tangible tips that will help you to work more efficiently and effectively and thus improve your day-to-day productivity. The two concepts of effectiveness and efficiency, as mentioned in the Salesforce article, are crucial when it comes to getting the most out of your resources.

Set clear priorities

Prioritizing is a fundamental step in becoming more productive. This involves identifying which tasks have the greatest impact on your goals. Write down your daily goals and rank them in order of importance and urgency. Sometimes the most urgent tasks are not necessarily the most important, and recognizing this difference can help you better manage your time and energy. Don't waste precious time on tasks of little importance, but focus on what really matters. This method allows you to do what actually brings you closer to your goals - namely the right things.

Eliminate time wasters

Everyone knows them: Time wasters. These are all the little things that creep into your day and undermine your productivity unnoticed. Frequent interruptions, constantly checking emails or social networks - all of these can keep you from doing your actual tasks. Therefore, consciously take time to analyze where your time wasters are and develop strategies to eliminate them. Perhaps it helps to schedule fixed times for answering emails or to switch your cell phone to silent mode at work. If you would like more tips and in-depth insights into increasing your productivity, you might find the Studibuch article interesting.

By incorporating these top tips into your daily routine, you can not only significantly increase your productivity, but also boost your efficiency and effectiveness. These small changes in your daily habits will have a big impact on how you use your time and how successful you are in your endeavors. Try them out and find out how you can take your productivity to the next level.

Effective time management strategies for more productivity

Time is precious, and productivity is basically the art of using this time as efficiently as possible. But how do you manage to balance work, free time and personal goals without sinking onto the sofa exhausted at the end of the day? It's not just the amount of work that gets done, but how smartly you do it. With effective time management strategies, you can optimize your workflow and easily get more done without feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

The art of delegating

One strategy that you often underestimate is delegating tasks. You don't have to do everything yourself. Assigning responsibilities to team members or colleagues can not only give you more freedom, but also promotes cooperation and trust within the team. It is important to realize that delegating does not mean that you want to avoid work. Rather, it is a sign of leadership competence and the recognition of strengths within a team. Especially with an increasing workload, it makes sense to distribute tasks while still keeping an overview.

Using the Pomodoro technique correctly

The Pomodoro technique is a method that is often mentioned when it comes to time management. As in the StepStone Magazine described above, this approach consists of working in fixed, short intervals and then taking a short break. You usually work on a task for 25 minutes and then take a five-minute break. Four such intervals are followed by a longer break. The advantage of this technique is that you develop a rhythm that allows you to work with focus and high energy, while the breaks serve to maintain your concentration and prevent fatigue.

It is important to really concentrate fully on the task at hand during the work phases and to consistently avoid distractions such as cell phones or emails. The Pomodoro technique can be a challenge, especially at the beginning, and requires some time to get used to. It may also be less suitable for activities that require flexibility and spontaneous decisions. It is therefore advisable to test this method and see how well it can be integrated into your everyday life.

Finding and applying effective time management strategies can be crucial to increasing your own productivity in the long term. It's not about loading yourself with even more work, but about tackling the tasks at hand in a smarter way. Through the art of delegation, you can create a better workflow in your team and conserve your own resources. The Pomodoro technique and other time structuring approaches help you to organize work units efficiently and still take enough breaks to remain productive in the long term. With these methods, you will notice that you not only get more done in less time, but also get through the day with more satisfaction and less stress.

The role of breaks in increasing productivity

Okay, let's be clear: you already know how important productivity is. But what is often neglected is the topic of breaks. You may think that breaks are just a waste of time, but that's a blatant misconception! Breaks are more than just a moment to catch your breath - they're a real power-up for your productivity. And that's not just a feeling, it's also scientifically proven. So let's take a look at how you can really boost your performance with meaningful breaks.

Why breaks are so effective

Imagine your brain is like a high-performance sports car speeding down the fast lane. Even the best car has to stop in the pits to refuel and change tires, right? In the same way, your brain needs time out to be able to hit the ground running again. Breaks give you the chance to recharge your mental batteries so that you can concentrate and work more effectively afterwards. It's about finding a rhythm that allows you to work at a high level of concentration and then come back down to recharge your batteries. Just like an athlete who regenerates between training sessions so that they can give their all in competition.

Designing effective breaks

Cool, so breaks are important - but what's the best way to take them? Rule #1: Get out of the office! Go out into the fresh air, take a short walk and let the sun shine on your face. Or how about a few stretching exercises to loosen up your muscles? The idea is to switch off from work completely so that the relaxation really takes effect. Rule #2: Do things that you enjoy, but don't get too distracted so that you have problems getting back to work afterwards. And rule #3: Breaks should be regular and firmly anchored in your work routine.

For more facts and deeper insights, you can read the results of a study on work psychology that shows why breaks are so important. You'll see: When implemented correctly, breaks don't slow you down, they actually make you rock your workload faster and better. And hey, we're not talking about decades-old theories here - the findings are bang up to date. So grab this useful input by taking a closer look at the study on

Let's summarize: Breaks are not a nice-to-have, but a must-do to stay productive in the long term. So use them wisely and they can not only maintain your productivity, but really boost it. Place them strategically throughout the day and make sure they are qualitative. When taking a break, don't go by the motto "a lot helps a lot", but focus on quality and timing. Then you will realize: Breaks are the turbo that helps you jet through the working week without shuffling around like a dead battery on Friday evening. So, install charging stations and then: full throttle towards productivity!

How your diet can affect your productivity

If you really want to get the most out of your day, it's not just about how you manage your time or take breaks - it's also about what you put into your body. Sure, that doesn't sound like a big deal at first, but trust me, the right snacking makes more of a difference than you think! Imagine your body is like a machine and what you munch on is the fuel. One wrong snack and you're running on fumes. So here's a big piece of information: food has a huge effect on your productivity.

Want to find out more? Then stay tuned, we'll take a look at how you can make your day really bam with a smart diet, without being listless or in a bad mood!

The right foods for your brain boost

Forget all those energy drinks or the tenth coffee a day. There is food that gives you a kick and keeps your engine humming. For example: fish is a real hit. It's packed with vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, which really gets your brain working. Or try nuts, they are such brain food and also boost your cardiovascular system. Stressful at work? Then you should go for long-term carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes and vegetables - they keep your sugar levels stable and your mind alert.

And don't panic, I also have something for the sweet-toothed among us: blueberries! They're like a secret weapon when it comes to health, packed full of antioxidants and a power-up for your immune system. You can really forget all other snacks. Trust me, with these food tips from Brainperform, your everyday life has no chance of getting you down!

Drink yourself fit - but the right way!

And now: the topic of liquids. My advice: stay away from sugary sodas and you should also be careful with juice. Sure, they're delicious, but they only boost your sugar levels for a short time and then? Bam, the crash is coming. It's better to concentrate on the good old H2O options. Drinking water is one of the top boss commands for productive people - it keeps your brain flowing and your cells happy.

If you want something a little more peppy, you can also try green tea. No joke, it has a substance called L-theanine, which makes you relatively relaxed and sharpens your concentration at the same time. So, drink, drink, drink - and drink the right thing! That's the only way you'll get through the day without getting too tired.

Informative, isn't it? If you mix this with all your other productive activities, you'll become a real efficiency rocket. So, ditch the pizza and burgers and give your body the food it needs to run at peak performance. That's the only way you'll be able to give your best day after day without running out of battery. From now on, eating is no longer just for your stomach, but also a real strategy for a productive lifestyle. Try it out!

Apps and tools that help you become more productive

In a world dominated by digital solutions, it's no surprise that your productivity can also be improved by using specific apps and tools. With the right software by your side, you can organize your tasks more efficiently, minimize time wasters and optimize your daily work. There are numerous offers on the market that promise to increase your productivity. But which apps and tools are really effective? We take a look at two categories of productivity tools that will help you get the most out of your working day.

Task management apps for structured to-do lists

Creating to-do lists is a tried and tested method for organizing daily tasks. It becomes even more effective with task management apps that not only allow you to make notes, but also to prioritize, plan and track tasks. Apps like TickTick offer an intuitive user interface where you can assign deadlines, priorities and even subtasks to your tasks. The highlight is that you can also set recurring tasks and tick them off as completed, creating a continuous, organized flow.

In addition, these apps often offer functions such as reminders that prevent appointments and important deadlines from being forgotten. Setting up regular reminder functions helps you to work consistently on the important tasks without smaller but urgent to-dos gaining the upper hand.

Focus and time management tools

Tools that effectively support your time management are another essential building block for greater productivity. Tide, for example, is based on the Pomodoro technique and promotes concentrated work in intervals. A session of 25 minutes of focus followed by a five-minute break can help you maximize your concentration and avoid fatigue. Such apps help to enable deep immersion in work, which is particularly valuable when you're in an environment full of distractions.

To put the whole thing on a solid footing, it is advisable to use a stable and fast internet, because when it comes to working efficiently with the help of productivity tools, slow connections can become real productivity killers. A smooth process is crucial, and this is where choosing the right internet provider plays a major role. On you will find a helpful overview of the best productivity apps and tools in 2023, including a detailed description and information on availability and costs.

Last but not least, don't underestimate the value of good preparation and organization in advance. Apps and tools can make your life a lot easier, but they are not a panacea. Becoming more productive is also a matter of mindset - technology can help you achieve your goals more efficiently.

Work more productively: Designing an optimal working environment

An optimal working environment is the be-all and end-all if you want to increase your productivity. But what exactly does that mean? It's about designing the space around you in such a way that it supports and promotes your work processes. Both physical and psychological aspects play a role here. Take light, for example: natural light can boost your mood and energy levels, while poor lighting can lead to fatigue and headaches. But there is so much more to consider!

Furnishings and ergonomics at the workplace

The first step towards greater productivity in the workplace is the right furniture. Ergonomic furniture is not a luxury, but a necessary investment in your health and well-being. Remember that you probably sit for several hours a day. A good chair can prevent back problems and improve your concentration. Similarly, a desk that is adjustable to the right height is a must. Make sure your monitor is at eye level and that your wrists don't bend when typing. An ergonomically designed workstation reduces the strain on your body and allows you to work more efficiently and without pain.

The power of interior design

In addition to the furnishings, the room design also has a huge impact on your productivity. Tidiness and cleanliness are essential if you want to concentrate on your work. Unnecessary clutter on your desk is a distraction and can put a strain on your subconscious. But it's not just about tidying up. Plants in the office can also work wonders - they improve the air quality and bring a bit of nature into the office, which in turn can increase well-being. Colors are another important point. While shades of blue have a calming effect and promote concentration, yellow and orange can boost creativity.

But how exactly can you put these tips into practice? A special article on details "7 recipes for a productive office" that can help improve your working environment. From optimizing lighting conditions to creating places of retreat, these suggestions can increase team satisfaction and health while being easy and cost-effective to implement.

Creating an optimal working environment is an ongoing process. It's about finding out what works best for you and your team and integrating these elements into your daily routine. With the right setup, you can ensure that you and your colleagues work in an environment that is not only productive but also inspiring.

In summary, carefully designing a work environment that takes ergonomics, order and a stimulating atmosphere into account can lead to a significant increase in productivity. So make sure you give your workplace the attention it deserves to be able to give your best. After all, it's the place where the magic words 'efficiency' and 'performance' become reality.

The power of habit: developing routines for more productivity

Habits play a central role in your daily life and can have a huge impact on your productivity. It is often the little things that you do almost automatically every day that determine how effective and efficient you are. By specifically integrating positive routines into your day, you can significantly increase your productivity. Instead of relying on one-off bursts of motivation, it's about establishing consistent and sustainable work patterns that help you work towards your goals.

Start the day with a strong routine

A successful day starts with a morning routine that gets you in the right frame of mind and helps you start the day energized. Whether it's having a quiet cup of coffee, practicing a few minutes of meditation or enjoying a short walk in the fresh air, a solid morning routine sets the tone for the rest of the day. By making these routines a regular part of your day, you create a foundation that you can build on. Numerous successful people swear by their morning habits and confirm that a conscious start to the day is crucial for their productivity.

Learning from failures and adapting habits

Even if you want to establish new habits, you must not forget that failures and setbacks are part of the process. The important thing is to learn from them and adjust your routines accordingly. You may find that you always have a dip in performance after lunch; this could be a sign that you need to adjust your diet or plan a short walk to get back on track. By analyzing your own daily routines and consciously adjusting your habits, you can improve your productivity and well-being in the long term. It is helpful to be open to change and to react flexibly if it becomes apparent that certain routines are not having the desired effect.

In an article by Kalle Wierczimok, this very fact is emphasized: "Habits are powerful tools when it comes to productivity, but they don't happen overnight. They require attention and perseverance to really make them a permanent part of your life. The article emphasizes the importance of consciously building new routines and offers helpful guidance on how to do so.

The aim should be to create habits that are almost automatic and therefore no longer require a great deal of willpower. This can be achieved by identifying a trigger that makes you want to perform an action. It is equally important that the action itself is easy to perform and that there is some kind of reward at the end that makes you want to repeat this action in the future.

Don't forget the wisdom of the saying: "Man is a creature of habit." Shaping your habits means shaping your life. Consciously developing productivity-enhancing routines can be the key to being successful and happy in both your professional and personal life. By reflecting on your daily routine and proactively forming habits, you can ultimately achieve more without constantly overwhelming yourself.

Clean out and organize for higher productivity

Do you know the feeling of barely being able to keep track of all your stuff? This chaos can cause your productivity to plummet. But don't worry, with a few tricks for clearing out and organizing, you can get back to full speed in your workshop, office or home. A clear structure and order will not only help you find your tools and documents more quickly, but also minimize distractions that disrupt your workflow. Now I'll show you how you can use a systematic approach to increase productivity in your day-to-day work.

Keeping an overview by clearing out

First of all, you should get rid of anything unnecessary. The motto here is: anything that is not used regularly should be thrown out! Start by sorting out everything that is broken or no longer used. But it's not always easy to get rid of things. It can be helpful to ask yourself: "Did I use this last year?" If the answer is no, it can go. This not only frees you up physically, but also mentally - you create space for important things and make it easier for you to make decisions. A decluttered workspace automatically leads to a decluttered world of thoughts and thus to an improved ability to concentrate.

Order is half the battle: Using organizational tools

Once you've finished clearing out, it's time to organize. It helps to define a fixed place for each tool and item. This saves you searching and keeps your workspace clear. Use shelving systems, labeling and possibly sorting boxes to assign each part its own area. This not only creates a tidy workshop, but also improves logistical processes. The topic of organization is addressed by the JH Profishop, which offers practical tips and inspiration for a tidy workshop. For a deeper insight into effective organization techniques, you can refer to their Professional guide to workshop organization fall.

Always remember: a tidy and organized workplace not only boosts productivity by reducing search times, but also helps you to mentally focus on the really important tasks. By decluttering and organizing your workspace, you lay the foundations for an efficient and happy working day. And now, let's get to the boxes - it's time to increase productivity!

How multitasking can affect your productivity

Many of us pride ourselves on being able to do several things at the same time. Multitasking sounds like a great skill, especially in a world where everything needs to be done faster and more efficiently. But in reality, multitasking can actually have a negative impact on your productivity rather than helping you get more done. It may sound paradoxical, but by focusing on one task at a time, you can often tick off more at the end of the day. Studies, such as the one by Flexispot, show that excessive context switching that occurs when multitasking can significantly slow down your performance, causing you to waste valuable potential.

The cost of constantly changing context

It has been proven that the brain needs time to switch from one task to another. Each context switch causes a small mental "crash" and it takes a while to get back in the flow. When you consider that up to 40% of productivity can be lost with heavy multitasking, as research shows, you might want to reconsider this way of working. Constantly switching between tasks can also lead to increased stress levels, which is not only detrimental to work efficiency in the long term, but also to your health.

Focus on individual tasks

To escape the vicious circle of multitasking, it is advisable to use the Pomodoro technique or similar methods in which you dedicate yourself to a single task at fixed intervals. This focused approach allows you to fully immerse yourself in the task at hand and complete it efficiently without being thrown off track by constant interruptions. As soon as you have completed a task, you can take a short break and then take on the next challenge with renewed energy. This not only keeps you focused and efficient, but also provides the necessary recovery phases that your brain needs to remain productive in the long term.

By avoiding multitasking and structuring your work better, you can not only work faster and better, but also sustainably increase your productivity. You'll make the best use of your time and at the end of the day you'll not only get more done, but also feel less stressed and burnt out.

The importance of setting goals and priorities for increasing productivity

The art of increasing productivity lies not only in establishing effective working methods, but also in setting clear goals and priorities. If you focus your resources correctly and use your energy in a targeted manner, you can stay on course and achieve your most important goals, even in an ocean of tasks. Setting priorities prevents you from getting bogged down in trivialities and allows you to use your capacities in a focused and efficient manner. Now, let's take a closer look at the two key components of a productive way of working.

The power of clearly defined goals

Having goals is one thing, but clearly defining and pursuing them is another. Clearly defined goals are the signposts on your path to productivity. They show you in which direction you should direct your efforts and are therefore essential for the efficient use of your time. If you know your goals, you can make decisions that bring you closer to them instead of getting lost in irrelevant work. A clearly defined goal has an almost magical effect - it focuses your attention, motivates you and contributes significantly to your self-efficacy.

Setting priorities as a key competence

Setting priorities means separating the important from the unimportant and not allowing yourself to be swept away in the storms of everyday life. In a world full of distractions, it is an art in itself to distinguish the important tasks from the unimportant ones and to focus on them. Those who prioritize successfully will not only work more productively, but will also be less affected by stress and burnout. This is because those who focus on the crucial tasks make optimum use of their time and energy. It is therefore essential not only to recognize priorities, but also to actively integrate them into everyday working life.

For more insight into how prioritizing affects productivity and what methods exist to facilitate this process, Ivan Blatter offers an excellent resource. Visit Ivan Blatter for valuable tips and strategies to help sustainably increase productivity.

Setting goals and priorities is therefore a central linchpin for increased productivity. It helps to maintain focus and therefore get the most out of the time available. Those who master these disciplines are well on their way to not only being more productive, but also leading a more fulfilling and successful working life.

How sleep and rest increase your productivity

Hey, we've been talking the whole time about how you can stay in hustle mode and boost your productivity to the next level, haven't we? Here's the kicker, and it comes from the chill corner: sleep and rest! It sounds paradoxical at first, but it's backed up by a huge amount of science. If you think being on the go around the clock is the ultimate, then it's time to rethink. Hanging out properly and getting a good night's sleep can take you much further than you think! It's like your cell phone, which also needs to be plugged in from time to time so that it works at full power again. It's the same with your body and your head - so let's take a closer look at how it all works.

Restful sleep as a productivity turbo

Hey, no joke, most of us haven't got this sleep thing right. Sleep is not just an "off button". No, your brain and body are really busy then - they do a big cleanup, repair, organize and store things for later. And this has a direct impact on your performance during the day. So if you want to get to the next level, make sure you check your sleep. Getting the right amount and quality of sleep makes the difference between functioning like a champ during the day and constantly looking for that next caffeine kick. And "coffee to go" alone won't get you the best performance. Your brain needs these nightly service intervals to give you full power during the day. Good sleep does the trick: creativity, focus and memory benefit so much, and your mood will thank you too.

Exercise and breaks as a secret weapon for more power

Now that you know how important it is to really deliver on the cushion, check out the other part of the grab bag: exercise and breaks. Nobody can power through non-stop. Everyone needs a real break to take a deep breath. Has anyone ever told you that you are where the music is when you go out and take a walk around the block? That's absolutely right, because exercise, fresh air and a change of perspective are like a reset for your head. And then there's the walk. If the ceiling falls on your head, don't just pop in a coffee, go out and go for a walk. This not only helps to clear your head, but also gives you fresh energy for the next few hours. It's a real no-brainer, and yet many people don't use it.

Imagine if you could lower your stress levels, boost your health and give yourself more space. This is exactly what happens when you take time for yourself and your recovery. Big players like Google and others have long since jumped on this bandwagon and no longer see their people as robots, but as people who need a break. The whole thing is based on the understanding that the most productive person is not the one who sits in front of the computer the longest, but the one who takes a break from time to time. You can find out more about how sleep and relaxation can help you to rock your everyday life on Cibdol.

So the next time you think you're going through the motions or sipping your tenth coffee, remember: the real superpower lies in switching off and recharging your batteries. Give it a try, your productive self will thank you!

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About the Author: Sven Emmrich

Sven Emmrich avatar
Sven is a business graduate, DEKRA-certified coach and passionate entrepreneur. As CEO of Karrierehelden, he has been writing for many years on all career topics such as job applications and job changes, money and salary negotiations, leadership skills and management issues, psychology and personality development, communication and conflict management, self-confidence and entrepreneurship, and the line between work and private life with work-life balance... or much more work-life integration. Sven has coached over 1,000 academics, professionals and executives with his team and is happy to help you too.
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